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Joined 10 months ago

I firmly believe that a "crustless ice mantle" meets the definition of an ocean.

Like junkies hooked on fossil fuels, heading for withdrawal.

We say “we just won’t increase our export capacity beyond the doubling already approved for construction.” Then our broken court system finds a way to do it anyway.

Not that gas-guzzling Biden would follow through on this, but couldn’t the president just destroy the permit applications and call it an “official act”?

Such as sata cables for quickly hot plugging hard drives you are testing/inspecting/cataloguing and don’t want to open the whole case between each drive, or leave the case open.


The worm was found a decade before COVID. It’s just being disclosed now.

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Busch Gardens if you want a theme park that’s also a zoo and botanical garden and has a lot of alcohol because its purpose is to advertise Anhauser Busch beers.

EDIT: Kids are allowed, but the alcoholic attractions are designed for adults.

From the article:

Directly across from the elementary school Amtrak plans to build a ventilation facility to “provide protection for train passengers in the event of an emergency,” according to the Amtrak website. This structure will include emergency fans that “could extract smoke from the tunnel in the unlikely event of a fire.”

If something goes wrong, they vent the bad air coming out of that tunnel across the street from a black elementary school. Their planned management of hazardous emissions is what’s in question.

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It’s a thermostat.

I’m coming from a field where supporting software written in the 70s is the norm.

Your argument is horribly short-sighted and wasteful.

Only 16 years old is extremely recent software that ought to be easily maintained in any sane world.

I love this, but it needs a new name.

Philly cheese steak + New York cheesecake = something named for New Jersey.

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Give me real tools or get off my lawn rewilded patch of native plants and bugs!

It’s June!

Is seeing a grown woman’s penis in a changing room somehow worse than seeing a grown woman’s vagina (likely also a common sight in there)? I don’t see the problem here, bodies are bodies. If everyone is being respectful of boundaries and personal space… what is the issue?

And look at all of they ways they are extending the open source community via github and copilot!

The CLI has many advantages over a gui. For one, actions are reific, repeatable, and scriptable. This saves time as you can reuse previous commands and edit them appropriately for the current situation. This makes it easy to look back and verify what you have done. The command line is also a much more stable interface. GUIs change all the time and it’s hard to remember where things might be located. The structure of the gnu operating system accessed via the command line facilitates the discovery of installed commands/programs and documentation. You can record these actions once and repeat them on many machines. You can script common activities (eg bulk file renaming) that make file and data management easier.

I was given a draft card with my financial aid package for undergrad.

Applying for FAFSA was a required part of the application process for public universities and most private ones, meaning that nearly all amabs applying for college were automatically enrolled by this process…

until they simplified FAFSA in 2020, which I just learned about when acquiring the link above as a citation.

This bill would reinstate and expand automatic enrollment to amabs who don’t need FAFSA or who don’t want to go to college.

So they are trying to change the conditions for automatic enrollment from “has a penis and wants to go to college” (precovid) to just “has a penis”.

The problem with antitrust legislation is that it rarely gets enforced.

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Try switching to different versions of your graphics driver and/or kernel. Nvidia cards get really finicky about the version matchups, especially as they age. Try different combinations of the versions that are available via pacman, and maybe it’ll work. You may need to start keeping an eye on updates to your kernel and graphics driver to see if a new update fixes your issue. Welcome to life with an nvidia card. I bought an nvidia card once in 2013. By 2016 I had to start playing this game on upgrades. At one point, the graphics driver was causing kernel panics until I downgraded both and waited a few months. Very happy with AMD.

Hey, I also want to say that it is perfectly valid and responsible to want to chaperone a 12 year old in your care in a place that they will be disrobing in front of strangers. My deviation in opinion from you is that I don’t think gender or sex are a factor here. In my opinion, ideally you could accompany your daughter into the changing room so long as you don’t cause problems for anyone else there.

Gender segregation is problematic, wasteful, and unnecessary. It reinforces sexist biases. In my opinion the problem is that you should not be separated from your child in this instance. The discriminatory structure of segregation is separating you from your child and making you feel anxious, and that anxiety is nucleating around a person you have identified as “other”. You should be with your child when preparing to use the services of the Young Man’s Christian Association. It unfortunately has the toxic superstitions and calcified structures of a highly problematic abrahamic society.

The Abrahamic Patriarchy strikes again. I’m sorry for the discomfort it is causing you. Will you help us overthrow the scourge of monotheism?

Ok, but what about the ecosystems dependent on that chemical energy staying underground?

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I’ve never needed any of those things.

I do need to change monitor configurations.

I once had an old TV that I used as a monitor that had 1027p worth of pixels instead of 1080p. Auto detection tools said it was 1080p. With xrandr I was able to modify the output to 1027p so I didn’t lose the edges of the display to the TV’s broken forced overscan design. Could you do that with Wayland?

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Thanks for pointing out that in this case the DM is using X regardless of whatever graphical environment gets loaded when the user logs in. This really is a moot point/discussion. I’m still glad I raised it to get perspectives like yours.

You’re right that I should play around with wlroots a bit more. It’s been a while, personally. Mostly because it’s been a while since I’ve had time to just play around with my system. My life is at a point that it looks like I’ll have that free time soon, for better or for worse.

I’ll note that I do like alternative init systems for diversity and competition and because systemd was very hungry and rigid. An init system is also a bit more fundamental to system stability than a display server, so I think it’s reasonable to be critical of systemd and Wayland for contradictory reasons. Systemd has also come a very long way in the past decade plus. I have also seen it learn from the other ideas implemented in its competition, mirroring your argument. Diversity and unification are not at odds with each other, but are different parts of the same cycle of improvement.

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Thanks for the leads and the good conversation. I have found that being an idiot in public and then deescalating is one of the fastest ways to gather information.

Some community and state colleges can be pretty cheap, and most schools offer night classes for those who work all day. A gen-ed like geology is likely to have such hours available for this community of night students, especially if you live in an area where geology is related to employment. Usually pretty cheap to take one class at a time through something like an Adult and Continuing Education program.

That’s kind of my point. Something like randr is more fundamental than the DE, and its configuration shouldn’t be fractured by being DE-dependent. I personally don’t like DEs at all, and like the ability to control a more minimal system.

Good to know that this has been implemented in your favorite DE! Considering how Wayland often implements things, it’s probably implemented on the DE-level, leading to a fractured configuration ecosystem. Being implemented in Wayland is different from being implemented in some of the DEs that use Wayland.

edit: if I’m wrong about that, and it is implemented in Wayland itself, please continue to correct me!

I am serious, and I’ll tell you exactly what will change my mind. I need real tools instead of “upgrades” that have less functionality and are less usable. If Wayland (or whatever comes next) can deliver on functionality, I’ll sing its praises. For now I’m on X.

It’s not just about it being a config file, it’s also about having access to a powerful tool like xrandr within that config file.

This is why X11 is better. I’d rather have settings like this in a text file that I can copy over to my next machine than have to navigate a UI that will change on a different DE or the next upgrade.

Backwards compatibility, portability, and text-based interfaces are a virtue.

X config files aren’t “hacky scripts”, they are fundamentally more powerful, customizable, usable, and future-proof. Xrandr is a powerful and capable interface with applications across the system.

When Wayland adopts these kinds of powerful interfaces with decades of refinement I’ll switch to it. I don’t want to keep track of whether my DE uses wlroots or gnome or plasma and their independent/redundant/feature-lacking randr alternatives. Randrs should be more fundamental to the display operation than the DE. Wayland is fundamentally hacky and broken.

Edit: thank you all for the discussion. I’d like to clarify a point. I don’t just want a text file with configuration settings that implement features that I need to beg/bother the devs for. They are likely to have better things to do and it might not be a priority for them. I want access to powerful tools via the configuration files that I can make do pretty much anything if I read the documentation. Xrandr is such a tool. I don’t want setting for a feature that has to be baked into the DE which I have to beg to have implemented and which will be implemented differently across different DEs. I want flexible, dynamic, modular tools.

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