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I mean if they're gonna give money without demanding anything I'm sure no complaints from the devs.

Shopify or an exec there might find some value in avoiding Google owning the web, could maybe bring goodwill for the company, or they could just be looking for a write off.


It was a beuroctatic agency, theCalifornia Fish and Game Commission reinterpreted an existing law meant to protect fish instead of seeking a law that actually protected bees.

As far as I know that's nothing to write home about, monocrystaline solar panels get like ~30 years dropping down to 80% and then slowly begin to fail from there. I'm far from an expert, but my understanding is this is the norm and that if we found out they weren't lasting this long then people would be getting worried about a messed up cost calculous.

Iirc E/OS is based on Lineage, but takes a horrifying long time to patch in security updates on top of Lineage's already somewhat laggy patches. If you choose to use it make sure you're aware of that going in.

Also, like IIGxC said it's a android. Maybe slightly more private that most stock versions on most phones. But that's like saying [insert Linux distro] is better than Linux.

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The only thing that I fear more than big tech is a bunch of old people in congress trying to regulate technology who probably only know of AI from watching terminator.

Also, fun Scott Wiener fact. He was behind a big push to decriminalization knowingly spreading STDs even if you lied to your partner about having one.

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As much as I hate to say it, Firefox is a privacy mess.

Pocket and Fakespot have very bad privacy policies. The Windows version has a unique Mozilla tracker if you download the installer from the website, and the android version has Google Analytics built in. The existing and new telemetry is a but heavy, but it's anonymised so it's really the lesser of the various evils.

My recommendation is LibreWolf & Fennec as alternatives.



Vi Music


Edit: Maybe check out Ri Music, Vi Music's Successor

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The EPA makes really tight emissions targets for vehicles under a certain size or the auto makers have to pay a fee iirc. Pretty sure they the medium sized stuff out of existance, an unfortunately I'm guessing the same fees would apply to imports too.

Anyone able to loan me under $10,000? It's for something really cool.

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The ego of an Australian regulator that thought they could tell an American company what they could or could not distribute to non-Australians must be huge. (To clarify, twitter had blocked the video for Australians)

I know the US has a reputation for thinking it's laws apply everywhere but this is on a whole new level

"option likely to achieve the most positive outcome for the online safety of all Australians, especially children."

$4 is probably way more than enough to cover the cost of your account, but the problem is what percentage of people are paying. If it's 1 in 100 or 1,000 and $4 covers 75 average accounts they might be in a bind.

IPFS is not built on a blockchain

If it brings you value

Nope, they cut all the Mozilla stuff out

It's probably not a total lie, a dedicated chip for specific calculations is probably the only way that we'll see major jumps in processing power for a long while. It can be really effective for highly specific stuff. But the headline itself is certainly pure clickbait on the Verge's and Flow's behalf.

Still good to have, but too bad they couldn't just piggy back off of Brave's soft fork or something and keep the functionality.

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Briar, Jami, SimpleX and Tox are all semi similar to what you might be looking for.

IA skirted the line by lending out self-digitized versions based on how many physical books they had, which was a grey area, but technically maybe not illegal.

They did that for years, and while likely technically a violation copyright the copyright holders never came after them. Then during the pandemic they stopped the artificial limit and just gave unlimited free copies of scanned books to anybody. Publishers, expectedly, had a meltdown and are now out for blood.


Fennec cuts out most if that stuff, so you should be good by default

Web engines are nearly OSs at this point. It's aready possible to flash a phone ROM in two clicks with a webpage. Most apps are also already rendered in browser engines anyway, that includes things like steam. The APIs might sound evil until your favorite FOSS project uses them to make your life better.

Unfortunately, if Mozilla refuses to implement stuff like PWAs or advanced APIs it's locked out of that side of innovation both good and bad.

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Still a positive in my eyes. Somebody gets their computer stolen, or sells a computer not knowing that files can be read/recovered from the hard drive, and they're protected. Unless you're thinking you're gonna get raided by the government or something it fits most use cases while still letting people who forget their password recover it.

Voyager as a PWA (Android). No need to actually install everything, but still feels the same.

Lemme destroy lounges in style 😎


If you're talking extra plants for redundancy when power fluctuates, there's really now way to do that with renewables. Maybe giant battery stations, but that's about it.

The next? My understanding was that similar rules have been in place since Bush Jr, and this was just a reauthorization with minor tweaks.

You have to specifically permit it on a per site basis, it's not like a website has those permissions by default. If a banner ad or forum post could enable that permission then they'd be able to access your camera as well as a plethora of other permissions?

I don't see any difference between downloading code to run in a web browser vs downloading and running ADB. In fact, running software in a web browser is more sandboxed and with more fine tuned permissions.

I did read the article, the article that I shared, that explains exactly what I said: Scott Weiner campaigned to decriminalization knowingly spreading STDs while lying.

What did I say that was wrong?

Odd it's desktop Firefox/Librewolf for me that has all the issues instead of mobile Firefox/Fennec. But yeah. Unfortunately Firefox laid off a lot of their developers a few years back and it's starting to catch up to them now.

But I don't like the above post being down voted. Yes use gecko if you can, but but down voteing for somebody stating the objective fact that gecko is starting to lag behind isn't going to help it get better.

Been helped a lot by Brave Search's built in AI. Privacy search engines have always been somewhat more unreliable, and with Google searches going to crap now, sometimes that AI answer below the search answers my question or points me in the right direction when non of the results do. If AI's going to pollution the search results might as well use it to alleviate the mess it made.

Still would a loved to see DDG go the brave model and actually self host an open model instead of just embedding ChatGPT.

Edit: nevermind, see they offer both self hosted and ChatGPT3.

Right wing disinformation? Lol

If you knowingly lie and spread an std through sex or donating blood it goes from a felony to a misdemeanor. Aka decriminalization.

I don't know how that's right wing. I believe most people across the political spectrum probably don't STDs, and especially don't want to get them because a partner lied or they got a blood transfusion.

I also hate how so many people jump to call something disinformation just because they don't like a particular fact. You calling it disinformation is in fact disinformation itself, and if everybody calls everything they don't like disinformation then society will have no idea what is true or not.

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At this point I'm just using Brave (the only privacy search engine that indexes the web as apposed to just proxying results from another service) and fall back to Bing on the occasion I can't get results there.

Google's web results seem so bad that I don't even go to them anymore if the privacy search engine doesn't have good results. I go to gasp Bing.

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Maybe an unpopular opinion here on lemmy, but I think this is a good thing.

Chevron is a good idea in theory, give experts in regulating a specific thing more leeway to manage that. Problem is if you give a bureaucratic agency an inch they become maniacal dictators. They start calling bees a kind of fish and a puddle in your backyard a lake, they randomly change up their own decisions making normal people criminals overnight or vice versa, and sometimes they even just try to make their own rules.

If you want a law then make a law, don't have an unelected bureaucrat issue an edict. If the legislative branch is a mess the solution is to fix the mess, not hand off their powers to the executive branch. Again, if used by level headed people it would have been great, but eventually after so many decisions that would sound too comical for a parody we can't have nice things anymore.

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