
1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It was pathetic for them to hide away this button with its statistics. Honestly it's an valuable tool.

This type of information, encourages me to move quickly to a linux distro of choice.

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This is a new way to communicate for many people & I am exited to learn more as time progresses.

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That's it, they just lost a prospective customer!

Inclusive & welcoming toward people with any background etc. Hope it stays this way many years to come.

This is satisfying great news!

If you stand there at the store with this year's iPhone; take the full price divided by how many years you plan to own/ use it. Then you realize it's actually relatively cheap.

Obviously yes I will click & check out the different channels, etc. For me the name is new, so I had to ask. I am used to ads being shown such as in YouTube.

The FaceTime software, would have done plentiful towards the industry & others, if it became open sourced.

But nope, they decided to make it exclusive for only within the Apple product bubble. Now we are supporting with so many video apl software/ tools. It's just fragmented. It's okey with competition but this is far too much. Also the quality, safety have lessoned.

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Must I pay to watch content on the Nebula Platform?

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I am with you.

With different tiers of subscription.

This sounds unfortunately real. Insanity.

I have created the Kia Community. As a owner of the car, it's been awesome to find other owners who can share their knowledge & advice on maintenance & driving the car. Invited others in!

Appreciate the info you provided.

Another way I think about this; Many people have 1080p displays on their devices. So simply no need to download media content, that exceed these specifications. Just waste of resources with further annoying complications.

This might sound funny or weird; - Can we consider to implement The Kaizen Philosophy into this platform? I am all taking this seriously. The overall quality of the software & hardware products that we utilize could significantly improve - continuously over time.

I have no experience in software development but believe it could work, based on what the project is.

Here are some short steps, that can be followed through for all things in life;

  1. Why is this step important?
  2. What positive value am I adding by doing so?
  3. Where should I do it?
  4. When should I do it?
  5. Are there any other people involved?
  6. Is it being done correctly?
  7. How often must I do it?

The PDCA - Cycle;

  1. Plan - 7 Question System
  2. Do
  3. Verify
  4. Act

Above is based on science and it's implemented on many industries past few decades. Now it's content or checklist that the Lemmy Communities could implement, should be based on the general consensus here. See above as an template.

The companies should try making water resistant devices. But the repairability or ease of changing batteries should not be neglected. Maybe another model that is a bit further expensive, covering the cost of making it water tight, should be also sold?

Few times a week i do some editing or writing comments within OpenStreetMap. I see the whole task as a game, results being implemented & used for people in need. Good feelings afterwards.

Focus on your neighborhood & community, as it continues to change, if you want to participate. Few weeks later changes are implemented into Organic Maps as example.

I had a problem once when my laptop display was just black after booting. Triend everything, nothing worked. Return to OEM authorized support. They had my laptop for 4 weeks, so solution. Then just refunded the full price & retuned back the laptop.

Ubuntu LTS since then & no sick or weird issues since.

I received an update of similar card this week. "European Health Insurance Card".

Feels better having this while traveling :)

Each year new products & models are launching, so that those in need of it can aquire them. These companies are delivering OS updates for these smartphones so they last longer as realistically possible.

If when yours is broken or far too old, then you should consider aquiring this year's model. So that you can use something that is compatible with studies, work, activities etc.

Obviously each individual/ family/ organization does their own analysis regarding if there is a need or desire to aquire said products. Also what for.

I am planning to change/ move to Ubuntu LTS during coming summer. Currently studying at university & don't want disruptions with study activities. Compatibility issues etc.

For someone graduating in entrepreneurship, i believe Ubuntu with other open source software will be sufficient towards my main objectives at work life.

Appreciate your clerification.

The no competition in the market, is the issue. Hope the situation improves in near future. With it innovations will gradually increase & the demand within the markets will point the directions.

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I worked at a major automaker's Factory. We built 6 different vehicles with atleast 3 hardware configurations. Then plus other various options. At the same time. One vehicle must be done each minute.

Obviously when the vehicles approached my station, it was incomplete from previous station/ department, with all kinds of components randomly thrown in the middle floor.

Filled with stress, continuously. Made no rational or logical sense as the approach of production caused so many faults.

Complete dissapointing & my trust for this brand have evaporated. Becouse managements & bosses don't care about people's opinions.

Not one car finishes that line without fault.

It's valuable knowledge with how-to's that made me create an account there. I learned plentiful with the people that cared to share.

Most i implemented into my daily life & conditions have become favorable for me.

It's unfortunate that Reddit Company have refused to collaborate with its users, since years back. Otherwise we would have seen their web & mobile app develop/ innovate in great ways. But they have chosen one limitation after the other. Slowly over the years.

Learning new things daily. Appreciate for the link.

Maybe same, but those outside EU will have some functions/ featlrures deactivated as standard.

Can that work?

There is a novel by Stephen King "Under the Dome". A tv series also was made with similar name.

If this become the outcome, I will definitely return back to Apple & be an new happy owner of the next iPhone.

Domestically within USA there are plentiful of issues. These can be seen as opportunities for collaboration & create solutions.

Honest/ Legit Question; Why not refocus efforts, resources, skills with experience on improving their own country in various ways? There are so much value to be gained, instead of utilizing so much resources in other regions/ countries - that don't welcome them.

Why bother being involved in Middle East, when if they actually work/ utilize similar amounts of resources within their borders, the country as a whole could reach results that would envy others. Isn't that what patriotism means? There are plethora of opportunities to be gained! But it's being so neglected.

In transportation, health, education, nature, finances (solving various debts), jobs, scientific explorations, improved overall living, safety, etc....

An important change is happening in many industries/ markets. To make devices easy to repair & enable OS updates many more years for long term use.

Interesting But what fun is it if not being challenged intellectually after all these years? People obviously want to "level up" gradually into other roles with various tasks.

The whole organization structure & how it functions is just not so smart after all. Have management team considered the Lean Methodology with their business objectives?

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Get VLC Media Player or another similar of choice. Where it's easy for you to manage & watch/ listen to any media of choice.

Enjoy your upcoming travels.

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