1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Functionally useless. With the web standardized, we shouldn't need user agents anyway. It would be more beneficial to ask "do you support X, Y, and Z?"

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What the actual fuck

Fine, you got ten seconds to clean everything up after I SIGTERM before I SIGKILL

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This article assumes my parents are rich. I don't have new money and I'm not receiving old money.

Good thinking! We'll SIGKILL the whole process group! No descendants, no orphans.

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Can I self-host

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This is the stance I've decided to take. I get to be selfish about this, I get to decide what happiness is to me, and I don't have to justify it to anybody. They're not me and they don't have to live in my body. I'm just gonna transition without any input from anybody else because nothing any naysayer has ever said has been helpful.

Edit: and I don't need to explain or declare my transition, either. "Because I'm a woman," should be plenty explanation enough and I won't hear any word about it.

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The trick is vertex colors

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When the API returns UTC, but the system insists on giving you local time... but there's an extension method that accepts DateTimeOffset?

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"1" + "1"

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Politics? On my gay chat???

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Joke's on you: My AI girlfriend is self-hosted

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I think this is good. Adobe doesn't need to get bigger, it needs to let go of some of its parts.

Also figma balls

Every chicken place in their county should serve bone-in boneless chicken just because they can now.

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Well, it was trained on English sources

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This is a weapon of mass destruction. It's too cute; I have perished from it.

Financial security and the freedom to express myself how I want without prejudice or persecution.

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I struggled with disordered eating before HRT. A few weeks in, another trans girl explained to me that the body needs energy to do its thing. It's basically second puberty and you know how much teenagers eat.

I was like you, being able to eat a couple of meals and be satisfied. Now, I snack more. I also eat smaller meals as it takes less to fill me up. I'm also ~6 months on E, so I've lost some muscle mass. Despite my new eating habits, I've been able to maintain around 70kg at 180cm tall. Meanwhile, my body's been burning the fat buildup from T and packing it onto my butt, thighs, and chest.

If you want my two cents, try snacking more and just eat when you're hungry. You don't have to eat until you're full, just until you're not uncomfortable anymore. Trust the process and let your body do what it needs to do.

If you start going in a direction you don't like, you can stop. You might also consult your doctor for advice

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I've heard that this can be harmful because it would give you unrealistic expectations. An AI image model would grossly exaggerate feminine features in this case, more so than would become apparent on gender affirming treatment. Male to female camera filters are the same way. I would steer clear of this train of thought, personally.

I AM ANNOUNCING MY IMMINENT MASTURBATION. I am aware that the announcement of imminent masturbation has been a serious reocurring issue lately, and I am here with my bottom-level social skills to ensure that it will only worsen. I hope that this server full of mostly male members will appreciate the fact that I will soon be cumming, and offer me that coveted high-five that I so surely deserve. As the announcement of imminent masturbation is NOT in the current ruleset, I will continue to toe this line. Any and all action taken against me by the mod team will be considered extra judicial and I will retaliate by mobilizing my army of alts. If any males want to provide me a high-five or emotial gratification, please do so. If any females wish to provide me sexual gratification, ew. Thank you, and please remember: I AM NOW MASTURBATING .

It's not Chrome or Chromium derived. Google has incentives to mine me for data. Mozilla, not so much. I don't trust Mozilla completely, but I certainly trust them more than Google to have my best interest at heart.

I had a similar realization. I found a moment of clarity and realized that I have the power to change my fate and I am the one who controls me. I should pursue happiness for myself and nobody else. If it's a problem for anyone else, they've made it their problem, not me. I get to be selfish about this and so do you. Go get it, friend. You're walking this path with millions of your own cousins.

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Women are you and I

I counterspell with rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

If you don't hold the keys, your data may as well not be encrypted.

I'm pretty sure they'd be proud and confused

I am mad about this.

No mention of WTF-PL?

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I plan to be early to the point where I get uncomfortably anxious if I leave on time. I set alarms and reminders to remind me that I need to start thinking about getting ready. I try to be ready way ahead of time. I am experiencing this right now.

alexa order corn no don't do that cancel oh for crying out loud it's typing everything I say give it here no stop how do I turn it off Aspargus

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I feel that. It's not perfect, but I started writing down all of my ideas as bullet points just to relieve some of the urgency. I know that I'm likely to forget about them and completely ignore the list, but it really does help, regardless. I use an app called Logseq and I have it bound to a gesture on my phone so I can open it quickly. I hope it works for you.

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In Pathfinder RPG, if a gnome goes too long without enrichment, their hair will turn white and they will die.

Heads up for anyone using Spotify Premium: the audiobook is included in your subscription. I'm tight for cash and basically only consume books in audio form, so if you already subscribe to the service, you might as well take advantage of it.

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Didn't they release an all-new RPG Maker based on Unity not long before Unity showed their colors?

nginx is mature and has a lot of support online. A lot of server projects assume you're using nginx, as well. I've only ever seen caddy instructions on newer projects and even then, they usually also have nginx instructions.

Plus, I already know how to use it.

So true. If you're going to live in your body, you should make it feel like you and it should feel like you own it.

My go-to is "Don't be a dick" followed by a concise disclaimer that the rules aren't exhaustive.

That sounds delicious

I've been addicted to Peglin lately. It's a fantastic game with more depth than Peggle

CW: Blood, Violence