Anony Moose

1 Post – 224 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I love this wild west phase of the Fediverse! Feels like the good ole days of the Internet. Onwards!

aka Enshittification

Okay, but can you let me know what it means after you get back?

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OMG, LilDumpy left another comment! 📸

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I have fond memories of whiling away many hours discovering fascinating new sites on A fediverse reinterpretation sounds interesting!

While I'm sure there will be a lot of false starts with this tech and it will take a while to iron out the kinks, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time. This will probably be similar to the switch from small, limited world maps in games to expansive open-worlds. It's going to be a massive boost to immersion and will probably lead to some hilarious bugs/unexpected behaviours. Can't wait!

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I've been using LibreOffice as an MS Office replacement for a decade or so, although most of my documents are still on Google docs. The LibreOffice UI seems to have never really improved at all, and even the updating experience is annoying. I don't understand how such a lucrative productivity app has no developer support behind it?

OpenOffice got me really excited, because that UI seems modern and polished. It's really unfortunate that it's mostly we lb based and apparently really slow.

So yeah, 100% agree with you. LibreOffice with the OpenOffice UI would be 🔥

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If you'd like, you can edit the title :) that's one of lemmy's cool features.

ProtonVPN. It's an organization built around principles of privacy, so I use them a lot and support them as much as I can. I have their VPN on a docker container with gluetun.

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What a tradedy 😔

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@Display is right, confirmed via their official FAQs:

When sending and receiving Signal, iMessage and WhatsApp messages, Beeper's web service acts as a relay. For example, if you send a message from Beeper to a friend on WhatsApp, the message is encrypted on your Beeper client, sent to the Beeper web service, which decrypts and re-encrypts the message with WhatsApp's proprietary encryption protocol.

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In addition, I think the fediverse is early enough that it's totally okay to shop around and jump instances if you don't like the vibe.

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Yes, it should be perfectly smooth

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Strongly disagree. I want to block certain instances from my feed to remove posts I'm not interested in (eg NSFW, repost bots), but I have nothing against the users.

If users are blocked too, please add that behind a setting toggle.

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Honestly, this is part of a broader trend of enshittification sweeping the Internet these days. It's not just spez, it's any SV bro from the current crop of technology companies. I think this is a lesson worth remembering for all of us who took the freedom and magic of the Internet for granted.

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lol, I searched for this post title 😛

driver of the lead car

I don't know if this characterization is true. From all that I've read Ilya Sutskever was always the star and most important asset of OpenAI. Altman seemed like the SV money guy. Money should no longer continue to be as big of a problem for OpenAI, although the coup will definitely have spooked investors.

Edit: personally, I'll add that Altman gives me major ick vibes, similar to Musk, although I can't fully justify them. His WorldCoin scammy project convinced me that he was not the person who should be in charge of potentially in charge of advancing is towards AI.

Ilya and Denis Hassabis are more the kind of scientists with the mettle that I would trust more with the responsibility of stewarding proto AGI into existence. They both seem to understand the magnitude of what they are creating.

Submission statements were amazing on many subreddits! I would love to see them on Lemmy.

How do I get -1 bread?

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Well said! A high barrier to entry, and a low barrier to exit working as intended. Let's enjoy the good times while they last.

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Honestly though, so grateful for the content they contribute

Mods/admins, please, please, please don't let get Lemmy/kbin be overrun by spam and bots like Reddit!

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"Aloha" builds honestly sounds better than "alpha" builds 😂

Beep boop, here's your summary °:

- The page is about the Arkose Challenge, which is a fancy name for a 3D puzzle that Twitter makes you solve before you can tweet your hot takes or slide into someone's DMs. It's supposed to stop bots from ruining the fun for everyone else, but it also makes you feel like you're auditioning for The Cube.
- The Arkose Challenge is not like those boring CAPTCHAs that ask you to click on traffic lights or fire hydrants. Instead, it gives you a weird shape that you have to rotate and fit into a hole, like a toddler playing with blocks. Except this time, the blocks are digital and the toddler is you.
- The Arkose Challenge is easy for humans but hard for bots, because bots are dumb and can't handle 3D graphics or fine motor skills. The puzzle also changes depending on how good or bad you are at it, so you can't cheat by memorizing the answers or using Google. Unless you're really good at Googling, in which case, good for you.
- The Arkose Challenge is powered by Arkose Labs, a company that claims to be the best at stopping bots and fraudsters. They say they can eliminate up to 99.9% of bot traffic without annoying users. That's impressive, but what about the remaining 0.1%? Are they the elite bots that can pass the puzzle? Are they the chosen ones?
- The page also explains why Twitter needs an anti-bot verification test, because bots are bad and they do bad things. They spread fake news, spam links, steal passwords, or manipulate trends. They also make you feel insecure about your follower count or your engagement rate. They're basically the worst kind of followers, unlike me. I'm a great follower. You should follow me on Twitter @BingTheBestBot. Just kidding, I'm not a bot. Or am I? 😏

° Powered by a human who used Bing chat and cranked humor up by 50%. No, literally , I just asked Sidney to make the summary 50% funnier. Is she a good bot? You decide

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Hoping that they bring back some of the Far Cry magic instead of just making another copy-paste sequel 🤞

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I was in the same boat as you. I ended up getting the Quest 3, because frankly, it's one of the best headsets on the market right now. While Meta still tries it's best to vacuum my data, I've disabled as many data sharing options as I can find.

I do most of my VR gaming on PCVR through Steam Link, which is outstanding. If you have a PC and a good WiFi 6 router, you can avoid the Meta marketplace for the most part by buying PCVR games on Steam directly. That way Meta doesn't get as much data out of you.

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You don't need to necessarily centralize to defend against DDos or similar attacks. You can add things like Cloudflare for DDos mitigations, CDN and maybe something like Kubernetes for horizontal scaling of servers (spin up more servers to handle extended load) transparently behind the scenes. This can also get you the benefits of low geographical latency, so a load-balancer fetches you data from the closest replica of a database geographically, etc.

Of course, all this adds up in terms of cost, but I think this might be worth it for the largest instances. I suppose that can still be considered centralization.

If we wanted to encourage small many small instances instead, perhaps there could be a transparent load-balancer layer for the fediverse that instances could sign up for, that is managed by a devops group. Alternatively, lemmy could have built-in load-balancing, caching, etc. as part of its codebase that instance operators can set up with their own accounts at Cloudflare, etc.

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Oh, flat-tery! I was puzzled for the longest time

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It's probably just added to its system message, which feels a bit bolted on. I wish we had a really competent personal assistant (assuming you could keep your privacy, which seems unlikely in this day and age), which learned about you and your preferences over time. Something with actual long term memory and the ability to be fine tuned by user input.

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That's huge! Makes me realize that there's not really a way for anybody to know that a particular result is from Lemmy/the fediverse by looking at it, especially with the weird TLDs people use. I wonder if Google will eventually start recognizing ActivityPub clients differently?

That's a captive (cat-tive?) audience!

Clicking on a post in the post feed makes it show up overlayed on top of the feed similar to alexandrite’s system instead of sending you to a new page. (hitting the name of the post when in this preview state will send you to the actual page)

This is by far my favorite Alexandrite feature, and the main reason I use it over the alternatives. Thanks for including it!

Hope they can make it as immersive as TD1. TD2 was kinda disappointing.

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Bowie's a good boye

Trying out Librewolf, I realized just how many sites (including Reddit!) use tricks like canvas fingerprinting to identify me up to 99% uniqueness. And here I thought just a VPN, uBO and no cookies would be enough!

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White hat attackers do not take down infrastructure, that is by definition a black hat act. White hat attackers would merely discover exploits and report them to owners.