2 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Traditional - unless it is fingers on the screen!

Eric Raymond, Communism and Free Software Eric Raymond, Communism and Free Software

Communists: communism is the only system that creates equality.

Also Communists: Fuck art degrees, the factory cogs comrade & think of the collective!

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Well, for photo editing try Raw Therapee or Darktable!

So what is this: Research, learning logical fallacies and critical thinking OR Trust the government, authority and sanctioned 'experts'? 🤔

Ah, that's where I left it!

FLOSS is Voluntaryism - it only requires voluntary participation.

I also hear that battery life can be optimised better!

Trademarks are not an issue per se. It is IP. In a world without IP Trademarks would be an issue of fraud, not "Intellectual Property" - and then only for the customer.

Ok, nice! No, I did not understand, so thanks for your explanation! It makes more sense now! Yes, true, there is nothing worse that a sloppy, loose touchpad. Thanks for the detailed response! 🙏

No. Intellectual Property is NOT property. IP should be abolished.

I checked out Partisan (last year?) -whenever Signal dropped support - but could not figure out the encryption option? Does that even work??

A lot of fiddling and no joy was my experience with a friends 4. No camera and it was a nightmare. I would avoid! Starlabs?

You should also read the other early Taoist book, The Book Of Chuang Tzu.

I'm glad someone else feels opinionated about this! It seemed to me that everyone I come across these days only knows "Natural"!

I am not sure about the haptic feedback on the trackpad! I hate it on a phone. It is too jolting! If it is tap to click that is also aweful - at least on Plasma, as the palm rejection is not very good. Hopefully it can be turned off and has a physical click.

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As Chris said, yet if you absolutely cannot afford anything then there is /e/ foundation and disroot. Apps will be limited and/or connectivity slow!

It looks great! They accept crypto, so in the next big pump I will get one!

Same! The desktop client is not half as good as Bitwarden though, but since they decided to discriminate and sack a worker for his religious belief I am happy to change to NC passwords!

The baron knight who owned this castle was betrayed. When he was on the john the enemy was notified and they catapulted him. The Prostjana caves nearby are also awesome!

Copyleft is NOT against profit! Go read Stallman! Anarchy mean 'No Rulers' not no hierarchy. Call yourself an Anorderist otherwise! Hierarchy is just a form of structure. Some people have management and coordination skills. Others specialise in an area that fits into a greater project. There is nothing wrong in a voluntary structure system. It is only the initiation of force upon structure (see. Government) or otherwise that is a problem.

Government is when an involuntary institution has a mafia protection racket. They show up after a crime and write a report. Anarchism is when you take responsibility for your own protection.


People can grow food in the absence of technology - but subsistence living is a hell of time!

nb. Marxists still have no answer for the calculation problem.

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At work I sometimes switch the scrolling over to traditional. Others get completely thrown out and cannot grok it! 😂

As I said above, I have only had haptics on the phone - and I disable it! On a trackpad I want to be the one doing the pushing - not something else! Why exactly is it better? How is it not tap to click - force sensor or not? It is not like using a Theramin is it? Your fingers must be touching/tapping the touchpad, no? On top of that, any bit of interfering palm sensation is a great annoyance that I would rather avoid!

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Yes, well developed stopped years ago. Maintainers hip stopped a year ago. Still the best however and I will use until it breaks!

I disagree. If some of your neighbours were being robbed and not others you would not be arguing for all in the neighborhood to be robbed - for consistency!

Yep, and that is why Cantata is still the best music player for the QT environment.

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Thanks! I will have to research volumes! Bind mount - that would mean messing with fstab, yes? I set up a bind for my desktop but entering mounts in fstab has borked me more than once!

My point is the moral and economic superiority of the Free Market works in practice (not doctrine).

The counter point would be - with only state protectionism in the form of IP the crony-capitalist sector would monopolise and dominate.

I look at it the other way. In a free and prosperous armed society where common sense rules are respected and insisted upon by the majority who would be stupid enough to break the rules? Let us look at it some other ways. Ebay is one of the largest merchant structures in the world. It is not an authority, but has for decades now used in-house arbitration for disputes. Detroit has a private 'police force'. It is not an authority. It is a private defence org that also runs a volunteer community protection unit that uses psychology as its main policing tool. Historically we had Panarchy in Ireland. People regardless of territory could voluntarily join a tuath. It would offer legal services. If unsatisfactory the client could join another tuath. Even today way much more is spent on private security than on policing. Maratine law orignally ran on banishment. Did not pay your contract or larder bill. You could no longer dock your ship or be served at a tavern etc. Before the state co-opted the law, there was Common Law! Law does not require authority.

What? How the f do you transition from 'not only' to 'isn't necessary'? That is not logic - that is mental gymnastics with a triple back flip! Profit is the PRIMARY motivator! People wish to move away from discomfort more than anything else. Currency is the best way of alleviating discomfort!

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I just checked out Spacebar. Message did not deliver and phone call only opens dialer on the phone with the number entered.

It is only a thriving (free market) society that has the resources and time to spend on humane projects. A free market society that embraces technology requires less and less manual workers. It does require more skilled (hence free) workers - not slaves. See farming. The American war of succession - where one side humanely denied a divorce. Forced relationships are so humane!

Yes, Communism fails to acknowledge human psychology and will therefore never work. People are individuals with self interests. This can never be controlled (without violence) by a socialist/communist society. The good news is you only need selfishness in a free market society. In order for people to get their needs met they need to offer value. Value exchange means all people are better off (on average).

Thanks! So, here in the Capriver demo config for Wordpress path says: var/www

This is the regular var/www? Not a different one for the Wordpress container?

I would just simple put my current WP files (from public-html) in that directory?

Do the apps all share a db?

Thanks for you detailing your experience.I am very interested in CapRover! I do not quite understand databases and Docker containers though. The one click WordPress deployment has a db version. What of Moodle, Nextcloud or Invoice Ninja though? Do they need their own containerised databases or can I just use MyPHPadmin to import all my current Mysql databases from my current shared hosting in the same db once the WP one click install is done? Also, would it be possible to setup a cron job to backup to a storage drive plugged into a home router? Thanks!