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Joined 12 months ago

People always forget about the rules of the internet.

Rule 29: On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents.

Rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet

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Hasta la vista, baby

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PSA: skirting their attempts to block ad blockers if you have a Google account you would rather keep may be unwise.

Google has been known for banning people for stupid crap, and this checks all the boxes.

While they were silent on this topic there was a gentlemen's agreement that you could block ads. But now that they have voiced their opinion the jig is up.

I'd recommend people to use an alternative account if they are going to block anyway and they want to keep their gmail.

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it's 30% if you only read the title, at the end of the article it says:

Two other polls released this week show President Joe Biden and Trump competitive in a 2024 matchup, with Biden edging Trump by just a point in surveys from Marist and Quinnipiac.

unless you check how they conducted the poll, you don't know if either one is correct.

was it made in an university campus or at the exit of an NRA convention? those will give you wildly different results.

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reddit gold used to be how the community helped with server costs back when reddit had only a few employees

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they may be smart enough to avoid telling you they are voting republican.

just test it out.

some setups will work fine with wayland and some will work better with xorg.

there are of course ways solve those issues, but it's easier to test both and use the one that works best for you.

wayland is the future, but the present is whatever works best for you.

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the error is buying a game from a series with 11 games in development

they are going to run out of words in the dictionary to name these fucking games, they will start using words in a different language for the codenames.

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It seems funny at first, but knowing they don't hate a media twisted version of you, but the real thing, is more depressing than funny.

you mentioned it twice so I fear the worst, please tell me you didn't remove 14000 lines manually using a text editor.

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“we have worked a lot on PC performance. wanted to reach performance parity with consoles for release on similar hardware and we achieved that, However, our teams will continue working on improvements and integrating technologies like fsr and dlss in the future. “

So that they don't have to work until 67.

I mean if it were for the government they would put old people in an island and nuke it from time to time.

Enjoying the fruits of your labor? How dare you.

It's also true that population is living longer and younger generations are not having kids. I mean there's a little trick most don't know is that those contributions in the form of taxes that you made all your life towards retirement, most of it gets spent immediately by the government. So if younger generations don't have kids to keep the ponzi running the whole thing falls apart, and one of the symptoms is this, the need to raise retirement age.

mmm... annulus

I'm a patient gamer so I don't normally preorder, but I made an exception with CyberPunk as a tribute for paying $5 for Witcher 3 (which was my first game of the series, I went in blind and I couldn't believe how good it was).

I wasn't even mad with the shitshow but I decided wasn't going to play the game in that state.

Fast forward a few years, the game runs almost 3 times as fast (went from 25 to 70 fps on my computer) and they fixed a lot of problems people were complaining about for the DLC release. Now it's ripe.

Patient games keep being right

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the fucking gall of calling massa centrist. shit-tier journalism.

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Tbf you can be ogled and not objectified

I gotta get me some of that copium, looks like the good stuff.

that doesn't even buy top shelf fresh organic shit

only preprocessed canned shit shipped from who knows where.

Oh that sounds somehow more annoying than just having to pay it yourself, seeing as you have to do the calculations yourself anyway.

it was never about the convenience of the worker, but about making sure they pay. companies act as tax retention agents.

You got it completely wrong.

Shitty games with shitty releases go into oblivion, the game is obviously good.

I'm not criticizing the game, I'm criticizing the company and the billionaries that preside it and decided people swallow it all up if they launched a game in the state they did.

yeah I got a fancy lab power supply but stopped at oscilloscopes, those things are expensive.

it's still cheap and fun to do a lot of stuff, but now I wanna build a sound-card based oscilloscope.

you don’t have to know the internals of the engine. you just need some basic deduction powers.

does it look it look good compared to other AAA games? no

does it run fast? no

ergo. the engine is crap.

the same thing happened to cd projekt red but they ditched their engine after the cyberpunk fiasco. they will just pay epic

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I've been had

it's not the recommended way but it's how I've been doing.

you format the new drives and just cp -a -x from the running os to the destination, update the destination fstab, then treat the new drives as an os with a broken boot and continue from there.

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we have problems with governments over printing. this shit has happened again and again for decades and it won't stop.

"It's Morbin time!"

well you can put your “not in my computer” opinion in your ass. widespread benchmarks by established gaming journalists show good computers struggling.

and at least one says they plan to leave within a few months.

lol, in a few months? they are not leaving

this is not audio specific but just an FYI, reinstalling does nothing on an updated system unless the program files were corrupted somehow, which is not normal.

to really reinstall a program from scratch you have to use apt-get purge or apt purge to ensure that global configurations files are removed, and pay attention to the logs printed out because some files may not be removed.

then, you have to manually delete your user configuration files for those programs, or create a new user un your computer to test it out first to see if user config files are generating any troubles.

Google has banned whole accounts of some users for copy pasting comments on Youtube chat (similar to what people do on Twitch).

I wouldn't gamble on it.

I'm betting it isn't much higher than 50k

lol if you hate the guy you could just go with negative numbers instead.

it's not uncommon for rich people to go into the negative millions when their investments go belly up.

philosophers are still coasting on the fact that they were mixed in with the real sciences in the past.

they are nothing but a bunch of glorified poets. you can get the same level of authority in the lyrics of any god damn song.

why not? sudo cp -ax foots the bill.

I assume people prefer rsync because you may need to run it twice, but unless you tick all the boxes rsync won't copy capabilities (see getcap /usr/bin/rsh)

sudo cp -ax is short and sweet and does everything right.

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dd is good if the destination disk is equal or bigger, unless you are brave enough to shrink the source partition.

if you are moving to a smaller disk for whatever reason (hdd to sdd) then you need to fallback to a different method, which takes us back to cp/rsync.

"I shall temporarily take my leave, but rest assured, dear interlocutor, that I fully intend to return to this precise location at some point in the foreseeable future, thus affording us the opportunity to continue our ongoing discourse"

what do you mean by allowed? as in if you are a private company you should not be allowed to have satellites? is that what you mean?

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The complete opposite. I accussed them of being pleased when these things happen as they get to campaign against guns with it, not because they want kids safe, but because they get a self-righteous hard-on when doing it.

Well of course you can do it quickly with vim. Regardless, my suspicion is that OP deleted the lines manually, hence the need to mention it a couple of times. Otherwise, why would they even mention something you can do with grep in a literal second.

in any case it’s nothing that anyone dared to show any judge.

so for all intents and purposes, bullshit

I mean people used to be armed all the time and there wasn't a daily massacre.

people like saying this, what could possibly go wrong? but really, what could really go wrong?

this kkk dude would have be dead for pulling a gun in front of an armed group, maybe he kills one but this should level out at some point. the crazies will cull themselves out.