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Joined 11 months ago

I don't like this line of thinking because especially now where new games seem to always suffer from performance issues, it lowers the bar that these developers feel like they'd need to set as far as the experience they're offering for their games.

I think the minimum standard should be at least 60fps, in cases with steam deck and other low-end hardware of course concessions must be made, so either lower graphics settings or deal with lower framerates.

But there's no reason a new game should be suffering poor framerates on modern desktop hardware (looking at you Dragons Dogma 2).

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It's time for nationwide term limits. You get to serve your term and do what you'd like, then give the reins over to the next person. Sick of all these fucking old ghouls who cling onto their positions of power like it's a fucking philosophers stone for them.

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The internet is about to move to the rest of the world if this passes, no one will host a web server in the US after this.

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This wouldn't even be GMod's responsibility? Valve owns the steam workshop, so anything violating DMCA should go to steam, not GMod. It's not like GMod themselves are hosting the content.

Every linux user on lemmy

Honestly this is what I don't understand about her, especially when her words and attitude go directly against the themes that the books she wrote outlined. For example, Hermione being called slurs like mudblood and the other characters sticking up for her. Hagrid who has to live with himself as part giant and is considered a threat by most of the wizarding world, but those who are close and know him, know that hes a kind hearted person.

In almost every instance where a character has to deal with something about themselves that's different than the others, the lesson is that everyone should always accept who they are and that they're valid in being who or what they are.

Instead in real life she just ignores all of this and just acts like a disgusting piece of shit, and you have to wonder how she even wrote these books when she lives her days talking and acting like this.

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Even if it burts, what's stopping investment companies from just gobbling up whatevers left and then repeat the same cycle?

I imagine that domain is mostly used for spam/phishing sites so Google preemptively blocks all sub domains until they prove they aren't spam. That's one of the shortcomings of using a free domain I guess.

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stop criticizing people who don’t want to vote when their promised „democracy” is terrible and even worse.

How exactly do you think a democratic election that runs on votes is supposed to work? What exactly is not voting going to do, other than ensure that the folks who are voting for the candidate that is more inclined to do more damage to this country wins?

Even if you dislike both candidates, not voting isn't going to fix anything. Vote for whoever is least likely to destroy the country and make it hell for certain people, and then focus your efforts locally and trying to inspire change on the local level.

Imagine doing this and just being able to quit your job, meanwhile a citizen would be arrested and charged with a felony.

I have a Venu 2 and I love it. Battery lasts forever and I can pretty much do all the things I'd want to. The best part is that the performance is always top-tier. The OS is very lightweight and that makes it nice and snappy.

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Finance your coffee with Affirm today!

Go back to your fucking cave

That sounds like it kinda sucks. Imagine something is on sale and it just ends as you pick it up. You cant even tell the sales people what the sale price is since now the display changed...

Sounds dystopian as fuck. Just another thing to further separate us from reality.

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Will that make it more usable for nvidia users? I hope to someday try SteamOS with nvidia but I think most of the wayland issues are what's preventing that.

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Wasn't this clown barred from posting on social media?

They downvoted him because he spoke the truth. I have no sympathy for anyone choosing to work at X or Meta. If you knowingly work at these companies, knowing how they're run and what they do, you're a piece of shit. These people are only there to try to boost their own careers, but they're still participating in the efforts against society that these companies impose.

I dont want to hear about how "Twitter was bought out! What would they do?" Fucking quit, that's what you do. I'd rather work at McDonalds than have Elon as my CEO.

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The 2020 election was questioned by republicans for months after it concluded. Many investigations were made and found ZERO evidence of interference. If anything, some republicans were charged in a handful of states for election interference crimes.

Questioning an election is one thing, but outright denying the results even after all the evidence suggests that no interference/meddling occurred sets a precedence for future candidates that they can cause chaos in the system by just constantly claiming elections are rigged, eventually causing distrust of the entire system by voters who will just assume that their votes don't matter because the decision has already been set.

I believe if you are attempting to discredit an election, not because of the potential for foul play, but because you are just upset that you or your candidate of choice lost, and you attempt to destabilize the democratic system in order to achieve your goal, that is treason/sedition and should be a crime that is delt with a severe penalty.

Bruh that psp knockoff looks like straight garbage to use compared to the deck.

Oops my bad, I didn't even see the link, thought OP posted a text post.

Even if that's true I wouldn't put it past the companies to find ways to circumvent regulations, and I think trying to advocate for regulating them sets a precedent against the free and open internet that websites are under government control, which shouldn't be the case. Imagine if government started requiring government ID's to access all websites (including Lemmy, which is a social network).

Jesus christ, relax. Discord isnt some billion dollar revenue stream for people like Elon Musk. Last year it generated $130 million in revenue. The only money they make are from nitro subscribers, otherwise their entire platform is free for you to use. I dont know why you think Discord is a soulless company, especially considering it's not even publicly traded so doesn't have to bend to the will of shareholders.

These people are acting like every company that exists is somehow extracting money from them, even if they aren't actually paying for it. For someone to ask for money in return for a service is a straight insult to them lol.

Imagine getting peer pressured because of emojis. Seriously if you dont want to shitpost with emojis, you're not missing anything.

Honestly my one complaint is when starting a workout, activating the GPS takes a bit so I usually have to wait up to about a minute for the GPS to be ready and then I can start.

Anyone know what IEMs he's using?

Can you provide some insight on how to do this?

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Yeah that's basically what I'm doing now but using xorg instead of wayland. So I cant use stuff like gamescope and the steam big picture is horribly laggy for whatever reason with nvidia cards.

Next GPU upgrade I'll go team red but until then I'm stuck with the nvidia card.

I dont get your point about "Just don't buy it" not working.

If consumers didnt think it was a fair price, then they wouldn't buy it. People can live without a videogame, it's not like this is a big pharma company raising prices on a life-saving drug.

What kind of brain rot do you have where taking a few moments to re-figure out how to do things again is too much for you. Ever consider that maybe UI changes are to make things more accessible as well?

I wouldn't say a mustang GT is any faster. Most EV's have a sub 5 second 0-60, which is what a Musang GT has. EVs are just incredibly fast, especially Teslas.

What do you mean you can't come up with a transportation solution to transport millions of people around at any given moment that's more convenient than them being able to travel to their destinations on their own without a long schedule?

In case I need it, /s.

Bro its bad enough they got these shitty wood "luxury" apartment buildings that have like half inch thick walls, no one wants that shit on a massive scale. I'm all for more housing but fuck shared living spaces.

Governments shouldn't tell companies what value their products have. Consumers should simply not buy the product if they dont consider it a fair value.

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To my knowledge, McDonalds isnt trying to upend our democracy, nor are they inciting Nazis in their restaurants as well as discriminating against other protected classes. Yeah their food sucks but at least they aren't causing the downfall of society.

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There's a huge hate bandwagon for Manjaro and I don't really understand it. I don't consider myself a linux expert and maybe that's why but I felt like Manjaro was very accessible to someone new to Linux who wanted to use Arch. You have the ability to install what you need while also having a relatively stable system. I enjoyed that it came with software that I would normally be using but I know there's a lot of diehards who want just Linux and to install things themselves, in that case they should just use plain Arch or Endeavor, but I think for others Manjaro is perfectly fine.

Rules for social media lol. What do you expect the government to do? How would they even enforce these rules? Social media sites would simply host in other countries outside of the USA to bypass regulations.

Instead of trying to regulate websites, how about we create better privacy protections for our citizens, eh?

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If you're gonna steal food, go steal from walmart or some big retailer that can handle the losses. The little stores like this don't deserve the theft.

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