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Joined 1 years ago

If i found a genie, one of my 3 wishes would be that reddit was viewed like Wikipedia. It should be a non-profit. I'd gladly donate to keep the servers up. I do that for Lemmy now.

If I want to know something, I'm either looking at Wikipedia for general information, or reddit for specific. The odds that someone else has asked the same question on reddit it weirdly high. Even Google acknowledged that there search results went to shit because of the blackouts. How did we let such a wealth of knowledge get caught up in profits.

I love Wikipedia. Even if it has flaws, it's by far one of the best things we've created a humanity.

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Set up a Minecraft server back when you could run the Java files off of a USB. ran for a while, nothing fancy.

I also renamed every calculator icon to "cockulator". Boy oh boy did I think that was funny back then. (it's still a little funny)

I've got two:

“The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it’s only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse.” by Terence McKenna

And the other is from an old salty chief when I was in the navy. This is paraphrasing but:

"Every fuck up comes down to a combination of three root causes: didn't know, didn't care, or a material problem"

Someone gets hurt on the job? Well, did they not know they were doing something wrong? Did they not care enough about safety? Or was it simply because something broke? Maybe they didn't know AND they didn't care to find out.

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“The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it’s only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse.” by Terence McKenna

Zen Enso

It's not super niche, but I've never met anyone outside of the hobby that even knows it exists.

Anyway, I enjoy car audio competitions a lot. One version is SPL (sound pressure level) where the goal is to build a system that can get as loud as possible. Then there's SQ (sound quality) that's more about making the best sounding system you can, which is also fairly artsy (make it look pretty).

There's a lot of people who are assholes about it, they're the kid down the street blaring his music at 10 o clock at night. Every who does it for a hobby are very respectful of other people and recognize that the vast majority of people don't wanna hear your music.

I enjoy it for a few reasons. Firstly, I just love music. Music is a while body experience. It's not just your ears, but your skin reacts to the vibrations as well, and you just aren't gonna get that experience with cheap speakers. The car is a great place to feel music because it's enclosed and you can generally go somewhere to not bother people.

The other part, is that its very hands on and problem solving. You're doing woodworking, electrical design, maybe fiberglass. Lots of different engineering.

Your best bet would be to use handbrake and transcode them down yourself. I have a relatively. I've setup for my living room and thus want to get the best quality I can. Exact opposite reasons to you but, It's easy to downgrade, basically impossible to upgrade.

But that's my two cents. Ideally, every file is uploaded with both of us in mind.

I agree except for third party apps. I used the iphone 12 for about a year before I switched back to android. Now I have an iPhone for my work phone and an android for my personal. Yes, some third party apps are better supported. But in my experience, it's only the big name ones. When you start getting into "indie" apps, I think android wins. The number of time I have tried to do something with my iPhone only to discover I can't is way too high.

And it's usually small things that add up over time. For instance, I use Alarmy for my alarm. With android, you can have the app lock down the phone. You must turn off the alarm the designed way (photos, barcodes, math, etc. It's a really cool app and I highly recommend it). If you try to close it out, it'll start itself again and start alarming. But with iPhone, I can close the app and the alarm goes away and won't ring again. It made it pretty useless when I could still just dismiss the app anyway.

Wanna torrent with your phone? Nope. Want a different keyboard? Sure, unless your typing in a password, then you must use IOS keyboard.

Those are some notable examples I remember off the top of my head.

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The app looks great! Feels very fluid.

I have only three requests:

  • make it FOSS in spirit of the fediverse (obviously you don't have to, that's your choice)
  • give me a way to download pics from inside the app. I very often download memes and share them in other chats. You've got open external, which works, but it's an extra step. Downloading in app would just be more convenient.
  • lastly, give me a way to buy you a beer 😁

Let's not forget that Nixon also got the controlled substance act passed in 1971 and kick started the war on drugs.

I absolutely love my induction stove. I've been Wanting one forever, can't justify the price to run upgrade my electrical panel and run a 240v line (I have gas now). Finally decided to get a cheap countertop model (duxtop). It's night and day. Holy shit. It boils water faster than I could imagine. It's Hotspot is a little small for a cast iron pan, but works perfectly with steel pans. Gets hot very quick, cools off quick. Way easier to clean. I absolutely love it.

Eventually I'll get a full sized one, but for now, 2 burners is enough.

Chrome has a way back machine extension

I've never actually used it though. Never had a reason till now

Ha. That will be wiped off? We are actively watching a mass extinction occur. It's not going to happen. It already is

Oh no. I wonder what happened /s

It's very hard to tell, but I'm guessing the middle one is gpu exhaust. So two outs, one in

The worst is when you KNOW something is the best practice, but no one bothered to write it down

Oh boy. Similar story for my wife and me. Now we've got 3 gaiwans, 4 yixing clay pots, and two cast iron pots. And now we do a little tea ceremony everyday. It's a great way to just sit together and chat without other distractions.

My favorite has always been that falling coconuts kill more people than sharks

You should check out The whole site is basically non vocal. Music, but it's engineered to get you to focus. When I first saw it, I assumed it was just some gimmicky way to advertise, but I swear it actually helps me to focus better. But yeah. Sounds like you'd enjoy the music they provide.

They should go non profit. Sure there are memes and stuff. But I'd be willing to bet the main reason people use the site is for hobbies and asking questions.

If reddit crashes, no one is gonna give a fuck about the lost memes. We will care about not getting an answer to a question that can't be found on Wikipedia or a manufacturers site.

If they did a banner like Wikipedia and just asked for donations to keep the servers up. I'd pay. Plus, they are literally using volunteers (mods) to run the site. Reddit is already set up to be a non-profit.

This comment reminds me of the Eichmann trial. He wasn't inherently evil like we want to believe. He was just a man doing his job, sending jews to their death. It's pretty chilling to think about the evils he carried out when he was just doing what he was told to do.

Another somewhat counterpoint, I think in today's society it's harder than it traditionally has been. Specifically, I would love to go to protests and be more active. But for me it's really hard to do that because I have obligations. Specifically, I can't take a week off of work to go to DC and hold some signs. It's not that I'm refusing to do anything, I just don't have the time when I'm more worried about my mortgage. I do donate to charities but it's very difficult to do much more because of debt.

So I'm a technician at a research lab. 8/10

The benefits are absolutely amazing. We do a lot of government work and have one of the highest budgets, so very good job security.

The work does get pretty technical, but it's all OJT. And they give plenty of time to get qualified. The work is a lot of setting up expirements for scientists. Lot of mechanical installations and a hefty amount of computer operations for gas operations and cryogenics.

We work 24/7 (the lab). I work 13 hour shifts 3/4 days a week. One week is 3, the next is 4,the next is 3. Rinse and repeat. So i get a 3 or 4 day weekend every week. That's absolutely beautiful to me.

My main complaint is that we don't have enough work to actually fill 24 hours a day. I work the night shift, so I have quite a bit of down time. I don't like downtime personally. If I'm gonna sit and watch YouTube, I'd much rather be in the comfort of my home. But I'm hourly, so I can't leave. For some people, that's the fucking jackpot, but I like staying busy.

Im prior military so it's very nice seeing how much they care about making our jobs easier. There's schedule pressure, but management does an extremely good job about not letting that trickle down. So i never feel rushed to get stuff done. It's lots hours but fairly stress free.

This right here. Everytime I hop to a new service, I use soundizz. Works perfectly for me and I have a lot of Playlists. The free tier is pretty limited. I think it only let's you do 50 songs at a time, or something like that. It's worth it to pay for one month, transfer everything, and then cancel.

Amazon music is decent. Apple music is pretty good. Tidal is awesome, but last time I used them I thought their algorithms were kinda weak.

I actually use YouTube music myself because I have YouTube premium. I also use a yt-dl to download my music, and have it all backed up to a NAS.

That's absolutely wild. I bet if he owned a garage, he'd expect you to be able to fix a car in the dark.

Question tho, as someone not in IT, how do you handle HIPPA policies. Clearly you have to have access, but I assume the info would just be backed up seperately from other data.

Combine that with fortune and throw it in your bash script and you get a new message every time you open terminal.

It's also probably inflated due to people making multiple accounts. I'm sure there's lots of us (myself included) who made an account on one instance and then decided to swap to a different one.

Oh for sure. I understand the reasoning. But it's still a lack of options. While apple has a good track record, they're still asking me to blindly trust them, and them alone.

Think about the circuit over time. The sine wave on the left is the input.

When the sine wave is positive, the top wire is positive and the bottom wire is negative. That means d1 and d3 are both positive and d2 and d4 are both negative.

Diodes "forward bias", meaning they allow electricity to flow, when you have a positive on the triangle side. This also implies a negative on the straight bar side. If the positive is on the straight bar side, then it won't conduct. You have to have a negative on the straight bar side.

Note: Keep in mind positive and negative means in relation to each value. So if one side is 5 volts, and the other is 0, then the other side is negative compared to the positive side.

So with that in mind, when the sine wave is positive, greater than 1,then d1 and d4 are conducting (there an implied loop on the left side).

When the sine wave is negative, then d2 and d3 are conducting. Because these two diodes are flipped, the high value goes to the top wire on the output which is now seen as a positive. The input is different, but because you've flipped the wires, the output is still the same. Now all current flows in one direction no matter the input. AC is now DC.

Shorter verison: positive side of the sine wave makes d1 and d4 conduct. Negative side makes d2 and d3 conduct. Since d2 and d3 cross over, they effectively turn the negative into a positive value.

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"DC or direct current is instead just a constant horizontal line."

Your explanation is totally correct. (I replied as well just to break it down a little further for OP). I know I'm being a little pedantic, but DC does not have to be constant. DC can also pulse and change. The main difference is whether or not the signal remains positive. If it goes negative, then it is AC. The change in polarity is what matters, not how constant it is.

I've been doing that for things like shampoo and detergents. But unfortunately I've got celiacs. All my food HAS to be packaged so that I know it's safe to eat.

For real. Also 29 and have been taking night classes. After 2 years of school Ive changed my mind again. I just have no idea what I actually want to do.

I grew up always being told I was really smart and would go places. So I've built my life goals around trying to do something "grand". I've only recently realized that I don't HAVE to do anything. It's OK to just exist and enjoy life. I'm still struggling to fully accept that, but I think I will eventually.

Same here. Steam says 200 hours. Which is a lot for me. The next closest is NMS at 50 hours.

My play time is also higher because I have played many hours offline and then reset my computer so it didn't track that time.

It's such a ridiculously addictive game. I regret nothing.

Eradicate fear.

Fear of losing power. Fear of "them". Fear of going to hell because you didn't convert someone. Fear of lost resources.

It all boils down to fear. The problem is that fear is contagious. It's easier to convince someone to back your side if you make them afraid vs hopeful.

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Yeah I've been about 50/50 with plant based beef and chicken. I'm extremely excited for this. Might be the final nail in the coffin for Big Meat


The ability to make and manipulate portals. You can travel anywhere nearly instantly. My version of this power assumes you can make the exit portal without physically seeing it. So you could make one at home, one at your work and never deal with traffic. Want to go to London for the weekend? Done.

The cool thing is that you could also bring things to you. Craving a soda? Pop one portal under the coke in your fridge and the other just above your hand. Boom! Gravity pulls the coke through the portal and drops it into your hand. So now you can summon items to you as well.

My version also includes manipulation of your portals. You placed them but can move them while they are active. This allows you to effectively "scan" things. Need to dig a trench? Keep one portal stationary and just pull the other through the dirt. Whatever you scan gets immediately teleported elsewhere.

If we are assuming a world in which superheroes are a thing, you become an absolute badass. Not God like. But you can't be arrested because you'll just leave. You can easily make "rods from God" a reality. You could "scan" a spear fast enough that it's like shooting it from a cannon and impale your enemies. You can use your portals as perfect shields. All attacks would just be directed elsewhere.

I think about this power a lot. To be honest, It's based on Gilgamesh's powers from the Fate anime.

I love my oneplus 11. It's my first oneplus and I highly recommend it.

However, I speed using it this week and went back to my xperia V ii because YouTube music and android auto won't stay connected while driving. It's only with the oneplus 11. Hopefully they fix it, but it makes my daily commute hell.

Unless there is a transformer. Also, it may just catch fire depending on the input voltage

Transformers raise or lower voltage of ac circuits. They also do the opposite to current, e.g. Raise voltage, lower current.

The rectifier makes all the voltage positive (or negative, but all the same). So yes, AC -> DC

The filter basically uses inductors and capacitors to act as storage. Using capacitor as an example, it'll start charging when the wave starts to rise. once the wave goes down, the capacitor discharges which keeps the output more positive. You can see that in the image by full humps before and partial humps after. It's still bumpy, but it never goes to zero.

The regulator can do a couple of things, mostly it's used to ensure a constant output. In it's most basic, it'll be another diode that if voltage goes above a certain threshold, it shunts it away from the load. So if the output of the filter had a minimum of 5 volts and the regulator was set to 5, you'll end up with a constant positive 5 volts because the diode is shunting away all the extra voltage.

Regulators can provide both over and under voltage protection in case there is fluctuations in the circuit.

Kind of. You're on the right track.

What you're missing is that there is a loop. Imagine a resistor being connected to negative and positive of the load. Since it's about relative voltages not absolutes, d1 and d3 both conduct. A positive on the triangle, or a negative on the bar will make them conduct. For electricity to flow you must have a loop from source to load and back to source. So current would flow from the source through d1 through the load through d3 and back to the source.

Hope that makes more sense.

You could remove d1/d4 OR d2/d3 and you'll have a half wave rectifier, so you'll get every other peak.

Maybe, but unlikely. I've seen a couple articles about it being likely next year. Nintendo wants to sell most of their current stock first.

Here's a link to most of the rumors

That kid is brilliant. I'd be willing to bet that he's a very successful adult now.