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Joined 4 months ago

Fetterman can fuck all the way off

The Biden we saw at the debate is the Biden at the dnc has known all along, yet they pushed him as the incumbent, refusing to primary him and telling the public this is your only choice because they knew that voters would come out and vote for him regardless of what he has done or who he is or what he is incapable of doing. This is the exact same Biden that leftist told liberals back in 2019 2020 of who Biden actually is and they kept writing it off as a stutter

This was the only part I saw because of someone posting a clip. Jesus Fucking Christ, the man is full fledged potato

What I read here is 'go fuck yourself, this is our government and we will appoint whoever we want and you will like it.'

She just needs to STFU

We are way past the stage of 'encouraging' Israel to stop. The US needs to impose sanctions and cut all access to funding and weapons.

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Because it's not true. Wall Street and the wealthy are thriving, the rest of us not so much.

No amount of gaslighting from the government is gonna help pay those bills

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Right wing governments love prosecuting whistleblowers.

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Those ignorant enough to attend one of his campaign rally are too ignorant to know the US is already the world's largest oil exporter.


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People need to protest using all rights afforded to them by the Constitution. The right to free speech, which they use, the right to protest, which they do, and the right to carry arms, which they need to do.

People need to address the state in the only language it knows.

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Cant cross the red line if they keep moving it

As much as I hate the MF Im confident he will never serve time.

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Which means nothing, $15hr was the right number 20 years ago. By the time shithole companies like Amazon adopted $15 hr it was still an unlivable wage.

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With a built in exception for AIPAC. This is nothing but some and mirrors, if Democrats were serious they would have used the Emoluments Clause when they tried to impeach him

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I bet it doesnt impede Israel receiving aid like the aid for Palestinians keep getting blocked

Stands to reason, she was a POS opportunist too

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People in general abandoned her because she's a shitty person with shitty politics. In the words of Colin Powell everything she touches, she screws up with hubris

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He also claimed there's no genocide

Immediate ceasefire while he's still sending money and weapons to continue killing.

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Preparing for world war?

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Iran has the right to defend itself from Israeli terrorists

She will go down as being the only person to ever lose a federal election to a carnival barker

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I'm sure Business Insider has access to the inner circle of Russian government.

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I doubt the Congress that's taken multi millions in AIPAC money will vote against it.

Capitalism is in perpetual war with the working class, it isnt specific to republicans.

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They assume all critiques of the DNC is fascist, Russian, Republican talking points. Instead of holding their party accountable they punch out at everyone trying to do the job they should be doing.

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They keep measuring the economy by how well the rich are doing. Fuck the remaining 80% of us.

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Our style of government is the largest threat to democracy.

We need to eliminate the electoral college, primaries, the Senate, President restricted to 1 term, perhaps 6 years, term limits for the House, All elections publicly funded, No reason elections cant be conducted via encrypted open source app, where voting can be done remotely and checks in place to ensure the vote has been tallied. No party affiliation on any campaign documents, signs, advertisements, no straight ticket voting.

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The dog and pony show is gonna end on election day with no one being convicted.

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So outraged they will do nothing about it.

Hard pass there, votes are earned, and Biden has given us thousands of reasons why we shouldnt vote for him and none as to why.

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And Im asking for mass transit. I don't think either of us are gonna get what we want

Blink 2 times if you are being held against your will

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My money is on them being killed by the IDF

The US would shield them from prosecution

Remember Charles Manson wasnt the one that actually did any killings, therefore he must be innocent. Biden is providing the money and weapons to kill, therefore he is responsible, and has done nothing to stop it.

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That's not specific to Texas, protesters are always silenced by the state when they are deemed a threat to the status quo.

Surveys are back to trump beating Biden by several points

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The shorter list is what politician isnt for sale?

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I did not stutter, Her piped piper strategy which resulted in over $1b in free advertising for Trump gave us Trump