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Joined 1 years ago

Australian living near Brisbane. Cis-het married cat lady, retired web developer, vigorously pro-choice atheist and feminist. My train station is Lawnton, I shop at Warner, and I have a potato for a federal MP.

Diagnosed at 60 as #ActuallyAutistic. Strong opinions, many interests, boring AF. I don't get out much

My pronouns are she/her. My cats are Shula (black) and Jana (tortie).

@anathema_device on Mastodon

@Odusei Good. Sue all these bastards into oblivion

@DerisionConsulting "it's not really all that tragic"

It's actually the classical definition of tragedy - an awful result that comes from the protagonist's hubris

@sendingmath @WytchStar

@abff08f4813c are they hoping to be fired by posting these comments on Reddit itself? Wouldn't surprise me. What a shithole.

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@Remillard and no mention of any action against them except firing them? JFC :(

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@kuontom another one bites the dust :)

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@spez_fangirl wow, lady, read the bloody room :(

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@SnowboardBum It's okay, because like a good rightwing stalker rapist, he married his victim, which makes it all right again



@sendingmath I'm gonna guess the kid wasn't white :(

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@Suedeltica I pretty much only follow family and a few friends, and some organisations I want news from. Not a huge number. But Facebook can't even deliver me all those posts in time order, and I'm missing out lots of personal news I wanted to hear, like friends being engaged! If a 'social network' can't even do that basic function, it's useless. I keep getting prompted to follow more people, when I can't even get the updates from the people I already follow.


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@DarkGamer I very much doubt the chaos is over. It will just come up from another source, in another way. Putin is doomed


@gus You would have to tread very caerphilly though :)

@readbeanicecream and you just know some dingbat is going to put one on their wrist just to try it out :(

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@VoxAdActa same experience here, btw :(

@dumpsterlid Thank you. 'Escapee' works just as well without minimising the real world tragedy of refugees and their oppression by governments around the world.

@SeeStars It's called coalition building and soft diplomacy. Biden is a master of it. The last thing you want is to alienate a powerful nation like India or China and drive them further towards Russia. Trump never understood that because he's an idiot.

Unfortunately soft diplomacy means shaking hands with some horrible people :(

@btaf45 I mean, apart from everything he says, and everything he does, what do they really have against him? :)

@Lells thank you :)


@buffaloseven thanks :)

@readbeanicecream if it's good enough for Q of MI5, then it's good enough for a common sailor :_

@haughty_thoughts I'm not going to ban you. I'm going to call you a bigot and block you, like a civilised person. Bye!

@Remillard thanks :)

@olrik done!

@eggie under a microscope, I presume

@buffaloseven do you mind if I pick your brain? Why does kbin have microblogs AND threads, and why do some magazine have only microblogs? Is that an admin choice?

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