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Joined 1 years ago

I'm not the target audience for this to begin with, but I refuse to own a car ever again that doesn't have Android Auto. What a bunch of anti-consumer bullshit. What are the odds GM starts charging a subscription fee to access apps on these vehicles?

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Uhhh maybe they should find the time to do that then? How is "we don't have the time" a valid excuse? Either hire more staff to do so, or sell fewer ads.

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This sounds like a load of corporate bullshit that they're going to use to justify preventing modding of their games.

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I'm still not sure I would believe it at that point.

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Fuck you, buddy. You've ruined my entire Saturday.

Why are you intentionally leaving out the rest of that sentence?

it’s apparently nevertheless a concern that some mods might be deemed offensive in a way that requires tighter controls on modding.

They are specifically talking about restricting modding.

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Classic over explaining to cover up a lie.

I never send anything other than "I'll be out of the office today" for every PTO notice.

Oh hell no. Permanently drunk it is.

Yeah but I also already pay for a phone and am tired of being nickel and dimed at every opportunity. The price of the service isn't necessarily the issue -- it's the fact that there is a price to begin with.

You can still think Disney is a shitty company while acknowledging that this is a stupid article/headline. They're not mutually exclusive.

The Sync dev is currently charging $20 USD to remove ads, or $100 for a lifetime subscription to "Ultra" which includes some additional features. I have to say, the app is really nice, but the dev is out of his mind.

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As of 4/9/22, about 20-ish, I believe, out of an original team of ~70. The remainder either quit, were laid off, or were fired.

Source here, which expands further:

Before that’s a cause for alarm, however, many of these remaining 20 were key people in New Vegas’ development, and Obsidian also has Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain on board, even though both are on Outer Worlds (2), and Leonard and Tim are the original creators of Fallout.

Josh Sawyer, the director of New Vegas, is still there as well and has said he is open to working on Fallout again.

uBlock Origin doesn't doesn't by default, but apparently you can enable a filter which removes tracking params from your URLs. I've not personally used this, but I use an add-on called ClearURLs which does something similar.

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That seems high to me as well. Obviously this is anecdotal, but I've introduced probably 20 friends/family members to VR and none of them have had issues with motion sickness.

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You're not a business whose sole purpose is to sell/license images. If you read the article, it explains that their models are trained using only images from their library, which seems like a sensible approach to avoiding copyright issues.

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Read the fucking article, man. It's not a stock image of a character, it's the spiral clock background.

It makes food taste like shit and by extension you want to eat less. At least, that was my experience with smoking for years. When I quit I gained like 40 lbs.

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While I would kill for an actual remake, there is a fan-made remake in the F4 engine that has been many years in the works. The devs are pretty active on Discord and still plugging away at it. Who knows if it ever actually gets finished, but I think at this point this is the best hope for a somewhat-modernized New Vegas.

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I have wireless AA on my Civic and I literally get in the car, turn it on, and my phone connects automatically. It's very convenient. What issues have you run into?

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Your passive-aggressiveness is very off-putting.

With that being said, it's not FREE to use if I'm getting ads, I'm just paying with something other than money. I'll continue to use one of the many alternatives.

The enjoyment of going to parties typically relies on the attendees of the party and how much you like or dislike them. This specific party is full of people who bought monkey JPEGs and turned them into their entire personality. So, presumably, I would not like this party.

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I think you're severely underestimating how much time, effort, and resources game development takes. Especially when the devs aren't doing it full-time.

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Don't worry, I'm working on a solution to this. My proposed Lemmy client will auto-inject ads into your feed so you can really recreate the Reddit experience.

This is a terrible idea. What stops me from uploading a broken piece of shit fork that puts others at risk while I'm driving?

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No amount of in-house testing is going to catch everything that can be experienced on a nearly-infinite amount of hardware/software configurations that are tested once a large userbase gets a hold of a product.

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I mostly agree with this. I really enjoyed the more insightful, introspective Johnny and there wasn't enough of it. With that being said, I'm a few hours into Phantom Liberty and it seems that we get a lot more of the meaningful conversations with Johnny.

Fair enough. I do admit, I went through a number of USB cables in a previous car that didn't have wireless. However, I don't really see how restricting access to AA would solve your maps issue. So, rather than not being able to use your phone to look up a detour (which I have done, by unplugging my phone, selecting a new route, then plugging it back in, which isn't great), you now just look up a detour on your phone and then what? Don't use the car's navigation at all?

I haven't and likely can't think of a good solution to handling the scenarios you're talking about. They are good questions that someone smarter than me should address. However, to use those scenarios to completely admonish advertising platforms for blatantly obvious scams is asinine. "Well, what if a legitimate business starts scamming people?" should have little relevancy to the question of "Should we accept this ad from a user advertising that they're going to double your money if you give them access to your financial accounts?"

I'm not saying it's simple or quick to solve, but there is very obvious low-hanging fruit that could be dealt with but is somehow not because these platforms aren't held accountable whatsoever. It has to start somewhere.

I don't necessarily see this as a problem. Part of me yearns for the days of vbulletin and phpBB forums, where each one was small enough that it had its own unique culture and feel. You "knew" the people you were interacting with and were able to build camaraderie with fellow forum members.I couldn't tell you the username of 99% of the people I engaged with on Reddit. Having a huge, monolithic community ala Reddit completely destroys any sort of culture of the community.

This is the best of both worlds, in my eyes. Naturally, certain communities in certain instances will become the community for a topic, but with the added benefit of being able to find a smaller, more focused community elsewhere.

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Tolon is an absolute shining gem of food in Fort Wayne and I'm thoroughly amused seeing it mentioned here. I've never had the burger but the duck fat frites are always great.

If there's a passenger, at least in my car, the system recognizes it and let's one type with the touchscreen.

You will still be able to play on community servers which will continue to use EAC.

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Yup, same. I love Path of Exile but very, very rarely ever made more than 1 character per season as I hate doing the campaign.

I feel for everyone who is losing their job, but whoever greenlit development for their latest dumpster fire should not be working in games.

The quality of programming-related content on Reddit is absolutely terrible. The major lanuage-related subreddits are almost nothing but people self-promoting their latest Medium blogspam or thousands of people patting someone on the back for sharing their first "Hello world" program. Anyone going there for any sort of advice surely didn't gain any sort of productivity boost.

Yup, for a very long time I used reddit for nothing but r/NBA. You often had quality posts with substance and users generally knew what they were talking about. Compare that to today, and every single thread is filled with nothing but memes and shit posts that don't actually add anything to the conversation.

Oh yeah. Marlboro Reds and black coffee got me through some rough fucking mornings in my early 20s.

I don't get what your point is. Are you trying to generate images with Stable Diffusion and upload them to Shutterstock? Because that's the only situation when the thing you're complaining about applies. Nobody is stopping you from generating images and using them. What they are doing is preventing you from generating them and then trying to profit from them on the Shutterstock platform, unless you use their tools. Why is this an issue, in your opinion?

I also got 10/20. The second one is fairly obvious, though, in my opinion. Look at the shape of the glasses -- the lenses are uneven and don't match.

That seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do if you're taking a picture of a milkshake.