0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Drinking wine and beer. In 2 days im going to rehab, this has gotten on for too long 🥲

Yeah suck out all of my microplastics stepsister 😏

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And I still don't really know how to use registers in vim 😂 I just use yy and paste 🥲

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Dude just get a bidet thing that you can install under your toilet seat. Just get one, don't question it! Best 30 € I've ever spent!

The thing is that with this you don't have to clean your ass anymore, it just does it by itself! You don't have to do anything anymore 💁‍♂️ and it's really not strange to use it. One may think it would feel strange but you'll see. Just get one! Everyone should have one 💁‍♂️😂

As a person who just had psychosis 2 days ago, go to people who understand you and where you feel safe 🥲 Don't call the police because a swat team will arrive 🙈😂 Endure it until you actually are at the safe place 🙈😂

Wow he smoked a joint. Let's fuck him up financially. That helps right? 🙃

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But you look way cooler when using the terminal for most of your stuff 💁‍♂️ also using a riced out window manager and riced out Vim config for which you spent hundreds of hours on customizing every aspect of it :p normal people don't know what the fuck is going on on your pc so you can feel instantly feel superior to those normies! Ah also btw i use arch ;)



How did you give yourself the black eye? 🤔

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I've been using qwant for a while now and I think it's nice

I have a bidet thing on my toilet that costed just 30 Euro. You don't have to clean your ass by yourself ever again. It just does it for you. Was also raised with wet wipes but trust me a bidet upgrade for your toilet is like magic!

Ok I have to save that 🥲 thanks!

That's a bim!

And never watching anything 😂

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We have the beer party 🍻

Deitsche 💁‍♂️💁‍♂️

I've learned Linux (and vim) just by forcing me to use it. One day I've installed i3 and just used it forcing me to solve my problems by myself haha

Drink wine