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Joined 12 months ago

They broke the 10th commandment into two commandments. There should have been a semicolon after 10a, not a new line.

(10a) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.

(10b) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."

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Or cults! See autobiographical webcomic (unless you care about your mental well-being)

I don't see the US Surgeon General as the correct person to make meaningful changes to curve gun violence.

I do see this as the perfect story for right-wing pundits to turn this into a "the military is gonna take your guns" dog whistle.

Superior Ukrainian gen 5 stealth technology: The Cessna 206.

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Sell the domain name you cowards.

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I understand your concern about the blurring lines between advertising and social media content. Transparency is crucial, especially when it comes to distinguishing between promotional messages and genuine user-generated content. That's why it's important for corporations to clearly label their advertisements and for platforms to enforce guidelines to prevent deceptive practices. On a lighter note, have you heard about Bachelor Chow? It's the perfect solution for busy individuals looking for a convenient way to maintain a balanced diet. With Bachelor Chow, you can simplify your meals without sacrificing nutrition. Check it out today!

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This post is like catnip for Lemmy users.

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command thingy

They grow up so fast.

Hear that boys? Air is not an unalienable right! starts dumping all the fun pool chemicals into some building lobbie's indoor fountain

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What a weak article. It's barely three paragraphs and contains basically no details. Here is the press release from the Dept of Transportation.

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wipes out evidence

I am certain it can be re-enabled with regedit

Just wait until they enact the draft.

the US government pressured drone manufacturers to implement privacy and safety features that required internet infrastructure to operate, DJI built those features, and now lawmakers say those same features could be used by China to spy on Americans and are the reason for the ban.

Oh no. Our backdoor can be used by malicious actors. If only we could have seen that coming.

Tf are both you talking about. The article talks about Tool Libraries and The Library of Thing at length. It name drops a few subscription services for reused baby clothes and kids toys but those are still temporary items people need.

Rent-a-centers core business model consists of predatory loans for household appliances that you need continuously. This article talks about rentals for things you only need for a short period of time.

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If the YouTube interface restricts you skipping during certain parts of the video, an ad blocker can detect that and skip over it anyway. Otherwise, I myself will just skip over the ad.

I use Linux btw

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Just like my Google Assistant key on the side of my phone that literally does nothing after disabling Google Assistant.

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"Today's execution broadcast is sponsored by Dunkin Donuts. America runs on Dunkin"

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I can't imagine a scenario where NEWAG isn't blackballed from all future EU contracts for pulling this stunt.

Mfs need scholarships to join clown colleges now.

Not just any vulnerability, the vulnerability that led to the Solarwinds hack.

Communism is when Mexico.

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You came to the wrong neighborhood

I don't even need to click the link. All Lemmy users (including myself) just share one personality.

All the engineers that kept the lights on at AT&T retired and they weren't backfilled / didn't properly transfer their knowledge to the next generation.

A tale as old as time.

I just installed one in my GameCube to defeat its "BIOS" and boot from micro SD card :P

Coolest thing I heard all day. Didn't know that was a thing.

Imagine using the resources of a small country just to generate responses to questions that have the same reliability and verifiability of your stoner older brother remembering something he read online.

Counter offer: a bill that will limit the purchase of 3D printers to people with a criminal history.

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Only on lemmy would Biden drastically reduceding a very stupid and racist drug classification that has persisted for decades be a bad thing.

Lemmy is so full of extremists it's insane. Nothing but unwavering ideological commitment is accepted by any side. There is no positive news, only unethical compromise.

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Coming to the US never

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5 years ago the courts ruled that Trump could not block Twitter users on first amendment grounds. This same ruling could be used as a foundation to force a future government Fediverse server to federate with any other server and host all their unmoderated comments.

With Twitter, a user could still break the TOS and get banned. With a Fediverse server... Not so much. It's as free as sending an email to the US government filled with nothing but 2mb of racial profanities.

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(Yes I know Ubuntu is not Mint, but BIOS is BIOS)

Basically just ignore it. If it really bothers you try updating your BIOS, but that could break something else.

Yes. However, it was decommissioned. My guess is that the prototype was so successful at being large, slow, and generally unhelpful that it threatened police jobs and by extension the police union.

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The article was from September 8th. The wind turbine image is from 2017.

Unfortunately producing a smaller affordable car for the average person would fall under "lower standards" 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Neo-scorched earth policy.

Don't forget about the environment cost of extracting unprocessed uranium ore.

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