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Now, instead of debugging the code, you have to debug the data. Sounds worse.

Every update, some thing breaks. The "new" Teams does not work well with the microphone on my work laptop, I've had to resort to using headphones. The interface just sucks too. I hate that the left pane auto-hides now. So inconvenient. It's not just Teams too. Every part of Office has broken for us during previous updates. I miss the times when Windows was just an OS for the most part and MS was not trying hard to be Apple.

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There are a lot of Linux talks, but I can't stand all the people who keep saying all this place talks about is Linux. They are the ones who are everywhere here.

By the way, I came back to reddit briefly for a very specific community and ever since the stock sale started getting this:

whoa there, pardner!

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It could just be my VPN since I also see this on my tablet/phone but I gave reddit another chance and they didn't want it.>

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A porn actress was made accountable for similar actions in less time and with more impact.

We don't rip CDs anymore so you can store them as MP3s on your phone? People have forgotten how to do that? I'm getting old.

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In the past few years, my workplace has used Webex, Zoom and Teams. I definitely hate that we're using Teams now because the others are better when it comes to meetings. Teams is unusable for me half the time while the others just worked. Lag spike during the call? Now the microphone doesn't work. Or it will work but no one can understand you while you talk.

I hear Zuck once threatened to pull Meta out of the EU too. Musk is a real man though. No joke, he can probably be goaded to do it, just like how he got baited into buying Twitter in the first place.

I remember a time Windows pushed a major update on my laptop as I was about to sleep. I wrote a routine that shuts down my laptop after about 30 minutes, so I can unplug the machine while Youtube or something is on as I fall asleep. Well, it backfired at that time as I had to re-awake after 30 minutes, and plug the machine back in. It was stuck at 30% for a while. "You're 30% there". I'm 30% there? It's not me, it's you, you stupid OS!

How would cooling our jets help? I really like the idea of going into Linux, and the more MS pushes the subscription/rental model, the more I'm encouraged to do so. Corporations like to float their ideas to the media as a way of surveying the market. These rumors could be just that. The idea of building a Linux PC sounds fun. I never had the need for any of these subscription services. I have a backlog of games I own, my own HDDs, MP3s, from CDs or the like, that I bought. I don't need to pay yearly for those.

Teams started out okay. But the recent update made it worse. The microphone constantly disconnects now. Earlier today I lost sound completely just when I was being asked to talk. And the sound starts to get choppy during screen shares. I rarely had these issues with Webex and Zoom. So it's not even more compatible with their own software. EU doesn't have anything to worry about. /s

Even Morrowind was a simplified version of Daggerfall, even though it was groundbreaking when it was released. They decided that the direction to take was to simplify the mechanics progressively, to make the series more appealing to more people, as opposed to adding interesting complications back as their tech develops. They succeeded in their mantra of "keep it simple, stupid". I don't have any hope that the next game will be more interesting. It will look prettier, of course.

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In my work machine, mine has a special feature when someone shares their screen during a call and you go full-screen - the extreme audio lag feature.

Well, same thing happens with Gaza, but also Ukraine loses. So take that, Biden.

It's been years but Daggerfall to me feels like the ideal RPG. They did make it a point to make simpler games after Daggerfall. Beginning with Morrowind, the magic categories slowly got reduced, the skills were intentionally consolidated and reduced in number. That's the reason why the later games sold really well. Starfield still sold well despite the valid criticisms but they should have trended into more complexity for a space game. Bethesda games are the junk food of games (and sports games are Mountain Dew or something).

Youtube doesn't run for free, but they can save more money by firing a few executives than go after the minority adblock users. It's not the creators that really matter (but they're the group of people who are visible and who we can relate to) but you would not be saying the same thing if they were totally honest and say they're raising money so the executives can keep on "executing" and that investors can keep their short term profits.

Happened to me on a recent Windows update too. A popup about Game Pass and a Bethesda game I'm no longer buying.

I get logged out every time I change VPN location, and sometimes I'm too lazy to log back in. Does being logged out count as inactive?

That's similar to what I thought their Xbox strategy was. The rich kid buys an entire store because he has no idea how to prepare things for a party(i.e., make games). Now he owns the store (which is profitable tbf) but he still has no idea how to throw a party (i.e., Xbox games like Halo are still dead and they still don't have a good play test strategy the way Sony or Valve does so they keep releasing broken games). Xbox over the years slowly lost the formula to making great games to poor corporate management.

MS bought ABK for its ability to make profits. ABK can't do that if MS "cleans house". It was very effective marketing that made people think MS would shape things up once they get their hands on shitty companies (while also effectively marketing "they would let devs be"). ABK may end up having more influence on Xbox than the other way around.

On the contrary, there are more posts here that shill for MS too, than on Reddit. But that's probably because of too much Linux.

Data Blitz? When PS5 was hard to come by, I seem to remember them suggesting they had that available while PS5 was on a waiting list.

What? It takes 5 minutes to pop your new CD in the drive and let Windows Media player handle it for you, track information included.

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Quantity over quality eh? I hope that doesn't happen to subscription-based gaming.

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What are people's predictions on what will happen to ABK after he leaves? Personally, I've never played COD and the last Blizzard game I played was Diablo 2, so I don't know what they've been doing.

Good for you.

It's always MS who has people on the internet defending them when they do it, to the point that it looks like MS social media presence is being carefully managed, like Apple. I saw it happen on Reddit too, and it happened less and less the more they got called out. The same "$70 a year for Office 365 is so worth it" is a talking point when I was on Reddit. Apparently, people here say the same thing.

To their credit, at least they're still trying to build stuff. Microsoft avoids this problem by no longer innovating and just buying into whatever is trending. (Not that Google also isn't doing the same). If you never build anything new, you never risk killing a product that didn't trend, which happens a lot.

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