5 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Firstly, I want to say I appreciate your dedication to creating a well moderated and maintained community.

However, I feel like this is an overall bad decision.

Essentially what I'm thinking is, how is this sustainable?

The amount of control that youre trying to achieve here is going to create an increasingly small and insular community. Also, there is a serious risk of burn out on the moderation end if you're attempting to currate this much, the more this server grows the harder this is going to be to maintain.

With the type of platform that this is, we're going to have a wide variety of people. A lot of them are just going to be bad people. Simply defederating won't fix this, and it will also be a problem here even with manually approved sign ups.

If people want to, they will just lie to get in. Essentially your system right now relies on people not lying to you when they sign up. A targeted harassment campaign could easily overcome that.

What's next? Are we going to deferate and Why don't we just defederate every instance? Even the biggest social media platforms have a seriously hard time moderating content they actually don't want on their platform. You can literally find porn on Youtube.

Tipping your hand on the scales this much is really stressful for a small team, and often doesn't lead to the outcomes that you thought you wanted. I hope in the near future you refederate, but I understand if you don't.

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Honestly, others do have point when they say we are basically leeching off of the platform. I honestly don't think I'd mind paying for youtube, I currently don't because it kind of just got ingrained in me that youtube was "free". I think the ad supported model is fundamentally flawed though.

Platforms will always want to make it worth it for advertisers to work for them. With the huge trove of user data that sites like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc. have they will use that to leverage personalized ads that will feed your brain with garbage all day and coax you into buying shit you don't need or sometimes even falling for scams.

I'd honestly like it better if these sites just straight up charged you right out of the gate. Maybe on top of that we could have sites be interoperable, like the fediverse, so it's not necessarily what the site offers but how they offer it to you. Making you want to pay for an experience that you truly can't get anywhere else.

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what was the original reasoning for them giving him immunity in the first place.

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Damn, bro really just essentially said "get fucked". He also in essence admitted in the interview that the intention was to kill off certain third party apps, saying they provide little to no value to the platform.

I really think the root problem here is that we're building communities on private platforms owned by for profit corporations. The intention is to make money off your interactions, and to an extent how you have them. Instead of providing you with a service, you become the service. A commodity to be sold to advertisers and whatever nonsense they can get you to look at on their platforms.

This is why ActivityPub is important. You (mostly) don't see this kind of fuck shit happening with SMTP, instead they just couple services in with your email (O365, G Suite). Communicating and connecting with other people shouldn't be a business venture, and I hope social media continues to become increasingly unprofitable for these companies.

Bro's in a wheel chair and still vetoed it, damn

Similarly, if the Earth can’t survive Exxon, it was never going to succeed in the first place

Actually, yes. The reason Exxon is fucking the planet right now is because of weak regulation. If we can't build a system that is resistant to the threat of earth destroying corporations, we were never going to succeed in the first place.

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Im bouta buy an induction stove top lmao

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I think defederation is not really that useful in this case, because then your users will just leave and sign up for the platform where they can view where the most content is. Although I do agree with your general premise.

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I wish they would just let me buy shit lmao

I never understood why everyone moved to discord. Regardless of this, it actually just sucks and is hard to use. Discord really gives me hope that the fediverse will succeed, just because the UI sucks so fucking much.

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Growth for the sake of growth isn't always bad. I think the problem with Reddit is that it's growth for the sake of profit.

When we try to grow our communities it gives us wider influence over what a space looks like. Imagine if there is a cause a lot of users here want to promote and fight for, but they're defederated from some of the biggest instances?

The ability to grow gives you a seat at the table, and also allows you to influence others. That's essentially why people often centralize in one place on social media platforms.

I do understand your point of view though, I still disagree but respect it.

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Copyright should not exist. However, under our current economic system, capitalism, it should exist for a short period of time. Probably about 5-10 years.

In my view, it's a stop gap measure. The real issue is the lifetime appointments. We just had one president choose 3 justices, who all get lifetime appointments. That is beyond insane, and if packing the courts right now will help alleviate that imbalance I think it should be advocated for. Of course in the long term we will want term limits, or maybe some sort of rotation system, but for now I think that's the most politically effective way forward.

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I honestly don't know if I believe any of this. It could be one big distraction, and I think the people in high positions of power are skeptical as well.

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Agreed, we need to structurally reconfigure how we live our lives to fix this problem. Trying to get everyone to become "health concious" isn't gonna cut it, which is what they've been trying to do for years.

This shit made me do a double take

Name is cringe, but the policies behind it are decent

The situation I'm thinking of is one where Meta creates Threads (or whatever it will be called), and then a bunch of people defederate. In that scenario, there will of course be big servers who choose to federate with Threads. Given Meta's reach and influence, they will undoubtedly have one of the bigger instances, so a lot of politicians, journalists and everyday people will go there.

Making it so people can't see that content will just make the fediverse become more centralized, because people will just go to the bigger instances that will allow for them to see that content, or just go sign up for threads. I think that's bad because it creates further centralization, even if they're providing the content that people want.

Even though I know a lot of people disagree, we need all types of content in order for this place to grow. I'm not talking about any far-right nonsense, but even garbage like tabloid fodder and stupid meme bullshit will keep our networks alive and users engaging. The easier it is for the average person to use the better. If the point is not profit, then it must be to allow people to come together and talk about almost whatever with almost whoever, and wherever.

On the contrary, I'm just saying if you build something and it gets co-opted by a corporation it probably wasnt meant to be.

It's like when people talk about politicians being bought out by corporations. If that's something that can even happen, it's the fault of a broken system that would even allow that to happen.

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What are we going to do then, everytime a corporation starts up an instance we defederate? All corporations are essentially evil. If we do that, we'll always just be a niche concept that will always fail to keep up with the needs and wants of users.

We need to be able to prevent bad behavior from taking over the project, while also allowing corporations to join and interact with us.


You fight back by fixing the system, or making a new one.

I just subbed to the hentai sub over there, damn. How unfortunate :/

If you make an account on beehaw you cant see anything from or Same in the opposite direction.

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This is not a good comparison. Our bodies are not engineered by anyone, but our software is.

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Yeah, the replicated youtube we'd need to either have a lot of money for hosting or use a decentralized model. The second option isnt even that feasible though.


Right now I'm using the official app, but this thread has definitely given me a lot of other ones to check out.

I don't think this will do much of anything, except for the graduate loans section. You can educate people on the cost of school all you want, if someone needs to finish school they'll take on whatever debt they need to.

Best solution is to just make it free. I feel like the investment will just pay for itself when you have more people with degrees able to fill more jobs, bolstering the workforce.

Yeah, really compelling reasons


Honestly, a lot of people might disagree but, corporate involvement is essential to FOSS projects surviving. The biggest FOSS project on the planet, Linux, is literally propped up by the biggest corporations on the planet.

The only potential issue I see here is maybe Meta forks ActivityPub and it becomes a "Meta Project" or some other fuckery. Outside of that I don't see any major issues with it. If we want ActivityPub to become something greater, we're going to need corporations on board. We have strong protections in place right now with a lot of the stuff that's being used being under strong copyleft licenses, and decentralization by nature is going to allow us to opt out of a lot of the ads and tracking that takes place by being forced to use an official app.

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Yes, I think so. It's a lot easier to maintain your distro if the maintainers of the project handle everything regarding application packaging.

I like the concept of copyleft, which has prevented a lot of EEE. As for protocols, the answer is a little more complex. Protocols can't really be copyrighted, so it's essentially going to be what's the easiest to implement, who is using it and what utility it provides.

There have always been competing protocols, and also closed vs open protocols. Most of the time the protocols that win are the open ones, and the trend is that they provide a lot of utility and is easily used by anyone. In my view, the question it will come down to will be: is having a decentralized social network going to provide more utility for the big players, or is the concept doomed because centralization will always provide the biggest monetary incentive?

Something that gives me hope is that social media is not a profitable business venture. This could mean that Meta is exploring the fediverse because it sees something useful in it that doesn't conflict with their business interests, but in fact supports it. The biggest tell to see if this will work out is if other companies start to adopt the protocol, at which point the safety guard is "Well, a lot of big players are using it and if I break activitypub support with them that's bad for business.".


I'm conflicted because it doesn't have a headphone jack

This is a bad move, what do they plan to accomplish here?

I mean I guess? Aside from the calling it's fine imo. UI was also easier for me to use

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