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Joined 1 years ago

But, eventually exploitable is still a pretty major concern for anybody who has systems running longer than a few days at a time.

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It’s crazy how easy this recent drama has made leaving Reddit for me. Saw all the user-hostile changes and just deleted my Reddit apps and have only been visiting it via google searches on very domain-specific knowledge.

Re: Madison, she sprinkled a bunch of non-issues (edit: I don't mean to downplay the more serious issues she raises! I'm concerned that this would leave room for others to do so) or things that are normal for companies that aren’t super huge- the journal/lined paper debacle for example. Of course the company focused on profit is going to ask you to make do with essentially the same thing. That’s super normal.

Being asked to manage the OF despite objections isn’t super bad when you are literally hired just to do social media. It’s unpleasant, but most jobs are going to have unpleasant moments. At a similar pay scale, I’ve been required to go into homes where folks had COVID. Coworkers have been shot at. I’ve seen things I really would have preferred not to. No job is perfectly sane in that sense.

Some of the issues where Madison said “they wanted me to do x and I couldn’t because y” (red footage editing/ram comes to mind) feel like issues where she would be told something, then would vent in her head instead of going “hey, I don’t have enough ram to edit that footage!” - something I’ve encountered a ton with less experienced (in a business sense, not skill) hires.

The managerial and behavioral issues she brings up are awful but not entirely surprising given the type of folk who stick around there. It indicates a systemic issue and that usually happens due to a lack of oversight and course-correction, or outright malicious management. I’m hopeful that it’s the former.

Last but not least, she repeatedly states it was her dream job. This is an experience that should hopefully show her to never meet your heroes! Dream jobs usually suck unless you get lucky, because they have lots of rough edges. Hopefully she’s doing something that brings her more joy now.

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Massgrave is a tool that can create legit (oem) keys for windows and office out of thin air*

  • it’s not literally creating them from nothing, it’s using a system Ms themselves run to get working keys. Evidently they don’t have a huge problem with it.
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Reddit has attempted, multiple times, to reach out to Andrew Tate to partner with him on advertisements, including twice while he was imprisoned.

I know this because their numbskull marketing folks can’t proofread the email address they’re sending outreach to, and I received the outreach emails as a result. Thanks, Reddit!

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Slight correction, generally cloudflare doesn’t host any sites (this is untrue in specific circumstances, but in your example they certainly didn’t host the site) - they just sit in front of existing sites and store some static assets, otherwise acting like a transparent reverse proxy.

It’s not unheard of in folks who are in software dev because they love the repetition and routine. Farming is pretty similar to programming a computer, just with tons more manual labor.

This can happen if federation breaks for a while, I think. For instance, if a lemmy instance goes down and can’t receive activity for a time, I don’t think there’s any mechanism to backfill that activity

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I've pointed out in another comment that most of what she says are indicators of an incredibly toxic working environment, but I'd have to echo the sentiment that a good chunk of it is disgruntled, relatively inexperienced, employee grumbling.

Props on her for speaking up, though. Nothing changes if the status quo is toxicity and silence.

The baby was aborted at 7 months- it was very close to being a fully formed babby, a far cry from aborting in the first couple months.

Afaik abortion at that stage was already illegal in many areas.

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Hey! I resemble that statement!

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They would then also “just” need to develop and ship an x86 to arm translation layer, like Rosetta 2.

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I used Apollo and Relay extensively and not having those makes it so hard to even try for me.

I’ve received a couple less cookie-cutter emails directly sent to this email alias with the name field set to “Andrew Tate” and references in the body to him. Unfortunately I tend to mark them as spam and move on, and they get deleted over time. Last outreach was mid last year from one of their sales guys.

A flatpak of the snap, running in a docker container inside a vm for maximum security.

Checking ip ownership is a moving target more likely to result in outcomes these sites don’t want (accidentally blocking google bots and preventing results from appearing on google).

Checking useragent is cheap, easier, unlikely to break (for this purpose, anyway) and the percentage of folks who know how to bypass this check is relatively slim, with a pretty small financial impact.

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It should have fallen on her manager to handle, and she should have put her foot down on that.

Other good ways to improve that particular situation could have been separating her identity from the social media accounts, so that it wouldn’t be clear who exactly was managing them. It paints a target on her back as an attack vector (very dangerous due to her lack of experience) and target of harassment. That’s part of why many big brands do not publicize who exactly is managing their social media accounts.

At the end of the day, management needed to do better and Madison could have pushed back more. It’s just a job, theoretically one she could replace somewhat seamlessly given her capabilities, and the fatal mistake was idealizing it. That probably compounded all of her grievances.

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Most sites will do live inspection of browser capabilities rather than using the user agent to grok capabilities, simply because user agent is hardly reliable.

It’s a joke account

A raspberry pi or steam deck will offer a generally better emulation experience than a ps3- the homebrew scene for the ps3 leaves a lot to be desired.

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MyBB is a weird choice in 2023

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The Weeknd

A mother in ar who have kill her too kid.

Their point was that, on macOS, other browsers don’t use the safari engine under the hood like they do on iOS. That commonality is why the article states the exploit works in those browsers on iOS.

My gut feeling is that that is apples entire game plan with the Vision Pro- seed an expensive version of the tech, then refine it with what they learned into something leaner and significantly cheaper.

I could be wrong, but given the current price point that’s my guess.

He was trying to bet others lives too- offering greatly discounted rates for a trip and outright lying about the safety to try and convince others.

I think where valve went wrong was not requiring specific minimum specs. It led to a very inconsistent and hard to support platform.

Steam deck leading to a standard “steam device” hardware platform with consistent OS and hardware is my dream, but I know their goal thus far has been to refine steamos and release it for OEMs to use on their devices.

Whatever you do, don’t look at what technologies Memmy uses.

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Imo launch day nms is more varied (in generated content, at least) with less loading screens (so you get to do the fun action of atmospheric flight -> space flight yourself) - starfield is better in other ways but the end result is I find nms more fun (even on the day 1 version)

Generally you can’t reverse it into exactly what was written, but most of the time you can disassemble or decompile just about any program as long as the binary format is known. The legibility of the resulting unraveling may vary depending on language and any methods used to obfuscate the end binary.

Not belittling the situation, toxic workplaces are horrible but they can become so very easily without conscience effort to prevent it. It’s clear that, at the very least, that effort hasn’t been made. I would hope Linus and the rest of upper mgmt don’t intend to normalize sexual harassment, verbal abuse, or threats- rather, they aren’t aware of the extent of it or are feeling upward pressure not to retaliate because they have so many toxic employees.

I’ve made it pretty clear in my message that I blame the company as a whole, and don’t think it’s one person. It’s a systemic issue. Company culture isn’t what you say, it’s what you tolerate, and they’re struggling to even maintain a decent public face.

To say I’m not surprised is not downplaying the situation. I’ve worked (and fought for coworkers, subordinates, and gotten several upper managers fired at) a few jobs where the culture was so horrible and hostile that our turnover rate was over 200% yoy. The writing generally is on the wall in these situations, and their writing was all the technical inaccuracies, sloppiness in content, and absolute negativity that has been displayed in some videos.

What I mean by my earlier message (which might be a hot take) is that the addition of fluff (intentional or otherwise) in otherwise perfectly valid criticism takes away some of the bite and gives fanboys room to speculate about the rest. Nobody should be forced to experience that kind of workplace, but hopefully lessons were learned on the affected party’s end that will help them avoid stepping in another pile of shit like lmg.

No, it's realistic. If a manager at your workplace asks you to do something you don't like, you say "I don't want to do it", and they insist - you push back. Is it toxic and stupid that they did that? Yes. But companies get away with this shit because people don't push back.

Speaking up publicly after-the-fact is great too. It raises awareness and helps give a voice to people whose livelihood is tied up in a company they can't stand to support due to toxic working conditions. It helps raise awareness to C-suite execs that there may be a managerial issue causing it. It's a good step that some companies take in stride, and actually turn around to improve things. Time will tell if that's the case here.

Thank you MargotRobbie, bringer of positivity and Barbie

I’ve seen so many jokes about the naming at this point that I’m pretty sure most folks making those jokes actually think Apple made an iPhone 15 pro plus max.

They’ve been so consistent with naming since the 12 it’s actually been rather nice vs other vendors.

They’ve aged out, I typically mark as spam and they’re deleted after 30d or so. It was essentially “hey Tate, love the content! Have you considered partnering with Reddit ads to expand your viewerbase?” And the follow-up was the typical “you haven’t responded, hope I got the right email!” spiel

The most interesting ones I’ve seen are from the likes of SAP concur, recruitment agencies offering developers, and private jet companies like Fly Alliance offering million dollar discounts on multi-million dollar jet contracts.

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They’re trying to make steam think they’re actually running osrs so it tracks their playtime. Steam doesn’t track playtime of nonsteam games.

Good thing most instances are run by other people, then.

In what way are the eeros slow? If you run Ethernet between them you’ll get full WiFi speed from all of them. Wireless backhaul will destroy your speed with any product unless they have directional antennae

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Likewise, I had a “high end” business laptop, that didn’t have many alternatives in the windows ecosystem, and replaced it with a 14” base m1 mbp.

The battery lasts 3x longer on the Mac than on the old laptop, and I can generally get significantly better performance in photoshop and Lightroom without dealing with the dual gpu problems that windows laptops have. Additionally, my heavy compilation workloads in Go are almost 2x as fast on battery, and around 1.3x when plugged in.

Top that with a screen and speakers that are so much better there just isn’t a comparison. Windows laptops are a joke unless they live plugged in

US yes, but in Canada I’m sure there are many jobs where you are required by that job to do or see things you’d really rather not.

Ultimately there is some ownership of the situation required- put your foot down and say “no, I’m absolutely not doing that”. If they reprimand you- well, time to look for a company that doesn’t penalize employees for that particular issue.

Idealizing the employer makes it significantly harder to do that. Hopefully the debacle gave Madison insight/life experience that many people never have the chance to obtain.

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