4 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I read something the other day that they’re working on a new sorting algorithm that would limit it to the top few posts from each community within a given time frame. Specifically to address this issue.

No idea on timeframe or further details, or if I even summarized it correctly lol.

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This warms my heart lmao

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This is not a hot take, people are aware of the dissonance of using Reddit to complain about Reddit. But many folks are still upset but not upset enough to leave, or would like to leave but aren’t ready for places like Lemmy yet. It still needs work and polish before the average Joe will be comfortable here.

So in the meantime I say go for it, having fuck spez be one of the main focal points of the whole canvas is incredible and sends a message. Yea most folks have heard about it by now but might be surprised users are still upset, or never really understood what the big deal was before but maybe they look into it now. Every bit of negative sentiment on Reddit about Reddit will slowly push users away. This is more than a bit of negative sentiment.

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It’s not like Lemmy had one shot and missed it. Reddit is almost 20 years old, your favorite communities probably weren’t poppin overnight. Lemmy is growing in daily posts and comments, give it time.

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This research only says that the glasses are probably unhelpful. As far as I know it’s still accepted that blue light is stimulating and can mess with sleep, cause headaches, etc.

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Just got two Powerball tix for tonight, thanks! Since one ticket is 50%, two should basically guarantee I win!

Gonna go kick my boss in the balls and walk out, should be fine, right? Probably.

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Don’t be too hard on yourself, BallShaped. It’ll be alright.

Uhhh no? I just checked, it’s in the middle far right, and if you’re looking at the whole things it’s one of the biggest single pieces that jumps out at you.

I’m so proud 🥲

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Dark Knight Rises was when I decided to start avoiding trailers as best as I can. They showed the best part of the opening scene, with the plane dragging the hull of the other plane through the air..

I remember sitting in the theater that whole scene pretty much knowing what was gonna happen. And when it did, instead of being blown away like anybody should be, I had basically no reaction.

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Or being able to poop normally when you didn’t just eat Taco Bell.

No surprise there. Was dating a girl and she asked me to sign up so she can get some discount. I already knew it was a trash app but signed up anyway, because sex.

I’ve never seen a more cancerous app in my life. Got her the discount she needed, promptly deleted my account and uninstalled.

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This is how Lemmy should be, with the majority of the content being hosted on themed instances. Easy to browse if you want to focus on something, otherwise use or other “catch all” instances if you want a more /all experience. and shouldn’t host well over half the content I see. Easy targets for DDOS and then their users are screwed AND their hosted content stops federating.

Spread out is the way to go, it’s the whole point of the fediverse. seems like a name that could catch on. I’m sure if it became a prominent art community on Lemmy people would donate to support the upkeep.

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I suppose it has to do with surface area. You could toss your drumsticks in buffalo sauce, but there’s a couple problems. It would be way messier and you’d end up with even more sauce on your face, and ultimately there’s more meat to surface in a drumstick so you’d end up with less sauce in each bite, including plenty of chicken closer to the bone with no sauce at all.


  1. Convenience
  2. Maximum sauce

Yup. The sad truth is there’s no shortage of videos out there just waiting for you to engage, they will feed you literally anything at all as long as it gives them a click and some advertising money. It’s the scariest part about social media and the algorithms, because many many people are not even conscious enough to question what they’re being fed, and will just mindlessly soak it all up and take it as fact.

On the one hand yea it’s out of control and is partially to blame for the dumbing down of society, on the other hand it’s just the evolution of tabloids. People have always been bored and gullible.

People indulge constantly in things that are unhealthy for us. It’s basically our favorite shit.

Within reason and as long as they’re not hurting anybody, try not to judge too much. Everyone has different lived experiences and find their own ways to cope.

As for movies.. if you’re shooting a historical film of any kind, it would be silly to pretend people weren’t smoking then. There are also characters in every genre that are just written as smokers. We’re human and imperfect, and stories include imperfect people.

As for the actors themselves.. they use some kind of herb cigarette that doesn’t include nicotine. Actors can usually hold the smoke in their mouths and not inhale, which makes them much less harmful.

And even if none of that were true and they’re just lighting up real cigarettes, money. Actors get paid, and unless the actor is smoking in every scene for months on end, it’s unlikely to amount to any long term damage.

That’s crazy I was just thinking a few days ago how funny it would be if they decided to do it again, and fuck u/spez got plastered all over it. Surreal that reality is a step ahead of me.

r/place from 2017 was one of the things that really pulled me into Reddit. I loved the idea and I appreciated the strong community engagement with it.

2022 was fun but disappointing to see mostly just MORE flags and big douchy streamers covering up some of the actually decent artwork with their logos.

And now again in 2023? I predict there’s no way this isn’t a dumpster fire and a big bold fuck spez will end up on the final version.

Someone else mentioned it below but we should REALLY use this opportunity to get more Lemmy exposure on there.

What subs do you think would be most on board? redditalternatives? that modcoordinator one? I will sign up as a pixel trooper, this could help spread awareness on how far Reddit sentiment has fallen.

To expand for OP and others-

To scientifically disprove such a thing would mean that we have hypothesized and tested every single possible explanation and reached definitive proof in each case.

  1. We can’t hypothesize every possibility, since many potential explanations are things that are simply beyond our ability to comprehend or conceive of. We don’t know what we don’t know.
  2. We can’t test for the vast majority of things that we CAN conceive of. How could you disprove that ghosts don’t exist in an invisible, undetectable parallel dimension to our own?

Nope this is exactly how they ended it last year. They eventually change it so you can only place white pixels, no conspiracy here.

I always knew Legos were just another tool to keep us in line!

This is also managed by IT and is fully traceable as well.

I have unlimited data on my cell and just stay off WiFi altogether. The price premium is worth it to me for this one specific reason alone, let alone the other benefits/convenience.

Source: work in IT.

Not Another Teen Movie

You can click and drag to move around, or zoom in and out with scroll wheel

This is all correct and is commonly known as redshift or blueshift. It’s the same idea as when a car or train passes by and you hear the pitch get higher as it approaches you, and then lower as it leaves you.

To add to it though, stars themselves (regardless of our perspectives on them) do come in different colors. Betelgeuse is an easy star to find in the night sky that has a distinctly redder color compared to most stars. It’s the left armpit star in the constellation Orion.

Stars have different colors based on many factors like their composition and how hot they burn.

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Great username up for grabs, who’s gonna snag @tacticalbuttcheeks first?

Life in a Day

Not a movie exactly, creators asked some basic questions and invited people to submit footage from a single day in July 2010. Exciting or mundane, anything.

It’s really well put together and always gives me a refreshed perspective on my place in the world.

They did it again in 2020, during the pandemic.

I did. Probably wasn’t worth downloading that app.

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I (foolishly) assumed we were talking about the obviously morally abhorrent stuff.

That’s fine, but also the vast majority of people are content being called by their assumed pronouns. I’m all for inclusion but I’m not going to erase two perfectly innocuous words from my vocabulary because one person might be sensitive about it.

Use your best judgement, if somebody corrects you then apologize and use their preferred pronoun moving forward. If that’s not good enough, that’s their problem.

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All very well said.

OP I would read the above comment a couple times and anytime you’re feeling down. Especially the part about just being a positive influence on those around you, that’s all most of us can hope for. Be the light in the darkness, as they say.

In addition to these methods of finding some peace within, I’d also say that the world is not as bad as it sometimes seems. It’s difficult because “bad news” generates more outrage and clicks. And as you said the world is indeed run by money, so we get it shoved in our faces a lot. But there is always good too. By my estimate, I’d say about 2/3 of people just want to live a life of peace and fellowship with their neighbors, friends, and family. The other third kinda suck. But hey, they scream the loudest and seek out positions where they can abuse power, so we end up hearing about them and being influenced by them more.

The world has problems, no doubt. Climate change is real and it’s going to affect our lives for a number of generations, but it probably won’t be the end of humanity. We’ll adapt, and with any luck the technology that is being worked on today will save us from the worst of it. Species going extinct is sad, but it’s also a normal part of evolution and has happened for millions of years without our help. Our ignorance and negligence has exacerbated the problem and is directly responsible for the extinction of many species, I get it, that sucks. But we’ve also rescued many from the brink of extinction. Most folks aren’t evil, we’re just a little dumb, and greedy.

War, poverty, corruption, again big setbacks to humanity, but, whether it makes you feel any better or not, these things are consistent throughout all of human history. Remember, 1/3 of people kinda suck. However there’s an argument to be made that none of these issues are as bad today as they have been in the past. I think of all of the above as our room for improvement as a species, something to be hopeful for.

It’s important to be mindful of our shortcomings, but don’t beat yourself up by focusing on them all the time. Instead, consider all the good that we’ve accomplished. Medicine, civil rights, scientific discoveries, technology, art in its many forms, advancements for the disabled, we’re coming up on robotic limbs and hands controlled by your mind, that is simply incredible. In nearly every way the quality of life today vastly exceeds what it did even just 150 years ago, and the average person today lives better than kings of yesterday. Air conditioning? Cold, clean drinking water? A hot shower??! If I were shoved back in time and couldn’t ever take a hot shower… well I’d be very very upset.

TLDR; Yea, sometimes we suck pretty hard. But there are people doing good in the world every single day, and we have come a long way already from our worst habits and living conditions. It’s entirely fair to be optimistic about and fight for the future you want to see.

I see. And bearding?

Not my hobby but love the passion. Make sure to add a mini ATC tower, fill it with some birdseed on the upper deck and then let the birds and squirrels help guide you home.

I think overall my social media time has gone down considerably, but my direct interaction (ie posting and commenting) has gone up.

For me it helps to know that somebody is actually going to read this comment and it won’t be buried under 1000 others. You usually had to get to a post pretty early on Reddit to have your comment be seen, and I mostly browsed /all.

None of this applies to the average user though.

The vast majority of devices sold come with Windows or MacOS, so you’re suggesting that the average Joe should wipe their drive, pick a distro, and self-install and maintain a new operating system.

You and I know that it’s not as difficult as it sounds, but that’s asking a lot from people who can’t even bother to reboot their system when there’s been an update pending for 10 days.

Not an expert here, but I think you’re looking at this particular example backwards. Evolution isn’t a “smart” process that picks and chooses favorable traits, it’s more simply “this animal with these traits was able to survive and mate, so these traits get passed on”

So start with what was before the dinosaurs, to my recollection that would be some kind of amphibian, living in both water and land. Probably has four equal-length limbs and walks on all fours.

Whatever exactly happened between A and B idk, but eventually you get to the dinosaurs that walked on two legs. And that there is the answer. They used their legs more, their arms became less important to their survival techniques, and so over time they shrunk.

Survival for those guys was “run fast + big jaws and sharp teeth”. Long tails for balance while running, not much use for the arms. They didn’t shrink because it was an evolutionary advantage, they shrunk because they weren’t doing the heavy lifting. Terrible pun intended.

I was still giving Reddit 5-10 minutes a day, but honest to god the last few times it’s all just been really meh. I haven’t been on in a few days and I’m feeling fine without it. Also helps that I spent the weekend spinning up my own Lemmy instance, so I was plenty distracted.

That’s besides the point though, tell me how you feel about beans?

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I just hate that I can’t refer to a bundle of sticks properly anymore without being called a homophobe!

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Yea, FTL travel implies that we have somewhere else to go.

Now while I assume there are plenty of other habitable planets out there, strictly speaking we don’t know that.

This is great and shows the whole picture better. I’ve seen people concerned about the drop off in daily users, but a look at the posts and comments per day seems encouraging!

I’m of the mindset, like others, that this place doesn’t need to be Reddit-big to be good, and in fact would be better off not that big. However I would definitely like to see smaller communities grow and see more posts and post variety overall, which more numbers will obviously help.

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I jumped the gun then with assuming it was the latter. My b.

That’s fair and I appreciate your insight here. I imagine you “know” that those who misgendered you didn’t do so intentionally or intend on being hurtful, but I’m sure it still hurts anyway. I’m sorry for that.

I suppose in the real world, using my best judgement means that if I’m unsure, I skip the gendered pronoun. It still requires an assumption based on perception, admittedly not ideal. But I also view sir and ma’am as a traditional sign of respect and I’ve used them liberally my whole life. I usually give an enthusiastic yes sir or ma’am even at the drive through.

It’s obviously a nuanced discussion that we’re not going to solve here and today, but again I appreciate your non-aggressive take, a perspective I didn’t have before.

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