1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

sad and amazing how true this is.

to find anything worthwhile in Google search you often needed to add

to find anything at all on Reddit you needed Google

well, glad I don't go to those websites anymore...

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Additionally, I'm not sure how China would have reached this position without a specific effort by the United States to engage in increased trade with them.

We said we would trade more in the hopes of an improving human rights situation and steps toward democratic self-rule.

We didn't get what we were promised. Stop whining, Xi.

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Same. Thought maybe some local woodworker produced a beautiful lectern.

No, turns out it's from amazon with some spray paint and Arkansas is just being Arkansas.

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Certainly can, and will! Nothing justifies another country just annexing that territory. Nothing. No amount of you talking will justify it. No number of people there who speak Russian justify it. There is no justification.

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Also the group was collectively pregnant, injured and hypothermic - just so we are clear on the dire threats they posed to the crew.

The man had zero respect for the blood those regulations have been written in.

I like the idea that life sucks so much that meth makes it better and the answer to that isn't to try to improve lives but to lock people up so life is even fuckin worse.

Sorry, but this is such fatalistic bs.

So much has changed.

I remember acid rain.
I remember leaded gas.
I remember 12mpg cars.
I remember the photos of terrible brown smog floating over Los Angeles.
I remember before anyone had a recycling bin.
I remember...

The list goes on. And I'm only a handful of decades old.

Can we do more? Yes.
Should we do more? Absolutely.
Are more people aware of that than ever before? Yes.

Humans have technologied their way out of so much shit, I am not ready to give up on us yet.

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Some people haven't realized almost all animals are just tubes with various fancy shit glued on.

Edit: including humans

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I mean, they've definitely lost people to the fediverse, the majority here at this point are probably reddit refugees.

They may have gained in total users for all I know or care. This place just feels more like the old internet I like. Really looking forward to the slow decline in people here caring about what's happening on Reddit, regardless of how big and successful or how terribly failed it is.

How much do you think you'd need to get out? (Asking, in a kidding way, as a Californian who is tired of these memes about how it's bad to live here when you're just describing any major urban center in the world.)

Edit: you're not wrong about the challenges, it's just that they're not unique to California.

Not going to agree with the commenter above, but I want to point out that this happens a lot:

A person who holds views that are detrimental to others comes to a community of those people and cries "why, when I am not quite like other people who hold these views, but agree with them on the detrimental stuff about you, do you not accept me?"

The people in the community try repeatedly to explain why holding views that harm others is harmful and that the person asking may need to revaluate their own views.

The person then says they're being attacked. Everything they predicted about this community is coming true! They feel like they're being kicked out!

And they are! Because when they came to engage then didn't change, let alone evaluate, any of their own views, the community rightly showed them back to the door until they are ready to actually listen and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

I am sure you feel like you have been badly treated at this point. What you do with that now is up to you. I'll say this: I have no hate for you, I would like nothing more than to give you some feedback that might help change how you view some things. I hope there is enough food for thought here for everyone.

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The sad truth is it will need to get much worse until conservatives will admit there is a problem and let progressives solve it.

It has always been this way. You either live in a progressive, upwardly moving state with improving quality of life or you get stuck in a conservative, stagnant or downward trending place where people are more concerned with "others" than they are with doing anything productive as a society. As a species, we seem to slowly wobble back and forth between these extremes. It's maddening.

I know you don't want advice, but I want to share some information that may be important and helpful for you: recent studies have shown ulcers are essentially an infection and antibiotics have some success in treating them.

For too long doctors thought it had to do with stress or diet, but it's an infection.

I wasn't prepared for that. The views. Wow.

Russia chose all of this.

No one else. Russia.

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How would I comment there after I stopped going to their site, though? 🤣

Vote with your URL bar!

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This is not what happened. Takes like this, that oversimplify and make things seem inevitable aren't very helpful.

For decades before 1988 and for decades after, people have advocated for the environment. The shift to an understanding that we can have an impact on our planet has been slow and hard-won. Don't pretend like one person or one hearing or one technology could have prevented all this - that's just not true.

You may be upset that nuclear wasn't or isn't used more, but it doesn't really matter at this point - we are here, and we have really inexpensive and seemingly low impact technologies like solar and wind with battery or other types of storage. Plus, we can now have a more distributed grid with installs right in people's homes.

Move past whatever has you hung up on nuclear, there's lots of other ways to have a positive impact on our environmental future.

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Both sides are all just humans being the worst we have to offer as a species.

Egged on by ridiculous stories about men in the sky, they fight for no reason when we could all just treat each other as human.

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James Cameron shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as these clowns.

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People are tired of bad news in general. It has nothing in particular to do with where this happened.

The Internet means that I, someone thousands of miles away, am now aware of the tragedies you are suffering, as well. Sometimes it seems like that much knowledge of suffering just wasn't what we were built to handle every day.

It's not you or where you live, it's just that humans can only take humans being awful to each other for so long before it becomes too much to bear.

Russia has launched a war of aggression. Russian leader Putin enjoys an 80% approval rating. This change won't happen for a year:

Consequently, the planned deliveries for the year 2024 will remain unaffected.

Stop trying to make this out like the west is doing anything even close to what Russia is. If Russia wants to be an aggressive pariah state, they can make their own fucking drugs.

Don't even need to click the link to know what you're sharing.

I've definitely arrived at a place in my online life where I do not need to be on some company's corporate advertising mill website.

I left, and I know I'm just one middle aged dude pining for the internet before the companies turned their roving eyes to it, but I have no interest in going back, regardless of what they do at this point. I offer this because maybe more people will start to think "do I really need to be a part of a community of millions, or even hundreds of millions? or maybe is it more healthy for me to find the right community online that is a bit more like a mid-sized city? We can share news across these little islands, so we don't all need to fit in a single corporate container."

My friend, many, many planes that have been crashed have been serviced and returned to service, including airliners.

Why are you applying to that soulless shitshack??

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Hey, US citizen checkin in. Don't fuck around in or with Canada unless you like pissing the US off, too. I don't think India wants this heat. They need to change course.

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Armenia is a member of the CSTO, right? That's the NATO alternative run by Russia, as I understand it. Russia has no ability to actually help Armenia in this conflict, though.

I agree that the west is awful about doing the right thing if there's no compounding factor to juice it like oil.

But Armenia made a decision to ally themselves with Russia for protection. That has proven to be a terrible mistake. Let's not pretend this was a completely unavoidable situation that the west could just walk into and stop. Armenia's membership in CSTO complicates that greatly.

So .. gonna go with "a little of column a, a little of column b" here. I wish the west was more righteous and less greedy. I wish Armenia had chosen better friends.

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This same crash modality was one of the first autopilot crashes.

When your autopilot will drive right into the side of a truck, people are right to question its safety.


This is all easily predictable if you aren't in an un-reality bubble.

As an outsider with no horse in the race, I thought this a good discussion.

In the end, I think maybe Quebec gets what it wants: I have no interest in visiting a place that tries to police its "culture" that much.

Can someone explain how Biden is supposed to do this?

Republicans are tilting further and further toward Russia and away from Ukraine. Independents don't understand why we should be "spending" millions on another country.

Biden seems to be sending about as much as any current US president could hope to.

The answer is simple:

Religion is not based in fact.

We need solutions based on facts if we are going to handle the problems our species faces.

It wasn't an attempted coup, though, it was more keystone cops action from the Russian Federation.

I tend to agree with OC that these opinion polls don't matter. Putin is in control and until people closer to him change that, Russian citizens are along for the ride.

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Can you cite some studies for this, please? Preferably reproduced, peer reviewed ones?

I don't mean to be mean, but I have heard things like this and from everything I have been able to gather, there's no evidence for being able to tell how someone is thinking just from their movements or tics.

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This is why Ukraine is under immense pressure to get results out of the counteroffensive.

Biggest news I've read today.

(Do we need the /s here or are we all reasonable enough to know?)

Any organization that intentionally attacks a school and kills or maims children deserves absolute destruction. There is no possible justification for attacking schoolchildren, ever.

Maybe, as the article implies, suppressing religious freedom causes these attacks. But the article then states something about non-religious groups doing this more. So which is it?