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You cant stop a national government from making weapons and conducting war. A national government, however, should regulate corporations in its territory or sphere of influence to prevent attrocities and tragedies the corporations would conduct. You do not yet live in an idealic valley of plenty where there are corporations but not a government, so you must lend your voice; do you want one Tyranny Machine to run or should there be two Tyranny Machines and the second one has no oversight or regulation from the appropriate parties. Remember that when the government turns on its Tyranny Machine at least competing governments can oppose it. If you are not careful the Free Market Beast will allow many Tyranny Machines to run simultaneously.

But for Deus Ex, we've got... I don't know, Cyberpunk 2077, maybe? But the whole open world thing doesn't really fit in with the usual gameplay loop of Deus Ex. There are a fair amount of great cyberpunk games, but none seem to really scratch that immersive sim itch. I guess Prey is pretty close as well (in addition to its System Shock influences), if you consider some of the body/power upgrades, but it's not all that similar thematically.

Check out Cruelty Squad by Ville Kallio on Steam. Aesthetically and spiritually it scrys into the future on the same level Deus Ex did and delivers an even more dire prophecy that feels as disturbingly prescient. It takes the open ended levels of DX and adds insane verticality and mind bending traversal. It plays more tactically than Deus Ex but the augment system is really rewarding and enables the player to munchkin their way to their target.

You may notice it looks artistically like a 13th century Christian piece with a Jackson Pollock splotch of New Years Eve stomach soup all over the canvas. I retort that so did DX1 most of the time. The CS playerbase refers to our ability to parse and navigate this style of level design and eclectic color composition as the 'CEO mindset.'

But seriously I am a big Deus Ex enjoyer and other than Thief nothing has come as close to the full breadth of experience that world evokes in me. It is both terrible and beautiful to behold.

Hey friend. All you can do is get medicated as best you can and learn to say the right words to get what you want out of therapy and make them take you seriously. But make your continued existence your rebellion.

Edit: and granola bars, nutrient drinks, some fruit, few nuts. Learn what your body wants/needs day to day and eating can become a relatively easy chore when you don't have the spoons for food prep. But remember starving fucks with your head.

I think people might be getting tired of the "I have no respect for anyone or anything no matter how delicate, bad taste and shit stirring are funny haha, isn't it cool to be uselessly disruptive and cruel" thing in general. As someone gender non-conforming, fuck Dave Chapel, but I suspect he's a canary in the mine for a sea change in the kind of jokes people enjoy in this crushing scary and depressing era. It doesn't help he is making fun of a group Republicans are openly plotting to oppress if not erase. You know. Like some sort of coward who goes after acceptable targets and doubles down despite the backlash because they are so very lucrative in their exploitability. As a plus, he's getting in on the ground floor of the Nazi-lite entertainer-to-propagandist operation, so he will be forging connections with everyone who keeps getting cancelled by wokescolds. When that starts happening to one of these weak willed celebrities, they end up tripling down on their weakest character traits and circling wagons with the worst fuckers alive.

If you're a fan of Chappelle's, all you can do for him is email or tweet him that you think he's being cringe. He's not going to stop otherwise, he's being/has been inducted into the canceled club for free thinkers and he-says-what-were-all-thinking right wingers.

With the Fallout show Ive been nostalgic for NV but Lemmy got me on this pinko commie operating system and I cant figure out how to make Wine, Steam, Proton, and Mod Organizer 2 all work together like a big happy family. DAE Science <50?

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Yeah whatsit? Ouray Police Chief Jeff Wood is thought to have attempted to cover up a story about some rape charges?

Longtermism is Silicon Valleys' own retooling of purchasing indulgences from the church, except they don't pay anybody. Dismiss it for your own sanity. Every one of these people writing these manifestos and Forbes think pieces are all going to die like the rest of us, covered in mud and shit and worms. They will not conjure post-scarcity, they will not (safely) help the population cap out at 50 billion, and they will never take our species to space. And if one of these slugs makes it into cyberspace, the proletariat have a duty to melt the servers containing their mind with fucking thermite. Death to the God emperors. Let them die stillborn rather than escape earth. FUCK "longtermism".

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Roland Deschain saves you from being harassed and mugged while you're visiting the Big Apple and couldn't get a cab after drinking with your girlfriends. With one hand missing half its features and the brutal butt of his antique looking pistol, he pummels the men to within an inch of their respective lives.

In 2011 in a movie theater, the homophobic ringleader of the men who hounded you, whose name is Geoff, goes to see Drive in theaters with his daughter and his daughters friend. They both think the lead actor is cute. That meticulous calm, that dread and serendipitous violence hidden behind the wistful eyes of the lead as portrayed by Ryan Gosling, stirs something in him. Geoff breaks down into tears remembering the girl he and his friends would've... he cast an askance glance at his daughter, reaching out to him, and the girl she brought, No, he realizes, they're in love, how did couldn't I see that?

Geoff's old shuddering limp returns, a reminder lain dormant all these years that the butt of the gun that shattered his L2 vertebra hadn't just broken him for the rest of his youth. (Psychosomatic the doctor said. Bullshit, Geoff said. My ass still hurts.) It hadn't just taken years of physical therapy. It hadn't just wiped away the group of friends (shitheels, he realizes). That mad diseased looking cowboy motherfucker had saved his soul. He had given Geoff time to become someone else.

In your present, the whirling madness continued and by the end of it, you weren't sure this interloper had even been in your life longer than that black-sounding-white guy song you heard in the bar. How did it go? Baby can you--? (But he's a righteous man!) Baby can you dig-- (Righteous man!)

He crushes hands, he kicks a knee in. You see the ringleader, whose hate you could see shining right through his eyes, collapse into a broken heap on the sidewalk pavement, unable to move. But you know he is not dead because the ungodly wail that comes ripping through him makes you almost wish this had never happened. Wished you were a worm that had died in a rotten hole in the Big Apple.

"You," the satanic cowpoke offers raggedly, "have received my aide and now I must ask of yours. I am dying and there's a quest needs doing. Many things hang in the balance, worlds upon worlds." Though he didn't seemed strained during the fighting you realize now he was deathly sick to begin with.

The longer he talks, the more words he says, the more the hellish dream land he describes as his home country reminds you of where you came from. Even when there is nothing in parallel you ken his heartbreak and his resolve and he kens yours. You are enveloped in a grand quest to find some Dark Tower. He merits that there may be "iron in you yet" and you may even have "the makings of a Gunslinger they would have sent west in shame". Your training begins as he leans on you more and more to hunt food and fend off wildlife.

As hard as it all is to bear, as alien and terrible as this world is, as cruel as he is, he is one of the only people who truly ever saw you.

He saw you very well.

Another of the Unfound Doors that let the savage dying cowpoke into your world approaches on the horizon like the black silhouette of an army marching in single file. Roland's only chance of survival may be the antibiotics found in any American pharmacy on the other side. If there is someone like you, or utterly unlike you, you pontificate, it is by the Way of the Gun and in the name of Arthur Eld and the White that you must be there for them. Like he was for you.

And will you be there with him when he blows his horn at the foot of the Tower, when your Tet has lain waste to all that opposed you and your worn through moccasins grace the roses at Can'-Ka No Rey, the red fields you've begun to dream about? A sick feeling in your gut tells you that although he has come to love you and you him, father and daughter after a fashion, you are just one more cartridge to be sent into Ka's wind. And that feels so sickeningly right.

You know that when he speaks the dozens, perhaps hundreds of names he's sworn to speak before the threshold of the Dark Tower itself, your true name, the one you gave yourself all those years ago, will be among them. The word that means you will shake the foundations of existence itself.

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"Being able to live a peaceful life without fear of being murdered or lynched is a fundemental right."

Yes, but it isn't a right we universally enjoy.

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Why do you tolerate the moving of your countrymen into any camp?

Out of sight out of mind? There is no such thing. Any time we are dealing with undesirables, it's out of sight and dead. That's why we scream genocide. Historically, that's how it starts.

Homes for the homeless. Never camps. Never "tent cities."

Surely the spell restores your functioning homeostasis priror to death rather than 3d printing some kind of magically made repository of all your "healthiest" body parts right? So surely gods and magic don't care about your foreskin or untransing your gender.


Counterpoint: My sibling had their goddamn desktop ransomewared by this thing when they dared to uninstall it. It isn't privacy nerd sensabilities, Windows now behaves like malware under certain opaque conditions and at unpredictable intervals. This was four years ago on Win 10. How great do you think non savvy people are about clicking things they don't understand anyway and essentially springing a trap?

This kind of silly shit is on brand for Pagliarulo.

Thank you! ERR UH Long days and pleasant nights, stranger!

When the beat drops I'm going to fucking kill myself.

By the same token gait recognition.

I should have posted somewhere else for tech help, sorry @kingthrillgore.

Which are your favorite side factions and why? I love the Kings for obvious reasons but also the Chairmen for being uncomplicated (unlike the Kings) and committed to being a calm, chill casino operation and nothiing more.

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8 years in a men's prison where she'll be a target, and that is putting it mildly. It is arguably crueler than a quick hanging or a bullet behind the gas shed, at least in its intent. Direct malice where an execution or an equivalent sentence in a women's facility, while disdainful, is not about humiliation and ritual purification by the threat of sexual torture. When trans people are put in the wrong prison, it is a punitive measure for that person's perceived sexual deviance, and an open threat to the rest of the queer community: rape is and has always been considered an acceptable punishment for sexual minorities. If America had wanted to fix that, it might have, but American prisons are punitive above all else. So the question becomes, do we endorse torture on our political enemies? I don't think we are the enlightened side of good if we argue "be thankful we don't execute you."

Which Wine are you on? 9.x or a something downstream?

Wow is that why YAD is so terrible. Literally put me off from using STL, its so slow. Thank yoooouuuu

Alas Im pretty attached to Mod Organizer 2.5s qol improvements and STLs script for MO2 is still installing 2.4 I think. Under Wine 9 MO2.5 runs but not games, under Proton 9 games run but not Mod Organizer. Im also playing GoG releases and trying to find out how to run them outside Proton since Proton is linked to Steam. Ill probably try Glorious Eggroll Wine next.

I like running MO2 because these specific kinds of headaches fill me with determination and I like seeing people cringe when I say that. Infinite issues xD

What is it about babies being consigned to death makes you so defensive? Isn't it bad when babies die, period?

Or is it good when babies die if their parents may have been Hamas fighters?

Are we revenging upon babies now? Don't be a sick piece of shit.

Honest question: What is a tier 1 city?

Others are great, also shoutout to Equality Now. Another one that is not a charity is the ACLU.

One where the only protection may come from a white nationalist gang willing to take her if she detransitions. She won't hear less extremist rhetoric in there. That isn't what US prisons are for.

Sorry, it's just you know how this has to go. "But komrade, surely you know many Unix and GNULinux operating systems are free"? and there's probably although not guaranteed to be a distro that suits your needs and has analogs for Windows apps. If you're opinionated about it, that's fine, but on first blush, it's confusing. Bring your own hardware and it's free, right?

I wish we could go independent and have some sort of counsel meeting where we put King in charge of Freeside officially, he has such a solid moral compass. But maybe he needs to exist outside of the actual law or he'd be as corruptible as anyone else.

Modding these games to a worlable state and then breaking them with yet more mods is my happy place! Sort of coopted your post in that regards though. Seeking validation from the FNV/196 community overlap is heckin valid <3

I got Fallout working!

I forgot to install dxvk in Wine!

My tips in this endeavor for others:

In Wine 9 and above use Winetricks to install the latest Visual Studio as well as the LAV audio codec, Quartz.dll, and the dxvk graphics api.

Install Mod Organizer 2.5 in Wine and set games up as you would in Windows.

If using another Wine or Proton version just make sure it has qt6 runtimes.

If you use Mod Organizer 2 version 2.4.4 or below, nix the qt6 requirement. 2.4.4 works fine for older games but is missing support for some newer titles like Baldur's Gate 3.

But this woman won't be dead. She will have to live with the callous decision by the court that, for her crimes, she deserves whatever comes, including rape. Okay fellow trans person, envison it's 2025 and Trump is back in power and you got caught with an eighth at a BLM rally, and the courts full of sycophantic Republican judges are all signaling how extraordinarily harsh they are on crime. The shoe is now on the other foot and and a kangaroo court puts in jail for 'assaulting an officer' when you were using your fists to rub tear gas from your eyes while the pigs beat your arms with their sticks.

If torture of some is alright, torture of all is alright. That simply is the reality of approving of torture as an acceptable means. I'm sorry I keep debate-broing but this mentality is really dark my friend.