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Joined 12 months ago

I really want this. But at the same time I'm really worried about how much battery life this is going to drain. If it's less than 1% every 24 hours I'm ok with it. If it's more, nope.

Google in the past years is focusing a lot in adding more and more services while forgetting that what the people just want is to have a phone that lasts the entire day and can fit in normal pockets.

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The Ministry of Culture (and a few more: Social Development, Education, Women, Labor) will all get merged into a new one called Ministry of Human Capital.

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To me Firefox is the best browser.

I use Chrome because I'm lazy to move, I have my stuff synced in there and I use it also with my phone (Google Pixel). But lately I'm considering Firefox more and more. At least I now have it installed in my phone and specifically use it for some stuff.

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Actually...consumers end up paying for it. Companies will just increase prices as when the Government taxes them.

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Recently I wanted to transfer one 20GB file to my brother and I ended up using FileZilla.

But before that I tried some quick effortless solutions (like opening Skype/Teams and using that) and I failed.

I miss opening the IM app and quickly transfer something.

I'm starting to believe that somebody could be bribing some Reddit managers to start destroying it from the inside.

They can't just make so many negative decisions in so little time.

On another thought, they are trying to operate slowly like a Netflix or Spotify. But the content is from users who dont consider the app as "work". Unlike singers and actors.

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For a lot of positions. Remote work is not just the past and the present. It is also the future.

My old time allocated to Reddit is now allocated to Lemmy (65%) Reddit (35%).

And Infinity for Lemmy is making Lemmy even more familiar than ever.

And WhatsApp, mother of the Standby Battery Drains. Bearer of the Wakelocks. Enemy of Deep Sleep.

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Fair enough!

Wearing deodorant has nothing to do with bathing regularly.

You can bath regularly and not need deodorant, every body is different. Also depends on the activities done between each bath/shower.

Now some people do not bath regularly and use deodorant or perfume, that never ends up well in terms of odor.

In Barcelona there are a lot of many small cafes, bars, restaurants (located generally in zones where the terrain is very expensive) that got purchased by Chinese families.

Generally these were frequented for coffee, drink + tapas, lunch meal. But after the ownership change they end up frequented mainly for the same stuff but not for the food because it's generally not good.

To me these are front for something else. They always become much worse for eating. Never better. Like there is no intention of improving it. But they still do it smartly because they keep some customers just for the beer and coffee mainly after work.

The OOO full August sucks because every near touristic place is crowded and 2+ times more expensive.

I never pick August. But my company doesn't force me to pick August either.

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Beep Beep. Thank you for the update.

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For me. 100% remote.

But I work more for objectives rather than gross time/days. If the project is falling behind I work extra to gain some safeguard. If the project is going well I work more relaxed.

I don't mind working extra hours if I'm already saving a lot of time avoiding travelling to the client or going to the office, living in another place away from a city. Etc.

This is my favourite Lemmy app. (And Infinity for Reddit my favourite app for Reddit).

I liked the older name more but the new name is still good. It's just a name.

Also valid. Yeah

I have Instagram installed but frozen with "Ice Box" android app.

I open once per day or 2 days to catch up with some friends status. But I don't see those neverending reels anymore.

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In contrast to this (only 2 years to fix the inflation issues. The inflation that has been around since 2002~). He also mentioned in his first speech that the country would take 35 years to go back as a world power if everything goes well. (Source 13:25/15:31)

I do not think this will happen (hope I'm wrong), knowing the country's recent history, but I don't disagree with the time. This stuff is very long term and needs many years of success to happen.

Many people in Argentina think that all the stuff can be fixed in just 2 or 3 years. But truth is, it can improve, but will need lot more than that to reach a "world power" / "first world country" level.

On the other hand, the level of corruption is so high, that by just reducing it, it would make wonders.

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Great. So now I only have the 2023 chats which are 95% of them initiated by bots unlike previous years.

I have a Dell Laptop (Latitude 7390) where I changed in the bios some option to maximize battery longevity and 6 years later it still lasts quite a lot.

I always liked the material design interface. How smooth are the corners etc.

And now with material UI the apps integrate better with the theme's primary colours. So that it's also cool.

As long as it is optional of course.

I like it.

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In my pixel 5 for the past 2.5 years I charged using the "adaptive battery" slow charging function. (Which charges the phone in like 6 hours).

And during the day I charged up to 80% or 90% when my battery was going low for the rest of the day.

Also I was charging the phone every 2 or 3 nights because in the pandemic I was not using it a lot.

I think now the battery life is about the same. Maybe 5% worse than new. But it is also hard to test this because the os and the apps and the usage changed between day 1 and today.

An app called "Batt" reports 564 charging cycles though.

So offline (external) bitlocker drives that are unlocked with the key only.

Or internal bitlocker drives that are unlocked with AMD fTPM are excluded from this exploit?

This is mainly an issue in countries that still use SMS as main IM platform.

In most countries (where mobile internet coverage is good) the main IM and VoIP platform is an app like WhatsApp and similars.

(The only thing I hate from WhatsApp is that is from Meta and as any Meta app it abuses background usage. I'd replace it with another app but all my friends, colleagues, even shops use it)

Argentina has above 100% annual inflation at the moment, right?

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Smoothest one is the power app Voyager. But it lacks lot of cached content (everytime redraws as we scroll).

I'm honestly waiting for Boost for Lemmy My favourite in Reddit was Infinity (smoothest one as well) but Boost was also great. Same level of quality.

Coke in Argentina and the USA (and probably many other countries) taste more sweet than the Coke in Europe/Spain.

Here in Spain regular Coke doesn't taste that sweet so I end up getting the Zero Coke because it has no calories.

Same with Sprite and much more stuff. For example the Froot loops here they sell some version that has different colours and they are barely sweet compared to the US version.

That logo appearing when the image wouldn't load.

It could be a good thing. Maybe they won't bother about people blocking ads because they become even less than before.

So maybe you need to pause the ad block a lot less.

Cyberpunk. And with sharpening (like RIS) at 80% even better!

I wonder if there are any gains on the Pixel 5. I heard on the Pixel 6/7 some people got better battery life.

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My dad uses ChromeOS as main and is very limited so getting more Linux from the base (rather than enabling a virtual Linux or Android) would be good for him to support more codecs, Linux apps etc.

On the other hand his laptop (Samsung Chromebook plus) while it has a nice display has terrible performance when I used it in 2023. And had to disable a lot of stuff to make it a bit more bearable. (Like the phone integration between the laptop and the pixel).

I never said that...

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Infinity as my main, Boost as my second one. Reddit once per year to check if it was getting better or still a shit.

And steam works like a charm in Linux with windows games.

Also works fine with joysticks like dualsense. (Although for some reason they started overriding the native driver with their own steam API after launching steam games even if the game is set to disable steam input).

Going more on topic. I still go for the lower price (and I tend to buy games from 1-3 years ago which are cheaper). But if the price difference is small, I go with steam.

Some prices are crazy in my opinion.

I generally buy 2 year old games except in some cases.

And in the consoles they are even more expensive. Game price could be higher than on PC and then you also need to pay an expensive subscription (because they charge you for a lot more things than just the multiplayer costs) to be allowed to play in multiplayer.

The player base is also bigger than before. While that needs more post sales support and more infrastructure it is nothing compared to the game.

I think in short the problem here is just the wrong forecasting when planning the game.

Do you remember the GameStop stuff that happened with the bond traders and Reddit?

There are lot of parts interested in taking down Reddit. And same thing will not stop at the fediverse.

I just hope fediverse is harder to control. If an instance grow so much like Lemmy world we could end up on a similar boat right?

There is a big difference between users that consider Reddit/Lemmy as a work place and users that consider it as a forum (expecting 0 money from the app. Just helping others or getting help from others).

Performance I don't give a shit.

But efficiency I care a lot especially in a laptop. Much more on the phone.

Pixel 5 with a 3 year old mid range SoC can run android 14 UI at 90 FPS pretty much fine.

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