Anh Kagi

0 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

[Il/Elle] C'est comme vous voulez, peu me chaud.

Adepte du je-m'en-foutisme.


#nobridge #nobot


I don't know about youtube playables, but if it uses wasm, it probably uses canvas api too. That's the way most wasm graphic libraries work. Those games may be using webgl or webgpu too.

In my opinion, although those technologies are quite interesting and allow for even more interesting things. I'm not sure we actually need all this in a browser.

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Or they just display you loud ads, same intentions.

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Yeah I thought about that too

thank you, I've been racking my brain rereading every word in that sentence looking for the "f". That "of" kept hiding in plain sight. Either that or I'm blind.

dont eat the fish

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TIL "The queen is not dead" is a reference to this album:
Spiritual Front's The Queen is not dead Cover

I already knew about the "photic sneeze reflex", and I know someone who sneezes exactly 2 times when temperature changes (and very loudly), but not from mint afaik.