2 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Even without any karma system, interacting with the users here is a breath of fresh air. Lemmy has the least shills and bots compared to the poison in most other platforms. It's currently Lemmy's best asset and where it stands out from all existing social media imo, and I hope it remains this way.

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so many celebrities claim that all their social media were "hacked" right after the pump-and-dump scheme is finished

but I thought lineageOS is not compatible on samsung phones.

Yes yes yes. The unremovable bloatware junk flooding and suffocating samsung's devices cpu , memory and ram, and draining its battery is the #1 reason that forced me to ditch samsung forever. Also how you hardly don't get any much by rooting them compared to other manufacturers

the AIPAC is $12 million balls deep inside Biden's ass. He's their bitch but he's also s politician who says whatever pleases the public in the same time.

these cocksuckers were charging my 70-yr-old computer-illetrate mom nearly $80 a month because "she wanted to be able to open pdf on her laptop", and then once I found out and tried to cancel this pro subscription which she had, they forced us to pay a $200 cancelation fee which amounts to 50% of the remaining months until the end of the year. Adobe came pre installed and all she did was click on yes, yes, yes after the triall period finished. It's a predetory behavior from a scummy company. I will never forgive them for this.

12 more... and everyone should as well

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I live in a very strict and conservative country and once a young girl passed out in front of everyone. Her sister was panicking screaming at her to try to breath. I'm usually a savior vigilante type of guy whenever and wherever the situation but sadly at that time I was wearing shorts. So my immediate reaction was to nope out and pretend I didn't see anything. They had to bring another woman who was working close by to do CPR and resuscitate her. The girl then survived obviously. I later had feelings of guilt that I did not step in to help, but in the same time I could've been jailed for touching her and worse get beaten by everyone there. what an awful dilemma ...

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she told my sister who is also very stupid when it comes to computers to put it. I wish I was making this up

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Cringe horny sexual questions on the main page every day: Reddit, what sound do you like to hear when you do the sex with your female partner? (and the post has 999999 upvotes and 99999 comments)

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Fuck Bolsonaro. Brazil elected a corrupt disease to humanity and earth is breathing again

It's extremely rare to see someone like Paul Bigger whose morals are not for sale

Gaza is not a country. It's a besieged reigon inside Israel. Gazans don't have passports; they are not even allowed to travel out of their borders to even visit the west bank or any place in Israel except for few with job permits who were allowed work in fields inside Israel by day and return by night. Their fuel, electricity, food and water are rationed and controlled by Israel. They drink polluted water and live in poverty and 75%+ unemployment. They get bombed yearly. Israel juat killed more than 22000 in the last 3 months and crippled thrice as many.

It's worse than an aprthied. It's much worse than being in prison of any first world country. And the only reason they have Hamas in control is because of these conditions.

The zoomer haircut xD

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It's anti-semitic to ask you to stop killing children who lived their whole lives unable to leave their borders and were not even born when Hamas was "elected" in their reigon?

Is it anti-semitism to advocate to stop a "war" which you waged against a besieged province inside your country which you are controlling their water, electricity, food, fuel, and all natural resources, and starving amd killing and crippling for all life children and women who are over %70 of the victims?

there was this onlyfan streamer who kept blocking the view of her tits with her hand while pretending to do body art for 13 hrs straight. it was the most retarded shit ever

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I bet you not even sudo could remove edge. edge is like the breathing lungs and thinking brain and balls of computer

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It does not have to be life over dignity. There can be a middle ground they could at least provide a cover while doing their thing. I know a teen girl who changed school, did therapy and tried to sue because she once had a seizure and they stripped her naked in front everyone to save her. Her "friends" took video of her and spread it all over their school. As awful as it sounds I'm not making this up.

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My sister who is stupid with computers is a successful consultant with phd in her field lol.

I'm not exaggerating to say 90% of people in the world treat PCs as non-intresting tools do their job. They have privacy-nightmare settings on their phones and never change the default apps or settings on their PC. That's how tech companies earn their billions

All oppressive governments strive for such laws. Sad day for whistleblowers and activists all around the world

Off course they "value" your privacy. They sell and profit so much value out of your privacy

in many cultures it's tradition like India, while in others it's a nessicity because it's illegal to look at, befriend or chat with any female

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I was a Redditor for 14 yrs or so never paid a penny. I left because of censorship, shadow banning, bots and shills, atroturf'd voting and manipulation of content and posts from the reddit team themselves due to bribes or whatever support they get from forign entities, how they killed all 3rd party apps, and how they use their users data and abusing their mods and subs under those mods control.

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invest .. invest now!

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All those rappers and celebrities with cartoon donkey and monkey profile pics showed how much for sale they are. They will promote poison to you for money

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Nikki plainly said word by word "Palestinians came, robbed, and killed Israelis."

She recieved over a million dollar from AIPAC during last year alone and has been Israeli's right-wing puppet for over a decade. She also previously supported and made numerous genocidal statements including nuking Gaza.

Do you know who has the highest percent of immegrants in the whole world? Palestinians. Go look it up.

Israel before Oct-7 is an apartied state. They are land colonizers occupying, starving and continuely bombing and killing Palestinian people.

How can you pretend that was the best democracy in the middle east and most moral army when the treatment, evictions, land stealing, long and unjustified random imprisonmemt without charge, killings, and oppression the Palestinians were living, before Oct-7, was worse than living in the worst oppressive dictatorships of the middleeast? More than 90% of Israel prisoners are Palestinians. An Israeli can just kill any Palesinian kid and wouldn't get a week in jail. Go look up the 100000 of times that happened before Oct-7.

How do you pretend the way Israel was besieging Gaza and continuely "mowing the lawn" was acceptable? Palestinians have the right to just fucking live like Israelis. Is this statement unreasonable for you? If not, then they have the right to free themselves, and the whole western world must stop the hypocracy and pretend it's acceptable for Israel to exist the way it is. They muat sanction and isolate Israel's government like they did to Russia until it gets it act together and just be a normal country that does not colonize and kill people from different race or religion.


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So why does your CEO get paid quarter of a billion a year if they had to hike their APIs unreasonably and kill all 3rd party apps because "reddit wasn't profitable" despite not paying a dime to the mods running their website niether to contribitors, posters nor users ?!?! Reddit is scummier than Uber

You also just have to cope with whatever broken glitches there are in the game and find a way around them because aint no patch no hotfix no nothing is coming to save you

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Man that's so lonely and pathetic. So glad I'm not with them and Im just jerking off with my tears at home

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Don't jerk off thinking about her

It also wants to access your location and nearby devices and wifi

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It's crazy to me how most if not all billionares cheerish exploiting poor wages and keeping poor people poorer while hoarding unimaginable wealth that's enough for lifetime for generations of their family. That's because billionares are mentally sick.

So proud of Skyrim, GTA-V and Fallout-4 holding strong decades after their release. They could be the most played games of the century

gaza has churches, and christians who died in this war as well

why did she do that in first place? what's the context? was she angery or joking?

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How the fuck did you even interview them? The governments of many Arab countries in this survey would kidnap and jail you indefinitely without trail if you support Palestine in public or on social media, and many other cave in to what they are expected to say. It's garbage in garbage out

What?! You're trying to tell me those rich dictatorship twats don't care about the harm they cause to the world just so they stay in power?

is it his yearly bonus? I can't seem to understand it because of so he is leeching and crippling the shit out of tesla