6 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i had this question a couple of days ago and today fell totally down the fuck spez rabbithole.

found myself on the main discord where the coordinators were talking to uruguay about doing the "u" after columbia (?) declined. guess hearing that, both uruguay and equador wanted in.

there was discussion of not stepping over the swiss flag in one of the letter because they were part of the coalition.

these folks are dedicated - many commented they hadn't really slept since it went live. kudos to all of them for the passion they showed today.

tbh it was impressive and one of the best executed operations i've seen in a long time. very fun to see up close.

working for a global multinational company i only wish we were this efficient internally ❤️

hopefully whatever you were making with that sour cream will survive the beef rawhide replacement 🤣

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agree with what everyone else has said here. worry less about "should" and go find your tribe wherever it may be.

as i once said to a friend who contemplated the same kind of move years ago, if it doesn't work out you can always move back. not like it's a one way street.

this ^^. even if we peel off 5% in a relatively even scrape across all the interests that's enough content for me to scratch the itch daily.

fwiw i work with a bunch of former ibmers.

super super nice people who are crazy smart.

but think something in their brains got wired differently when they worked there - they just build all sorts of amazing stuff without thinking about the strategy for it. who will use it, in what scenarios, how will it be supported once interest surpasses cycles of the creator.

not all indicative of the companies history or current reputation but interesting to see at the micro level

wonder if regular carpet bombing the open subs with a black "Reddit is killing third-party app (and itself)" might be effective? gives the mods an "out" because it's not against TOS - and if it were widespread enough eventually a few of them will hit front page

my sleep 8 heading/cooling bed last year. was tired of sleeping crappy, had tried just about everything from supplements to saunas, exhausted all other ideas ... out of desperation decided to throw down for it.

seriously life changing. no matter what temp the room is at the bed is always perfect. takes a while for the auto pilot to learn your likes but when it does ... oh man.

much love for my smart mattress ❤️

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I'm taking the same mindset - curating social media vs big gulping it. Thank you spez and elon for me reboot.

the other thing to consider with low effort, duplication of memes is the server overhead. one thing to burn corporate coffers with the same people of walmart and cat tropes but this kind of stuff burns server and storage resources.

for a corporate entity looking to make billions off our data that's the cost of doing business -- but for lemmy server admins it's a truly personal cost.

imo we should be respectful of our "homes" and try not to trash them with low value content.

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💯i was in strong anger last week.

this! that's the way to help us grow while still caring for your community. we don't need silver around here but please accept my thanks ❤️

welcome to you and everyone else coming over! looking forward to great shenanigans.

not at all. i fell into computing in my mid 20s. somehow i managed to learn enough to get myself hired at one of the largest technology companies in the world where i've now been over 20 years.

has it been easy? definitely not. without that classic computer science degree my peers have i've had to be scrappier and move faster to be on top of emerging tech where the playing field is a little more equal. i can this "surfing" the tech.

since i started i've participated in the birth of the internet, mobile, public cloud, big data, startups and now ai.

if you love it you can make it happen - just be realistic and stay scrappy ❤️

The movie citizen four did an excellent job detailing different ways a government (in this case the united states) can do this.

my biggest tip is that if you're on ios get wefef. great app that makes the lemmy experience beautiful and seamless.

when you read a comment from c/all from a community you want to join you can click on the community c/link to see all the posts from that community.

then use the three dots in the app at the top right to subscribe. soooo much easier than trying to search for a community from the web ux.

and i guess the other tip is to just manage your expectations - reddit wasn't built in a day and it'll take a while for all of our niche communities to create new homes here 🥰

I'm not a doctor but did study anatomy for yoga teacher training -

Do you sit a lot? if so it sounds like maybe the psoas or hip flexor which wraps from the back around to hip may be tight or irritated. If the hip is out of whack that might take the knee with it.

Have you tried gentle stretches to see if it helps?

There's great beginner youtuber called Yoga with Adrienne who has a bunch of these kinds of stretches. When i say gentle stretches, please be kind to yourself and be super gentle 😉

There's a big difference between pain and discomfort. If you feel any sharp pain, needless, numbness stop the stretching immediately. If it's just achy just stay there for a bit and see if it loosens up.

Finally as someone who had had back issues - i was told if you ever experience any sudden weakness, numbness or have trouble urinating get to the ER asap. That might be a nerve problem which is serious and needs attention.

Please let us posted on how you get on if you're comfortable sharing. Sending all good thoughts through the electrons for a speedy recovery ❤️

not my drama but a friends.. her mom has uncontrolled diabetes along with borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

a couple of months ago she got and at home manicure from some shady outfit. ended up with an fungus which when asked to recount how this could have happened she kept lying and saying she didn't know.

she didn't keep up with the care on it so it became infected and they needed to do surgery to remove her nail. during the surgery they discovered it had infected the bone and the tip of the finger needed to be amputated.

they do this and send her home. my friend settles her in after surgery, went i guess to use the bathroom before leaving only to find her mom gathering her purse with keys in hand.

as you might expect my friend was appalled and asked her where she was going. mom replies.." well your aunt asked me to drive her to the airport today "

friend looks out the window and yes, there's auntie "waiting on the street with her purple suitcase" 🤣

apparently mom knew this and said nothing to aunt or my friend.

so when you're dealing with your drama, send thanks into the electrons that it could be much worse ☺️

shower thoughts... and still on my first cup of coffee to more just musing than anything ...

if storage is the concern wonder if the lemmy roadmap might one day include an option to use cloud based storage?

azure storage at .06/gb per month is likely cheaper and more redundant than local storage - even if you factor in calls to the blob which could be lowered via caching.

cloud storage potentially might one day lead to a option for smaller self hosters to opt into a shared blob instance where the and cost is shared.

in this scenario security to ensure the cloud blob couldn't be deleted would need to be thought through (maybe splitting the password among multiple admins with each having one part of the whole?) but might be one way to better encourage more self hosting for them compute side of things.

agree about the differences between here and the alien. there's civility and discourse here - a good amount of fun - a sense of newness yet familiar. ive engaged more here than i have in 4 years on reddit - thanks all to a great community and gracious hosts running these servers ❤️

doing the same as we speak. My replacement text is "Moved to Lemmy because Reddit has become greedy with data generated by their community"

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this. you should be in charge of our collective lemmy talking points for the lemmy curious. well explained and easily understood. bravo 👏 !!!

hi and welcome! i'm 1 month old here and also love it. great community, good conversation abd spez is slowly fading into the rear view mirror little by little each day.

omg i used to have one of these!!! so cool what you've done with it 😭

spez fucking with 3rd party developers, mods and fucking down on lies to the community.

yes as everyone has said i like it here - engaged more here in 2 weeks than in 5 years on reddit. everyone seems nicer and you get the sense fills are genuinely trying to help build this community by getting out of their comfort zone and contribute. ❤️

unfortunately yes the blackout will eventually pass ... right now i think the only question is at what cost to reddit?

curious what the zeitgeist would be if the vc or fidelity made soez step down, which replaces him and to what net effect?

seeing his credibility is completely shot publicly, is this at all worthy of putting on the table?

Catharsis. think that's all it is and will die down in due time.

awesome- very exciting and thank you 😊

i also struggled with the idea of paying for this but tbh after using it for over a year now, i don't have a problem.

we live in a place with micro climates where there temps can swing widely at night from day to day & the auto pilot does small fine tuning based on a number of things. this for me at least is worth $10 a month.

compare & contrast with the oura ring which requires a $5/mo sub to get any useful insight out of it - without the subscription you only get how long you slept witha proprietary sleep score that has no insight behind it. after spending a few hundred dollars for the ring this really started to piss me off.

at least with the 8 sleep bed the device is actually performing / working for me vs just giving me data.

the 8 bed also gives you much of the same data oura does so the subscription just hits differently for me.

finally if you're thinking about this - definitely consider the cover vs the full mattress. same tech and they way they've designed it makes it fit beautifully on your existing setup at ~ $1k less than the mattress combo 😊

here's a question, wouldn't it be more impactful to encourage users to redact with a protest statement promoting fedverse first?

assuming they're doing a 30 day backup scheme then this becomes part of their working set going forward. messing with the data in this way especially if we can do it in volume might make it harder for LLMs to extract useful information from our noise.

we then can then start deleting our posts as a second protest after that.


imo if we had more here the servers couldn't scale and it'd be a black eye.

last thing we all want is chatter that it'sa crappy technology not ready for prime time. we know the reality isn't the tech lagging but rather enough tech knowledge and appetite to host more instances.

thinking slower sustained growth would probably be better for the health of f-verse(?)

funny but admit that even with less users and less content here my dopamine hit actually happens faster in lemmy.

thank you all for great content ❤️

good god i remember that comment!

nope no marketing just a happy customer ❤️

nice work!!

that's a great job! you seem to be a natural at this. if you go down there rabbit hole on this do a web search for invisible mending - it's crazy how good they can fix things that most of us would say are irreparable.

think the difference is community vs attention (or lack there of). while i personally am not currently looking for the latter, don't think i appreciated how much i enjoy the former until this whole spez driven melt down happened.

am sure things will evolve as they're meant to, in the meantime just happy to be here.