arctic pie (he/him)

@arctic pie (he/him)
0 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Some of us are going through an actual grieving process over losing reddit. That place was my online home for like 15 years. It's the kind of thing that definitely deserves drunk-bar-ranting.

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Remember when Windows 10 was "the last operating system"?

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I really hope that we'll be able to maintain a strong resistance and fortification against Meta taking over the fediverse.

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Corrected headline: The Reddit API Cash Grab is Breaking Reddit

Glad they deleted it, but I am also glad that the mods saw this possibility and acted proactively before that shit could accidentally make its way onto our timelines. Beehaw is an intentionally safe space - that is much more of a stated goal than protecting libertarian "free-speech" or having an expansive presence on the threadiverse.

Even a single negative or hateful post showing up can have a profoundly negative and harmful effect on the community. We need to take this shit seriously and I am so so so thankful to have mods who are unafraid to act boldly here.

If you want an instance that is 100% reactive to hate speech and prioritizes your access to other instances at the potential risk of other instance members, maybe Beehaw ain't the place for you (and that's ok!)

I'm perfectly OK with Beehaw de-fedding from 75%+ of all lemmy inatances, including very large and popular ones, if it means keeping this space consistently free of hate. We are a community, not a platform.

Much love!

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I am so so so sorry that happened to you. That is so incredibly fucked up and not okay. The fact this happened at Pride is heartbreaking. I am a cis-het male, but I inevitably cry tears of joy every year at our local Pride festival because there are so many people from across the entire LGBTQ2IAS+ community in our very conservative/religious city who get so much shit from judgmental bigots, every day of the year, but Pride is a time when they are not just accepted, but fucking CELEBRATED! Friend, if the hater who spewed those lies to you won't celebrate you, I sure as hell will. Such_lettuce7970, I dont know you IRL, but judging from your post history you use Linux, and youre here on the threadiverse, and you have seem to have a heart for sharing vulnerability with others which is such an incredible gift for all of us to be blessed by. You're a fucking cool-ass woman, and I hope you are able to find people IRL who are able to validate that about yourself. Sending a handful of soldarity tears and many, many loving vibes your way (and if you're cool with it, some WiFi hugs as well). Youre a fucking treasure, and your cats are lucky as shit to be able to hang out with you.

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Fuck, let's pray it is

As an American, its always so encouraging to see the things that come out of the EU

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I'm curious what/if any info can be retrieved from Matrix servers?

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Eugen is proof that the fediverse requires distributed (not just decentralized) ownership.

I'm glad you have a wife that is supportive.

I hear you about platonic friends. Its really hard to make friends as an adult. I'm in the same boat. My wife has friends because she's lived in this town for decades, but I'm an immigrant who's only been here since 2019 and 80% of the other people in our town drive pickup trucks and think vaccines kill people. The struggle is real. Whatever its worth I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there. I dont have the courage to try that so much myself.

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Jesus fucking Christ man.

There's already a shared public commons - it's called ActivityPub, and they refuse to use it because it would impact the shareholder value of their private company. Bluesky is as full of shit as my constipated toddler.

This shit is fucking BROKEN.

Seriously, how can you be as cartoonishly evil as this guy?

Perhaps the Democratic Party should understand that this is what happens when you campaign on social justice and then govern like a Republican from the early 2000s, and then adjust accordingly. For many on the left, the prospect of having a Republican president in 2024 may be less frightening than letting the center-right Democrats get bullied around by the GOP and Fox News for another 4 years while actively targeting/destroying actual progressive movements. I'm not necessarily saying I'm on that side of the fence myself, but the Dems have spent the last few years deeply undercutting a lot of the progressive base that got Biden across the finish line and into the White House.

Its because they signed up for Twitter

I really love that since kbin and lemmy federate with each other, there's really no real drama about the budding rivalry because whichever one you choose you won't have to miss out on content from the other! Plus having two separate platforms only increases the diversity and resilience of the fedi-aggregator universe. It makes it harder to kill/write off and its also the end goal of why we're all here in the first place! 😊

I use(d) Infinity

Newbie user here. You've gotta do what you gotta do. Thank you for fostering this as a safe space, both for the users and also yourselves as admins. This community doesn't work at all for anyone if it doesn't work for you.

Full support on defederation from me - if we lose a couple folks jumping ship to other instances over this then maybe that's also for the best too.

Yeah I'm in BC

Fuck yes!

Not to be an asshole but I feel like he's been crystal clear the entire time about his anti-LGBTQ crusade.

Do you mind if I ask how you set up your own matrix instance? What software did you use? Are you hosted in the cloud or a home lab type setup? Sorry for so many questions but I've been wanting to do this for a while now

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*Late / recently deceased CEO

Tbf, I'm an anarchist/antifascist (aka non-Trump voter), and I definitely have strong opinions on manhood. They just happen to be the opposite of what the MAGA nuts would believe.

You can buy a cargo ebike for about $2500 (RadWagon 4).

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I'm actually shocked and not shocked at the same time...

Ive been on Manjaro for a little over a year and, aside from seeming like a second class environment to other Linux systems, I'm really enjoying it

At least here in Canada, I think the economic split between homeowners and renters is going to become massively painful. The government needs to step in and take dramatic action to fix this problem, but doing so could theoretically tank the price of housing, and with so many people having bought at super-high prices, a significance portion of the population (also, the majority of whom have lots of wealth) might get royally fucked. The government might have to make a decision about which portion of the population to protect, and which to sacrifice.

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I literally just bought one yesterday for $100 😄

Jesus its like Elon Musk was the prophet for the Fuckheads Who Will Ruin The Internet For Money. Big Tech can suck my asshole.

I also read the comments. Glad we've defederated. Seems like there are plenty of people over there with really bad ideas and they're scouring the internet for people to poke them with.

I am supremely jealous of your ability to take time and have no idea what to do. I have a 7 month old kiddo and a partner who plans our calendar months in advance. I dont think I'll ever have a weeklong stretch of unspoked for time ever again in my whole life.

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I feel like just regular credit scores are already 100% the capitalist version of the CCP social credit score in the most borlngly dystopian way possible.

I've been feeling a significant amount of sadness at the feeling like I've now fully lost the 2 places that were my havens for safety and community during the pandemic (Twitter and Reddit). I mostly disconnected a few weeks/months ago, but this weekend feels like the full, official breakup. I wonder if anyone/everyone else is feeling the same?

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That's concerning and I'm not saying they're perfect. They've been very clear that they're overwhelmed by all of the new folks here and the unexpected workload. Perhaps already being overloaded with content moderation om Beehaw was reason enough to defed from instances that would only make that problem significantly worse?

Well we went from an era where only a small portion of the population congregated online in forums and chats, which basically required you to either be a kid or a techie of some kind, to a world where your grandma was on Facebook because FB made it hella easy to signup and adductive as hell to stay. The Grandma (or even Parent) on Facebook types have never interacted with the internet in the ways we (rightly) romanticize

As someone who works in IT, I can tell you that ive witnessed firsthand so many people who get viruses because when someone gives them a URL, they dont just go to that site. They go to, search for the URL, and blindly click on the first result, which is almost always an ad, and which sometimes is a link to malware. Fun times.