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Navalny most certainly wasn't stupid. He understood what he was getting into when he got on that flight back to Russia. My guess is that he hoped his arrest and detention would spark an uprising, which sadly didn't materialize.

I would not have made the choice he did, but I'm also not as brave as he is. Fuck Putin.

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This stuff just makes my blood boil. Those 3 assholes on the parole board are complete sociopaths. There's absolutely no justice here.

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I'm getting so tired of these knuckle dragging mouth breathers dragging us back to the middle ages. We could have been heading for Star Trek yet we're sliding towards something akin to The Handmaid's Tale. Who in their right mind chooses the latter over the former?

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You've perfectly articulated what drives me absolutely bonkers about Conservatives. Sometimes I feel like I'm on Punk'd. How do they not see how what they're saying is often, sometimes verbatim, the very opposite of what they're doing? E.g. they complain about "woke cancel culture!" yet they ban books because it features two fathers, they tell "freedom!", yet they dictate, over doctors, which care women and trans kids may receive, "Curb spending!" vs "trillion dollar tax cuts for disproven trickle down economics", "small government!" vs "let's regulate what people can and can't wear". It's projection 101 and it's maddening.

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Can I just note, at the risk of venturing slightly off topic, that Fetterman is rocking that stash?

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To what end, though? The man blew 44b on a site that apparently was only worth 5-10b, and that was before he ran it into the ground. He also destroyed his reputation and the mystique as "genius entrepreneur" which the world can now clearly see he never was.

I can't think of a single net positive. I think it's an age old tale with people with too much money: he fell victim to an over inflated ego and too many yes men aiming to please. He started to believe he really was brilliant.

Sad thing is the man has so much money he still can't fail, personally. He'll have destroyed Twitter and even more people will lose their jobs. And autocrats around the world will be pleased. Musk will just shrug, tell himself it wasn't his fault, "it was the libs" or something, and move on.

Eta: the only winners here, as per usual, are the shareholders.

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He may not have been my first choice, but I've been pleasantly surprised with the Biden administration. I'll support him over any Republican candidate, most definitely if it happens to be Trump. I'll take Bidenomics over the trickle down myth any day of the week.

Presumably Andrew intends to stockpile the cans of cat food he deems acceptable.

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Jesus, that is beyond awful. I'm really sorry she had to go through so much bullshit and I'm really glad she's speaking up.

Biznis jenius

I always wonder what these assholes think when they're being accused by their fellow trumpers of being antifa. Clearly they know they're not. Does this open their eyes that maybe the right is full of shit about other wild claims too?

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Particularly relevant username.

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Well said, fartsparkles

I disagree, in neither scenario the open source dev owes him anything. You get to use and modify the software for free, but the flip side is you are entitled to nothing.

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Inshallah he gets some shuteye soon

Conservatism is a hell of a drug

That show was such a joy to watch.

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Regulate Big Tech and be done with it.

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Behold, our tax dollars at work. Sigh.

Dems are currently in the minority in an extremely partisan House, unfortunately, so AOC can't do much other than applying public pressure.

ETA: vote.

Hang in there flicker, you got this. 👊

Thank you for your service.

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It did. Then SCOTUS threw the presidency to Bush and commercial airliners flew into tall buildings in NY.

This is why it's up to Congress to regulate this stuff. You cannot expect companies to self-police, because it is not in their self interest to do so.

ublock origin is still one step ahead of them (at least on firefox) but you may need to go into the extension settings and purge then update all your filter lists.

Specific instructions can be found here:

It's this kind of knee jerk on Google's part that might save them a few bucks in the short term (presumably incentiviced with bonuses for the managers) but causes long time reputational damage over time.

I don't understand how seemingly no one up the chain considers this before pulling the plug so quickly.

Don't fuck with user trust. When you lose it it's pretty hard to get back.

Hey, I resent that, I'm a miserable dork! Let's call them precisely what they are: close minded, freedom-hating, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, fascistic douche canoes.

"Inadvertently, during the state account’s reconfiguring process, the default setting of ‘zero draft email’ was chosen,” a DOC spokesperson told The Appeal. “This was simply a technical/technician mistake and once realized, it was corrected.”

While the ability to save drafts was restored, the damage was already done. Securus told The Appeal that the deleted drafts were not recoverable. “The e-message draft option is not intended for long term storage,” a Securus spokesperson added in an email to The Appeal.

Wow. Any tech can make a mistake, but this is why you make backups beforehand. This was completely avoidable or at least reversible. And then to have such a douchy response, and even try to shift the blame? That just adds insult to injury.

That happened in 2000, when paid republican operatives disrupted the recount that would have confirmed al gore as president long enough for the supreme court to step in and award the state (and, therefore, the presidency) to dubya without counting the votes at all. Google 'brooks brothers riot'

It just completely blows my mind that this happened and, more so, that it was allowed to stand after the fact. I think I read somewhere that Gore decided not to contest it in order to not mess with the peaceful transfer of power, but man...

Just imagine how world events had played out if Al Gore had been president on and after September 11th, 2001. Imagine the progress we could have made on climate change 24 years ago. I understand that it's pure speculation, that he could have been a lukewarm president. But come on, he would have been loads better that GWB even if all he did was twirl his fingers.

I got you, he posted in another thread:

If you're on Android and use Firefox, you can use the Disable JavaScript extension to disable JS on sites with paywalls, like NYtimes. While not perfect, it works remarkably well.

Also works great on Desktop.

Username checks out

Are we going to have to do this every 4 years? Just roll the dice and risk some wholly unqualified asshole, somehow even worse that the former guy, becoming president so he or she can just shit on the people and the planet for the next 4 fucking years?

I am so tired of this bullshit.

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So she fled Russia, then returned to fight a custody battle, then escaped yet again, this time with her daughter?! What an absolute legend.

And it wasn't even that awkward! At least it wasn't if you were there in the room, among the roaring crowd. But they took the isolated audio from a single microphone. And poof. That was the end of his campaign.

Potentially related, not sure: does anyone know how I can get touchscreen scrolling working in Firefox on a fresh Ubuntu 23.10 install? Currently it's just selecting text and it's driving me up the proverbial wall. Googling was unsuccessful.

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This is a work of art

Some of them are like finaldestination shit where you literally weren’t doing anything wrong or risky and then bam, life’s over for you by sheer astronomical-chance happenstance

I still think about the one where a guy who works on an airport touches a floor fan that just so happens to be wired wrong or something. And that's it, that's the fluke, unexpected, undignified, awful, freak accident end of his life. All his hopes and dreams cut short because he touched a fan in passing. And then a clip of his death ends up on the internet for a bunch of cringe lords to crack lame jokes at. I can't really shake that one.

In which case an investigation would still be in order. If Musk is not in fact a traitor who actively worked against US interests and is not actively colluding with an enemy of the state indirectly resulting in civilian deaths, I would care to know as well.

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It's insane to me that people are still treating this like a choice when it obviously is not. And sure, it sucks that it's not, let's try and fix that. But please, for the love of freedom and democracy and common sense and decency, don't make it easier for this fucking fascist Trump to actually get a second term. Because this asshole will not leave office this time around.