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Honestly this seems like a way to back-door inject another $800 million into the failing starship program.

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The space station's orbit has been adjusted continuously over its lifetime initially by attaching a shuttle to it and doing a burn of the shuttle's engines and later doing the same with progress modules.

My bet is the original expectation of the designers was to deorbit by attaching centaurs (or whatever) to the existing docking ports and rotate the beast to the right attitude for a deorbit burn.

NASA has more recently said they want the reentry to be as steep as possible to minimize the size of the debris field, and is using that to justify the development of a new specialized deorbit vehicle. No doubt SpaceX will declare that Starship is the proper vehicle for this, and then will plow the $800 million into the Starship program. The money they got for Artemus is already long gone and Starship has failed to demonstrate key components of the Artemus plan. Dear Moon has been cancelled so NASA and Artemus are the only customers they have left. NASA knows that without a cash injection Artemus is at risk.

Last recall was also a real recall: to rivet the slipping gas pedal cover down.

Their new CEO is a McKinsey consultant so this is pretty much guaranteed.

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In 2004 I was a radical young man protesting for bikes and against the Iraq War. At one of the meetups another kid who had been at the RNC protest in New York showed us this software someone had hacked together overnight to broadcast SMS messages. Basically you could send an SMS to a VOIP phone number and it would echo the SMS to everyone subscribed. They were using it to communicate in the crowd at the protest and avoid police kettles. It was pretty cool but I admit I didn't really see it as being more broadly useful.

Later that night the group went for drinks and I was talking with one of the older radicals and he was telling me that the internet was too good and too powerful and they were going to shut it down. I thought that was absurd. How could they get rid of the internet!? He said they would figure out a way to shut it down, there's just no way they could leave it out there, it's too dangerous for them to do so.

Now I look at the thing we call "the internet" in 2023 and it looks nothing like that internet. The current internet is completely corralled, controlled and monetized. He was totally right. While they never "flipped the switch" on it they used salami tactics little by little until there was nothing left.

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"You know what would be totally sick? What if we made our building's roof into a matrix of inverted metal parabolas?"

There have been solid, foam filled or gell filled bike tires for a long time.

The fundamental problem is that the ring of pressurized air in a pneumatic tire is a shock absorber. When you hit a bump the entire tire (even the part that isn't touching the ground) contributes to the dampening because it turns into a shock wave in the donut of air. When you switch to any sort of tire that doesn't have pressurized air in it, the dampening can only occur by deforming the tire in contact with the ground, and it's not going to be anywhere near as good. Typically you end up with a tradeoff between uncomfortable ride on the one side, and bottoming out on the rim and lots of rolling friction on the other.

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I assume the real main selling point for Windows 11 is the inescapable constant nagging you get when you try to stick with WIndows 10.

Animal testing is awful in the best case, agreed.

What this article and other articles about Neuralink allege is that the company blew right past any kind of ethical guidelines that the industry has in a desire to be fast. The industry standard is to avoid any "undue suffering". They admit animals will suffer but all effort must be taken to minimize it.

What whistleblowers have exposed is that Neuralink started putting devices in primate's brains when they knew the devices won't work and were deadly in predictable ways. For instance a lot of monkeys got their brains cooked alive because the device put out too much waste heat. This was done because Elon was getting impatient and wanting to see progress in primate trials, so they just YOLOed a bunch of obviously deadly devices into a bunch of primate brains and in doing so, tortured and killed all the animals needlessly.

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Would not have been his pilot after the mutiny.

Spite and pettiness seem like a poor way to run a business but what do I know? I'm just a guy who's gotten zero starships successfully to orbit.

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Unfortunately Mozilla's brand new CEO is a McKinsey ghoul:

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More of a fart reel than a sizzle reel.

The basic message was "stop resisting" because AI is "inevitable." I think it's telling that this is the message the industry is going with.

This has been going on ever since pharmaceuticals were outsourced to India and China. This was done to reduce FDA oversight. The FDA is still allowed to enter these facilities as a condition of allowing imports but the cost of sending inspectors to the other side of the planet means that there is much less scrutiny.

If you want to want to be terrified of all medicine try reading this blog "warning letter of the week" where they find the most insane FDA warning letter issued every week to some pharmaceutical company:

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I mean every example you listed is fundamentally a property crime. I don't see how property crimes could possibly translate into such long prison sentences. Unless they're using weapons and attacking or threatening people it just doesn't make any sense. "Looting" is an arbitrary definition that seems very ripe for abuse by a government that is already out of control.

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I mean we're sitting here on the lemmyverse having a conversation..

But yeah creators should upload to peertube but they won't get any meaningful viewership there. The only way to break the network affect stranglehold google/youtube has over video content on the internet is making sure that if you do produce that content it's available via other channels.

Maybe lengthen it to Think anyone owns that one?

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You laugh now but you'll be crying when they build cryptoland and my blockchain hills nft goes to the moon!

"Western" in this case includes Korea and Taiwan.

Israel could pull the illegal settlements out of the west bank.

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I always wonder what they were thinking as they chopped down the last tree on easter island.

The IDF will likely try to claim that they thought she was a sniper, but if that were true they wouldn't be standing around in the middle of the street before they shot.

Tictok is horrible but this entire ban is being driven by the swamp being upset that young people have come to the wrong conclusion about Israel. I think that the idea is that as long as people are using facebook or google-owned properties, people can be shown only information that will lead them to the correct, approved opinions.

And the fact that she was able to operate for years without issue

I used to watch ADVChina, which was a youtube series by an American and a South African who married Chinese women and decided to live in China with their families. For years they rode motorbikes around China, filming "day in the life" type content and occasionally saying something mildly critical.

Eventually the CCP decided they didn't like them and they had to flee the country. The way they told it they had to lie their way through the border to HK to get out because the government put an exit ban on them. Now they live in California post angry anti-CCP rants.

Point being, the fact that Wu or the ADVChina guys were able to operate in China for a little while isn't proof that the CCP tolerates independent media. It is proof that the CCP can be slow sometimes to shut down people who grow a foreign audience organically using information channels the CCP doesn't yet fully understand.

I don't really fully understand it either but Altman has been a questionable character for a long time.

I remember when he took over ycombinator, Paul Graham boasted "if Altman got dropped onto an island full of cannibals, within three months he'd be king of the cannibals." PG thought this was terrific but I thought "why the hell would you leave someone like that in charge of your VC fund?" Altman had gotten the spot running the firm after failing out of his startup. He failed out of ycombinator and then managed to do that thing where he inexplicably failed at bigger and bigger things raising more money somehow every time.

It sounds like that's what he's doing now quite honestly. Rumor is he's been beating around the middle east raising billions for a new AI chip startup. Honestly while Elon has normalized CEOs wandering off and doing other things, the fact is that for any normal employee that alone would be grounds for dismissal, especially if he was being evasive with the board about his plans.

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Brand name stuff comes from the same factories. Pharmaceutical manufacturing has been completely outsourced mostly to avoid regulatory oversight.

Customers: The glass on our iPhone screens keep cracking.

Apple: Glass on both sides of your phone!

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Vast majority of creators make pennies from youtube ads. They make their money from patreon and sponsorship, neither of which are incompatible with peertube.

The biggest problem vis-a-vis youtube is that people won't find you if you are not on it and blessed by the algorithm. Youtube is a monopoly because of metcalfe's law.

Does the trackpoint work like an old IBM thinkpad? If so this would be a really neat computer.

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I mean that's pretty standard for a McKinsey ghoul:

  • Step 1: go to an ivy league college, get a business degree
  • Step 2: work for McKinsey for a few years as an associate
  • Step 3: get a job at a McKinsey client leapfrogging everyone else into management/c-suite
  • Step 4: hire McKinsey to bring their arrogant children into your org and screw things up

Everything about her subsequent career has been going from one upper management/c-suite role in a tech company to another. This is not the resume of a person who should be running a nonprofit that controls the most important open source project on the internet. But beyond that just look at what she's done in her one month at Mozilla:

    1. Massive round of layoffs
    1. "Focus on {buzzword}" where {buzzword} in this case is AI

That's straight out of the McKinsey playbook.

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According to Michael Koffman, these weapons won't be that useful on attack because cluster rounds are an area-denial weapon. You don't launch them into areas you intend to attack. The real issue here is that the west is running out of conventional artillery ammunition and they are not making more in enough numbers to sustain Ukraine's efforts. Europe promised to produce a million rounds per year, but to date they are nowhere near meeting that target.

The US supply of cluster ammunition is the only large stash of stockpiled rounds left that hasn't already been depleted. Since Ukraine has to contemplate the possibility that they will run out of ammunition they have to husband what they have left, and can't go all-in supporting their offensives. But knowing that this stockpile is on its way and will be available to defend after the offensive, they can fully commit their remaining conventional ammunition.

This is why the European response has been so muted. They know it's necessary to use this stuff because it's the only stuff that's still available in large quantities. And they know it's partially their fault for being so slow in ramping up production.

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Yeah that was the joke. 🙃

Edit: Also none have made it to orbit or even near orbit. They initially claimed that the third one made it to the non-circularized suborbit they had planned, but later analysis was that it did not actually reach the planned velocity:

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Some people like the antics of Bozo the Clown. I enjoy the antics of Stammering Elon.

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The fundamental problem with tech in the 2020s is that it's pretty much done eating the world. The last big earth-moving platform shift was smartphones over a decade ago. Ever since they've just been trying to make wearables happen, then make VR/AR happen, then make web3 happen, then make AI happen.

They keep on trying to make these new platforms happen but they don't really have any compelling features. Before smartphones when I'd travel to a new city I'd buy a paper map.. and get lost. I don't get lost anymore. That's genuinely a different experience. Nothing since has created any sort of earth shattering change on that level.

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The Dutch are about the least afraid-of-sex people there are. It sounds like the mayor is corrupt and developers want the land (which is prime real-estate right near the central train station) for luxury Russian oligarch stolen-loot banking schemes, which is pretty much what the central city of every major European capital is used for these days.

This is depressing as hell and a statement about the time we live in and the corporate overlords who control our lives.

Jimmy McGee made a great video about it last year:

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So many "unacceptable" things Israel does always just seem to get accepted.

Even the standard "sternly written letter" gets vetoed.

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Hacker news is full of people LARPing as corporate crisis management officers, or counsels for the defense. Every post you get about "company caught grinding up babies to fuel forever-chemical cancer machine" will get a ton of posts by people arguing that actually it's a net positive for the world and how could anyone be against such amazing innovation?

It seemed like his strategy of running through the trees in tight circles was successful and might have worked if he hadn't stopped. I guess he got tired, but if he had kept it up for a while longer the drone operator might have screwed up and hit a tree or ran out of battery.