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Joined 10 months ago

It's always been a "whole ass computer", not some kind of simple storage device.

This reads like an AI generated news story about a reddit post.

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Don't think most plastic straws would melt, but they would probably soften and might infuse more chemicals into your beverage than it would if it were cold. At this point I'd just go for the obvious solution of repurposing an old heat exchanger from an AC unit or something. The strange taste will go away after a few times (probably).

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I don't doubt that Steam being first to market is the biggest reason for their success, but you make it sound as if there's some alternative store that is better for the consumer in some way. What's the alternative? I have yet to see any other store/launcher come close to Steam in terms of features, even more so when it comes to Linux support, which Valve have turned into a viable gaming OS pretty much by themselves. In the end, even exclusivity and drastically lower fees for publishers didn't make EGS the success that Tim Sweeney wishes it was and I think at that point being first to market can't be the only explanation. They have to be doing something right.

Imagine not properly filtering your air through dried leaves and fire, can't be healthy.

I get what you're saying, but this feels like a weird question to ask in a community for selfhosting enthusiasts.

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Website scanning for malware or other undesirable content is extremely unreliable and prone to false positives. None of the three vendors are very well known (except for a few other reports of false positives). If anything that's a pretty low hitrate on virustotal all things considered. Don't put too much stock in the heuristics of companies whose business model revolves around scaring their customers and exploiting computer illiteracy.

You could not have worded that more condescendingly. The issue here is that Rust is singled out for no more apparent reason than making for a clickbaity headline. The underlying Windows API function requires undocumented escaping to prevent this exploit, Microsoft won't fix that because it breaks compatibility, pretty much every programming language with a standard library that provides access to it is affected - Java won't even fix it, others have updated their documentation. Rust is the first to actually implement a fix for a vulnerability that's ultimately caused by Windows and gets called out for it for some reason. Of course people are going to get defensive about it. As they do every time a stupid headline gets published.

Man this is some really interesting technology-related stuff.

I don't have a horse in this race, but this is a really unhelpful non-answer.

I've heard of it before and I don't work in advertising or video production. Why is everyone focusing on this term like these guys invented it?

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It is kind of annoying that Steam doesn't enable the usage of third-party OTP apps. To be fair, when they first implemented the feature, that wasn't widely used and plenty of websites only enabled the use of one specific OTP app like Authy or Google Authenticator. They recently added a QR code login feature, which makes sense, but that still shouldn't stop them from enabling MFA via third party OTP apps.

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Almost nothing uses ethernet over HDMI to my knowledge.

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I would fucking hope not. TERM is explicitly passed along as the only exception, which is the only sensible default for temporary privilege elevation in a shell.

There's a reason for the early rise in popularity of independent gaming reviewers and it isn't the hard-hitting, honest quality of mainstream entertainment journalism at the time. With the advent of influencers though, it feels like everyone is just regurgitating the same pre-approved, publisher-friendly nonsense. I'm sure there are exceptions, but it feels more difficult today to find an honest review when every random internet personality is signing sponsorship contracts that require them to praise the game every 20 minutes.

AMD has never gotten more than 50% of the market, even in the years where their entire product lineup offered better performance/features for less money. I'm talking about the "good old days" here, where software features weren't a big factor for consumers and ML was nonexistent. You have to be delusional to think that Nvidia doesn't hold a very clear mindshare and marketing advantage.

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It already has improved. You're just very ignorant in your idealism. I've used it at home and for work for at least 6 years now and the problems have honestly been way less than expected for an X replacement. Screensharing was probably the biggest hurdle initially, but even that has worked for quite some time now. The last remaining issues are pretty much down to individual applications.

You could not write an operating system even remotely comparable to Linux in that time with the ressources the Wayland devs had available.

Install the AdFree YouTube homebrew app for WebOS using developer mode.

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I don't even remember a time period when he wasn't a notorious liar.

Try to imagine that argument but coming from some government you really dislike. I can think of a lot of different media that might inspire violence and instability, but which would be really important for people to see or at least know about. Frankly, anyone who doesn't see that as a potential problem is being shortsighted and really needs some historical perspective, in my opinion.

People who spread fud about x11

Who does that? X11 is ancient. It's a known variable in every possible way. How would you spread FUD about it?

In reality the ones who advocate for Wayland the most are the people who used to thanklessly maintain X...

It will probably just work, even if not officially. If any weird Windows issues crop up, Microsoft may or may not fix them. I think AMD even provided workarounds and special drivers for Windows 7, just without any official support. They may not do that this time around though, since a lot of things have changed.

It's a phoronix article, there's never more than two paragraphs and a quote in there anyway.


Cool attitude. In my experience, most docker/docker-compose setups will work transparently with podman/podman-compose. If you want to tighten security, lock down ressource access, run rootless (daemon and inside the container), integrate with SELinux, then you might need to put in extra-work, just like you would if you used docker.

Why re-invent the wheel?

They aren't. Podman is mostly just a docker-compatible CLI wrapper around an existing OCI runtime (runc by default). It also lets you manage pods and export k8s yaml, which is arguably the more important industry standard at this point. Podman was also completely usable in rootless mode way before Docker support for that was on the table, which was the main reason I switched years ago. Podman development effort also yielded buildah, which is a godsend if you want to build container images in a containerized environment, without granting docker socket access (which is a security nightmare) or using some docker in docker scenario (which is just a nightmare in general).

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What else would it be?

That script is a wrapper around a single call to qrencode. I've been making qr codes from wireguard config files in the terminal at least since PiVPN existed. There are plenty of guides on how to do this as well.

You can set up an intrusion detection/prevention system, that logs/blocks certain traffic. If you do have public services running, you could block access based on location, lists of known bad actors etc. I guess you could argue that this is beyond the scope of a traditional firewall.

What problem does this solve? Do ISPs not provide IPv6 prefixes anymore?

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It's possible to auto-renew dev mode via SSH with a shell script running on an interval on another device in the network. I would give more detailed advice, but unfortunately it seems LG has changed that part of their API a while ago. The webOS manager linked above used to be able to generate a script for this purpose. I'm not sure if it still works, but it's worth checking out.

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Being free from mind control means seeing idiots wearing tinfoil hats?

Cloud saves work fine between Linux PCs, but the devs seem to have misconfigured the save path for Steam cloud saves integration on Windows. That's why it doesn't work. That's on the devs, not the Steam client. Apparently they were working on a fix since about half a year ago, maybe they finally released that fix now?

It's not feasible to prevent it completely, but you can certainly make it harder for the average person and discourage usage by simply outlawing it. That's what China is doing at least.

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That's pretty much what Bitwarden does at its core. It will only synchronize the encrypted password vault and each client keeps an offline copy of it.

No idea. Do you unplug your TV from the mains when it's not in use?

USB 4 has both PCIe and Display Port alternate modes. Not all USB-C ports are USB 4 though unfortunately.

That's what a firewall and a DNS service is for respectively, imho. As long as you get an IPv6 prefix from your ISP, you can expose as many devices or services to the public as you want, by just allowing incoming traffic to a listening port. That was sort of the whole point of having a large enough address space when moving away from v4. Maybe it's just me but reading stuff about "private AI" on a website where the relation to the product is not immediately obvious, makes me question their legitimacy.

The more I look at their site, the more it reads like a sales pitch for IPv6, which sounds kind of expensive at $6-10 a month.

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Almost none of the alternate modes or advanced features are required for USB-C devices. Most smartphones don't support high data rates over their single USB-C port. There are are probably more USB-C ports using the USB 2.0 specs, for example peripheral devices like mice or keyboards. Beyond stuff like DisplayPort alternate mode, there still isn't a big demand for more than one or two USB-C ports with high data rates or the full feature set.

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Pretty sure that the registry path for official images is "library" (at least it used to be). So it should be "", though I can't double check at the moment.