androogee (they/she)

@androogee (they/she)
0 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

?? It's extremely clear. The Democratic nominations are not a legal matter. The Democratic party is not an arm of the government, they are a private entity. They are free to choose a nominee however they wish, like always.

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You didn't have to get me this worked up, okay?

I guarantee this is happening in your country too whether or not it’s legal

So is murder, that doesn't make it not bad if the highest court in the land makes murder legal

Jesus Christ. What a comment. 🤦

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It's a protest chant.

Kinda just feels like someone wrote a bunch of "leftist" shit without understanding any of it.

This shit is so frustrating.

YOU apathetic fuckers don't PAY ATTENTION when it's not an election year.

Stuff is still happening when you aren't looking at it.

Why doesn't everything I want happen instantly, the moment that I want it?

Probably Biben's fault

When he does something I like it still makes me angry, fucking asshole Biben

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"Fertility crisis" in the headline doesn't refer to anyone's inability to have children. It refers to the fertility rate, which is just statistics about how many kids are popping out.

starts a semantic argument

someone immediately proves you wrong

This is a FUCKING STUPID ARGUMENT. It doesn’t matter whether I’m right or you are. It’s fucking semantics.

Hahaha hot damn this is the stupid-little-shittest energy have ever seen. Are you a professional?

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Well not anymore

I'd be beside myself.

It's horror fanfiction in a shared universe.

It's just as mediocre and uneven as you might expect from that description, but the Internet acts like it's amazing as a joke or something I guess? Like the Star Wars prequels.

Actively trying to lobotomize myself so I can play Obra Dinn for the first time again

I'm not even a vegetarian and I've heard way more fellow meat eaters fucking constantly bitching about vegans than I've ever heard vegans being annoying about it.

Just feels like whiny baby bullshit honestly.

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Perfect, you'll fit right in

Republicans show up and taste the toilet seat. They claim they can tell the difference.

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Dave is making money. Don’t blame him.

Tf kinda brain dead excuse is this?

Acting immorally is okay if you're making money?

This is truly mind-obliterating stupidity.

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Shoot them all into the sun.

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Completely agree with your broader points, and I know it's kinda nitpicky but

an American Dream success story

Dis lady hella British.

Nah cis people absolutely do understand why misgendering sucks.

There's a reason it was a running bit on Scrubs for like 9 seasons or whatever.

Right wingers just always gonna lie to defend their point. More natural than breathing for them.

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I'm so sorry to inform you of this, but in the year of our Zord 2024, we are no longer accepting "one of the ten billion apes, bots, advertising agencies, liars, and trolls who are screaming into the Internet at all times said something I disagree with" as a valid source of outrage, controversy, or secondhand conversation.

Please understand that this is not personal, nor is it a judgement on your specific opinion. We would recommend addressing the comment you disagree with directly at its source, if you feel you must address it at all.

It's always the same jokes.

I'm so tired of hearing this argument.

Of course there's a better way this could be resolved, no matter how much you try to pretend otherwise.

A cop could shoot both of them and their dogs. And that's peak freedom. Maybe think about that next time.

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No user worth their salt would be on there either...

Which raises the question, why are you still seeing Twitter ads? Lmao

And misogyny conditions to believe that all women are victims. They really aren't separate forces, they work together.

Eerybody needs feminism.

Basic Hitlerite

To whom it may concern (the progenitor of my very existence):

The clockwork temporal measurement device strapped 'pon the writhing fleshy tentacle protruding from mine own thorax remains sullen and unchanging despite my best efforts at provocation.

Please advise.

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Movies are made by a lot of people.

Many people pouring time, effort, and creativity into a difficult art form.

You really think any of the people who actually made the movie had a say in the decision to shelf it?

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Not everyone knows that if you flip up a Triceratops' tail they actually have a three prong outlet under there. Fully functional. Nature is really incredible.

They won't even try to fight you. They want it. They like it. They're begging for it.

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Christian leaders don't need secret islands, they have a whole flock willing to serve up children and cover it all up

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Oh she's sweet but she's Seiko, a little bit Seiko

Might be a bussy eater

Hammer is a no-holds-barred private investigator whose love for his secretary Velda is outweighed only by his willingness to kill a killer.

When the blurb writer from the back of the books realizes he can just edit directly to Wikipedia lmao

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It hurt itself in its confusion

How many ai "improvements" do you think are based on ideas generated by ai at this point?

The answer is definitely not zero. Which is pretty fuckin weird, the more I think about it.

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I stop talking to people who send me mass messages advertising apps because I actually do know my own worth.

Did you miss the defederated part?