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Well since u broke windows itself u can try new attempt and let installer to format partition and install ubuntu.

Yes it's safe apt doing same when u installing something but doing it automatically.So u can just do

sudo apt-get install --download-only htop

It will store .deb in ur directory

Finnanly ,game dev maybe will start moving in open source side.

I am not sure that it's related to browser at all.Cause Firefox using own download manager and not using android internal one comparing to chromium based or webkit based.

Make correct marketing,create tools which will user switch OS with one click,create tech support gor usual people with small prices

Thanks for sharing.This is really important.

What filesystem in it? NTFS?

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It means that any website which using drm for playing content will not work by default,but u can enable it a again by modyfing config file.

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Post output of

xrandr --prop
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Related to kwallet if it's installed.

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Or maybe to keep doing social pressure on nvidia and make them feel guilty ,that they finally realse and did support of open version drivers not only for gtx 1650+ and fot more old cards.Because their source codes was published when hackers hacked their infrastructure and leaked source code.

U are right,I got confused

Took article from arhieve .Also from what i understood ,scrolling the net on amd cpu,it's works properly okay

Meanwhile PortProton which did similar thing long time ago :)

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What client are u using

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Strange that anyone,didn't recommend gui app fsearch

try xrandr --output HDMI-2 --transform 0.95,0,32,0,0.95,18,0,0,1 if it will work u can add this to ur .xprofile file in home directory

Awesome ricing!,tired of people which bring mac os or windows ui desing in open source world.

Same question about Krita.Which i found better than gimp

TorrServer is a program that allows users to view torrents online without the need for preliminary file downloading. The core functionality of TorrServer includes caching torrents and subsequent data transfer via the HTTP protocol.

Android client

It's able work completly in ram without need downloading whole files on disk.

Using javascript ofc.It checks if ads successfully loaded and showed to user if not showing banner to u.

I think it can be good attempt to reimplement it and make it work stable and normal.My hesdphones sometimes randomly dropping connection and need to restart bluez to make them connect again.Also have to say about audio profiles for bluetooth headphones. While A2DP can deliver can good high quality sound but cannot work in duplex mode and can noy record ur headphones microphone and it would be nice if u share link for ur git :)

Well,nvidia and linux during all history have problem.For me simplest solution which i see iy is to configurate driver version which worked for u and then hold driver version and not update driver of graphical card.

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Do u have installed gnome-keyring or kwallet and running it on the system? Also from know cases,nm-applet should installed and executed.

It's integrated in kde settings, there no app for it as i know.So just check kde settings :)

Same thing here my grandparents and some other old age people which i know using linux mint.I installed it to their pc 5 years ago and up to date,it's works fine for them before on windows it was nighmare while they were catching ads malware while browsing the net.

Try portproton It works without steam

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It's create own folder with wine prefix.If simply talking when u click on exe file,pop up a new window with asking u which version of installed proton/wine to use and on what to run it vulkan/opengl/gallium-nine .it's automatically download the updates of dxvk and new version of proton-lg and proton-ge.And have very cool feature about adding shortcuts to main menu and ur desktop folder like it would be usual native program.It's also have wide customization about launch options and integrated vkBasalt as example

Yeah from aur or add argument to force pip to not care about pacman.

Hey,i would be glad to hear ur problems which u had during linux experience and possibly to solve all of them :)

what give output for u systemctl --user status xdg-desktop-portal.service .Also do u have installed packages pipewire-pulse and pipewire-media-session or wireplumber.