2 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

To get right to the meat of the article:

New School Foods’ process starts by creating a biopolymer gel. This homogeneous hydrogel is placed in contact with a freezing surface and the gel is directionally frozen, resulting in the formation of thousands of directionally aligned, microscopic ice crystals traveling away from the freezing source.

Once the gel is fully frozen, the ice is removed, leaving behind empty channels. These channels act as a scaffold; the channels are filled with proteins and other ingredients (color, flavors, fats) to form the muscle fibers.

This was pretty close to my guess from looking at the pic of the the raw product. It looked like if you'd flatten out a swirled soft serve ice cream cone. The lattice structure should create a nice flakey texture.

Flavor is always the hard part, but I'm not looking for 1:1 replacement there. Actual recipes can always help shape the flavor to your palette. Salmon is pretty distinct, so maybe a generic white fish may work better.

There are always negative comments about it being processed food, but I still think the ecological benefits will outweigh that. Adapting our cooking can offset the near term nutritional issues. Use less meat, real or synthetic. We might not be able to keep our current habits if we want things to improve. We can start compromising now, or sacrifice later. That's my feeling about it at least.

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The amount of content has been ok. It's not always what I'm looking for, but I've been learning about ecology in Australia and other things I never would have on my own or on Reddit because it would get buried.

The part I like best though is also the part I like least - engagement.

I loved Lemmy right away because all of a sudden I could post or comment and not be lost in a swarm of clickbait articles or useless comments like "this" or "I also choose this guy's wife" things. But so many things are posted that get decent up votes but no comments. There are good articles posted, but no one comments, while ragebait things about defederation and politics get all the interaction. People say they want niche content, but dont post it or don't engage with it.

I've been trying for weeks now to get a niche sub going. It's finally above 1k subs, my posts can get 100 up votes, especially on weekends, not most posts don't get a single comment. How long do you want me to post without making me feel it's worth my time? The votes tell me at least people are seeing it, but if you don't talk to the group, how's it going to grow? I'm posting animal pics, some OC, some not. Google up a pic you like, and post it with a comment. It isn't hard.

I don't judge, but I do not care at all for all the meme groups. If I could block all communities with meme in the name I would. But those guys post like crazy. It's the same amount of effort to post that stuff as a pic you think is cool, an article about your town, or something you did or saw that was fun. Post that stuff! Comment on things! Let posters know you like what they post.

This got more ranty than I intended, but it's been getting to me lately. I am enjoying Lemmy, Beehaw in particular, but I want it to grow in a healthy way.

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Wherever I find myself questioning the Beehaw restrictions, I browse All on I can read All here with no real regrets. Anywhere else... Ehhhhhh

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I'm glad to see research into this. Sand for concrete is a specific type of sand (nice and bumpy so it likes to lock together like a jigsaw puzzle) and people get killed by what are basically sand cartels. This was the "legitimate" mob business in the last season of Barry.

Portland cement is about 2/5 sand, so we'll need to start drinking more coffee! I was glad to see they're testing other organic matter since coffee is very susceptible to climate change, ironically caused in a large part by cement production. Unless you believe the reader comment on the article begging people to realize climate change is a hoax...

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Not that I liked him, or really thought he was too much safer in Belarus, but why did the guy think he'd just be able to chill in Russia after making his murder crazy boss look stupid?

Sadly not shocked by the part of the story that's in the headline. The actual surprises in the article:

1 - He's a state senator now.

2 - The person he slurred was a 13 yr old in front of their mother.

3 -

Tomczyk is quoted as saying, “I have a brother who is a gay guy, and I’ve certainly out of joking and out of spite called him a [slur] more than once.”

What a heck of a guy...

I feel torn on the issue. I spend 90% of my Lemmy time on here, but the growth feels much slower than many other communities. I'm mostly ok with that. Content is pretty good, but still not much chatter on many posts. I mainly go to World to post to !superbowl, but even with 10x the users as here I only just started getting decent up votes, and I don't want to mod, so I don't feel like starting it here and trying to build an audience again.

Lemmy is probably still going to be finding its legs for another year or 2, so keeping multiple logins is probably the best way to roll for now.

I wasn't familiar with Ramaswamy before, and part of me wishes that I still wasn't. That guy is a whacko even in that stage and most of them told him so, which was about the only highlight. Audience cheered waaaay too much for comfort at some if the things coming out of his mouth including being the only one to explicitly claim climate change is a hoax. The others never said if they believe in it or not, they let Ramaswamy take the attention off that.

Christie did his Trump bashing, but doesn't seem to have improved on any of his it beliefs. Mostly blamed libs for NJ problems. Did have a bit of fun when they asked him about aliens though.

Haley was, well, not a pleasant surprise, but it's amazing how a few years can really affect who is "moderate." She went for the throat regarding Putin, had a moderate, respectable for a Republican view about abortion rights, and called out China, and also a few fellow candidates for making up stuff.

Pence was about how you would expect. Got everyone to admit he did the right thing ignoring Trump on Jan 6. Otherwise nothing new from him. Still says he would support Trump as president.

Desantis did his anti woke crap and took credit for the federal aid Florida got after emergencies. Pretty much promised to make the US into Florida. Repeated a few times how he's going to serve Biden "back to his basement." He didn't get much more attention than anyone else, so no new momentum for him.

Others were pretty much a snooze other than talking about using the military on the southern border. Won't be dedicating any extra of my time to those guys. That's about all I remember. Only half paid attention through most of it, I don't swing that way, but I'll hear them out.

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We've been happy with the VIOFO A129 Pro. Not very expensive and good quality video on both cameras day and night. There are lots of day/night comparison videos and the VIOFO beat a lot of cameras that were much more expensive.

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The frustration at Hilary was that it was Saudi money, not that it was money going to the Clinton Foundation, was it not?

I'm not totally up on campaign finance law, but don't most politicians have or be long to these political lobbying organizations?

A quick search basically says the Sanders Institute works to get progressives elected, so that seems a legit use of campaign money, or am I clueless on this?

I've been trying my best at getting ! going. It needs more activity, I can only photograph so many owls!

This is the kind of service government should provide. Would you go to a restaurant where they make you calculate your own bill, and if you calculate sales tax wrong, you get penalized? It's up to the service provider to say how much you owe.

Processed food may not be the best nutritionally, but it can still be not terrible. Also if we take into account all the hormones, antibiotics, cheap trash food diet, and suffering of living creatures required to support livestock management on a massive scale, what do we end up considering the better choice?

I'm still viewing these foods as in the testing stages anyway. I find the texture and flavor of many of them equal or better than natural proteins. I have nothing against meat consumption, but the current amount the world demands doesn't seem to be the best option for the planet. Additionally, the scale of meat processing doesn't seem to be able to support taking good care of the animals or the workers. Fake meat on the other hand had many ecological advantages, and the tech is improving constantly to make it better and cheaper and easier to produce. Scaling up production of a totally manufactured product seems something we can better control than something natural.

I feel there will still be a market for man made meat, especially if climate change limits the ability to support real animals. Once it can reach price parity, people will forget about most of their complaints as well.

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Being able to max my HSA contributions was one of my signs that I finally "made it" in my career. The advantages of HSAs are great for those that don't need to use them. Same with the required high deductible health plan itself.

Now my job is going away next month, and guess what does me no good then? No health plan, and I can't contribute that money to the HSA, not that I'll be getting any money. When I'll need protection most, it's not there. If the solution is to help everyone, universal healthcare is the only way to do it.

I'll share my experience regarding to a few choices quotes from the article.

Working as a senior quality and performance officer in a local council in the UK involved ‘pretending things are great to senior managers, and generally “feeding the beast” with meaningless numbers that give the illusion of control,’

My most recent job involved a bunch of auditing, mainly inventory. When you are tasked with finding errors and flaws, but are treated negatively when you present your findings, how does that make you value your work?

Management was relatively good at this job, but in my former one, I was treated poorly for sitting how we were operating wasnt working either as accurately or efficiently at it could. We were doing more work to deliver an inferior product. How to I feel I'm doing my best there?

Employed by a digital consultancy for a pharmaceutical company’s marketing department, he called his work ‘pure, unadulterated bullshit’, which ‘serves no purpose’.

I've been in various roles supporting pharma research for near 20 years now with a few companies in the data side of things. I mainly email results to people who only talk to me when there's a problem. That's somewhat fine, because I'm an introvert, but it doesn't build a bond between me and the people I'm supporting, and if we only speak when you're annoyed at me for sending you bad news when I'm just the messenger, or even more so if I find something more qualified people missed, it makes me feel like crap.

In my previous role, I would compile test results for lab inspections and get calls 6 or 12 months or more after sending the results from angry lab managers demanding I speak to their auditor about why they failed it to explain things they didn't understand. Way to prove my work want even important enough to flip through when you got it.

Empirical data suggested that, in fact, relatively few people appear to consider their jobs as useless – leading to pushback against the real-life applicability of Graeber’s concept.

None of my jobs, from the one I have, well, had, my job lost the bid to renew our contract, to the ones I had as a kid were useless. People generally don't pay for things they don't need. But some people definitely made me feel useless about the work I did for them. When I was a teen in food service, people needed to eat, both quickly and safely, and I wanted them to have a nice night out. But most people won't make you feel good for having that job. Now I turn stuff in to people I never see it great from it get to learn what happens from things I find, if the company makes changes based on my data, or if it just gets deleted. I'll never know.

‘I was recently able to charge around twelve thousand pounds to write a two-page report for a pharmaceutical client to present during a global strategy meeting,’ he said. ‘The report wasn’t used in the end because they didn’t manage to get to that agenda point.’

Looking at jobs now, I feel the bar is very high in minimum qualifications and mandatory skills for roles that I feel I would have been able to successfully do years ago in my career that I don't even begin to "qualify" to do now.

Jobs way harder than the just few I have are offering less than I made 10 years ago at places that treated me poorly back then.

I've been hired where they demanded I know skills X, Y, and Z, but the only thing they ever asked me to do was some intermediate X, some noob Y, and no Z ever came up because the boss doesn't understand half of it anyway and showing them how actually using Z can save time and money, but switching stuff over to that would take too much time or whatever.

I've always loved my jobs in the sense of what the duties were, or else I wouldn't do it, but seldom have I felt value in my job in the sense of doing that for the people I was doing it for.

This is pretty much how I see it. Cash can't solve everything, but it sure smoothes out a heck of a lot of bumps along the way. A lot of people will look the other way if they feel they can get something out of you.

Anyone hard right I know is either a bigot, well to do, or both. When you can have a single income family or you're a jerk, many of these issues don't even make it on your radar. They just seem to not exist or be someone else's problem.

A, B, and C are federated. They can all see each other's posts.

New group D shows up. A, B, C, and D all start off seeing each other.

D starts posting anti-pastafarian comments. A and B are pro-pastafarian, and defederate from D.

A and B still see C posts, but now no longer see content from D. I forget if that goes both ways or not.

C thinks they should hear D out and don't defederate, so C still sees everybody.

That's my basic understanding at least. Politely correct me if I'm mistaken!

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I still like the concept of Beehaw, but I've found myself spending less time here. The last month or so, the content seems to be all negative things, so I end up either skipping most of it, it's not coming on this instance every day. I try sorting Local/Top and Local/New, but I'm just not finding much.

I'm still mostly single-handedly trying to get ! to take off as an actual animal education spot and not a meme sub. I've been writing better and longer articles and showcasing rescues in each state. So there biggest chunk of effort I put into Lemmy is spent there, and I used to come over hear to actual browse content, but World and Beehaw seem to have reach equilibrium on the quality vs attitude, but World seems to have significantly more quantity.

I feel bad you guys can't see my posts because of the defederation, and I'm not sure how that's progressing since I don't much follow the tech of Lemmy itself. But it Beehaw keeps on it's current path or goes non-Lemmy, in but going to do 2 things, and I'd just stick to trying to make Lemmy better.

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Very valid points. I forgot WordPad existed and I use Notepad way more than I've ever used WordPad. But many people still havent really used computers much in depth beyond specific things they've been shown.

I know I could just use Google Docs or throw LibreOffice in there, but many people now in retirement age have still managed to dodge learning much about computers.

If you deliver a new computer that can't type a letter, send an email, and play YouTube out of the box, that seems like a fail. And I feel many that won't know what do do without something like WordPad also may not have an Internet connection, nor should they have to if they just need a presentable looking doc.

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Most don't want to be the first or only one to get the spotlight on them. I'm very shy and reserved in person until I feel I know someone well, so I've enjoyed the smaller audience here. Heck, on this instance there isn't even a down vote. So i try to take advantage of it to work on myself.

Sometimes I'll start to post, and change my mind, but at least it has me trying more. It's a process, and like anything else, they'll be things that fall flat. But most groups seem to be positive, especially here. I try to upvote just about everyone that interacts with me to encourage them back too.

I'm from the US, and usually all we hear about Australia and New Zealand is of the scary, deadly animals. I've been happy to see so many articles on Lemmy about all the work they are doing on endangered animals like this bird and the bandicoots.

I'm also surprised that so many of these programs seem to involve indigenous people. I don't know much about that part of the world, but I wish we would involve our native people in things like this. It feels we still keep ourselves cut off from each other. It makes all these feel good animal stories into feel good people stories.

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An older relative had me help him with his resume recently. He gave me his email as something like and I asked if that was what he wanted to use. He apparently collects antique crockery... I told him that may come off as something else. He insisted, so I used it.

I guess it shows what I know, because he got the job. Even a questionable email isn't always a deal breaker.

I mostly agree with you about the looking bad and not tasting good, but I have made the "Meat Hand" before and that was just as good as normal food if you like meatloaf. Just make your recipe of choice but form into a hand shape, top it with a little cheese before baking, and cook on a sheet pan, then transfer into mashed taters. Looks great/horrifying, hard to mess up, and tastes like regular food. Plus ketchup makes "blood.". Options fingernails are just onion slivers and the wrist is the onion core/center part.

Pic below isn't mine, but mine came out looking just as good.

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The article they link about pyrolysis is worth a read too. The main source of CO2 emissions from cement production is cooking down limestone into lime IIRC. I was curious how much energy is used to turn the biomass into the end product and what waste is generated. It's a bit too detailed for me to understand, but the process ends up with 15-25% biochar (the stuff they're promoting in this article), some potentially useful byproducts, and some regular combustion pollution.

Leftist critics of other leftists always sound so unhappy. The world will not wake up magically in a leftist utopia tomorrow (no one could agree on what that would be anyway) because about a third or so of the population would rather die than see things change. Progress happens no matter what, but a lot of people have to be brought forward kicking and screaming.

A lot of progress made in the last few decades is being violently taken back by an unprecedentedly authoritarian right around the world. People are losing rights they may have had their whole lives. Priorities are going to shift as things change in the world.

But you don't have to look far too see people haven't stopped with anti-advertising and anti-consumerism. How many communities in All are about privacy, reducing waste, FOSS, anti-capitalism, pro-labor, etc? Everyone all month has been mad at Google for wantng to prevent adblocking on YouTube and the Web. You will find no shortage if people hating on Nestle, Unilever, or oil companies.

The last few years have been dominated by people taking back rights won by feminists, LGBT, voters, and evironmentalists. Most people in there 30s and younger have grown up with a worldview offering little hope. That is a very large group of people with bigger problems than ads and discretionary spending.

Advertising catering to Product X will make your life feel better even if it really isn't better is going to at times be hard to resist. People are allowed to forget their problems for a little while though. If Matel sells some more Barbies to parents enjoying a pro-feminist message that are given to kids without mandatory gender equality playtime guidelines, people will still be fine. Right now there may be bigger fish to fry, while the world still has fish.

Didn't go into this intending to vent so much. It just seems so many leftists btag other leftists as much as the auth right does anymore. Be proud of what ever accomplished and work on keeping those victories while still working on new ones, even if they're small or don't go far enough.

You should try it! I forget where I saw the idea originally, but my ex was very into Halloween, so we made it.

I normally don't like meatloaf, but the different shape and the crunchy cheese gave it a texture I enjoyed better, so IMO it's even better in hand form then it is as normal meatloaf!

Perfectly valid way of doing it. I know a lot of people hate All on Lemmy or Reddit, and I get it. I just like to spend a portion of my time on All to see things that I would never learn about on my own.

I've been learning so much about Australia and NZ that I would never learn otherwise and I enjoy that. I'm in the US, so I'd never see local news from there if I stick to subscriptions. Do I want to learn all sorts of things about that? Not especially, but All lets me see what catches my eye. World just has a little too much to make it efficient, and the vibe in general is just more Reddit. Beehaw comes off more friendshipy to me, which also encourages me to participate in talking about things that I may not be as knowledgeable about.

But that's just what I want for me, everyone else may want something else, but that's why we have options.

That's horrible! What a shame. At least they owned up to doing it, but that had to be devastating to anyone in the recovery effort.

Too many people seem to want to "win" at any cost. What they feel they're winning, I couldn't begin to guess. The rich jerks are still going to be rich, the poor ones poor, and you all get to live in a fascist hell hole.

And it's not like that type isn't known for turning on their own team too, so in the end, almost everyone loses. What percentage benefited from any of these authoritarian regimes? If it was ever over 10% is be pretty surprised. It's a pyramid scheme that takes lives.

The only one I know off the top of my head is the coelacanth that I was thrilled to get to see a preserved one at the Smithsonian.

Here's some more examples

There's some more I found. The bird in this article is the prettiest of the list. The others may be a bit underwhelming.

I have a few accounts, but mainly stick to Beehaw at this point. It just feels different in a good way.

It seems to have died down now, but there seemed to be much hate for it for a week or so after the great Reddit migration. That was originally what got me to try it though.

Lol, you two have me picturing literally just 3 bats in the whole country and the middle one being upset he isn't biggest or smallest and is plotting to take one of the other 2 out.

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Trying to reinvigorate ! and ! .

SuperbOwl migrated from Reddit but nobody was doing anything with it. I try to post at least one owl a day. Currently I'm posting one owl rescue a day for each US state so people can visit and support them in person. Today is #11, Hawaii.

Anime communities seem so dead in Lemmy. There was finally an active thread last weekend, so I wanted to try to start another one this weekend.

It's really simple and the results are well worth it. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I dug through my archives and found my pics of the one I made.

I don't block too many things, because there can occasionally be news related to a topic I have no interest in that is still interesting. Like I have no interest in sports, but if there's something big like a scandal or arrest or some great play it mistakes, it's fun to catch that stuff.

The main things I outright block are anything NSFW that is definitely not for me, but mostly it's just about all of the meme communities. The amount of material those groups churn out is overwhelming and so many just seem so low effort. Things like programming humor generally don't bother me much, but most are just meh.

I read the Wikipedia summary of the coup fallout. It seems Prigozhin was cooperative to turn all legit businesses and paramilitary equipment over to Putin. His former media outlets turned on him and painted him as a traitor, but he still cooperated. I feel it's unlikely to be a mutual plot to fake his death, they've executed other people for far less than a public coup though. He may have thought he was getting some kind of lieniency, but I think they're toast.

Honestly it was better than I expected. If Ramaswamy wasn't there, I really wouldn't have minded it that much. He just came off so sleazy to me. Christy said something along the lines of he was the ChatGPT candidate. If you had an AI make a young, slick, influencer-looking MAGA Republican, it probably would look a lot like him. He was very Trump-like in behavior, talking over people and saying purposely ignorant things. The rest were plain vanilla Republicans closer to what we used to get, except Desantis, and Scott to a lesser extent.

If either the Bush presidents seem bearable at this point to you, the rest of the candidates were as tolerable as Reps get. More just Crap Original Strength instead of Crap Ulta Plus Xtreme.

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That's really what I look forward to most is an infinite flavor palette. My family hunts, do we've tried quite a number of things over the year. An endless availability of passable antelope or cougar meat that didn't hurt living things would be amazing to me.

Variety and balance is part of any good nutrition plan!

Definitely understand! Thank you for contributing all that you do, no matter what pseudonym it's under!