1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I can't imagine thinking redditors are cool. Not even redditors think redditors are cool.

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Have you read the definition? It's a platform reducing the quality of services to increase profit. Nothing about this is to increase profit.

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I would love to meet a typing dog. I wonder what it would be like.

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Why is lemmy turning into MLs vs liberals? From my perspective their both questionable groups. Furthermore I don't think it's actually helpful or constructive outside of political communities to discuss this kind of thing. Not everyone actually has a side in politics to begin with.

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Except piloting a plane requires actual skills. Plus actually flying the thing isn't even the hard part, it's not that much more difficult than driving a car from what I understand. The difficult parts are doing paperwork, setting up the plane, dealing with ATC and passengers, and most of all finding a way to fund all the training and building up the flying hours without going broke.

Before any commercial plane takes off all kinds of performance calculations are done and flight plans are filled to make sure it's actually safe. Load and balance plus fuel checks all have to be done. Pilots need to plan and brief on emergency procedures and so on, this is also done prior to landing.

I am using the actual definition. Saying you are x percent wrong isn't an arguement. You're just making yourself look bad.

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Rednecks were originally left wing pro-union workers originally. So these people don't deserve to be called rednecks.

Edit: had to double check. There were multiple meanings including the coal miners I am referring to. Apparently it could also mean white sun burned farmers in the 19th century

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Marxist-Leninist. A subset of communists that generally follow Lenin, Stalin and sometimes others.

Is it the RoG Strix by any chance?

In the very long term you are right. The thing is we aren't there yet. Lots of companies are making things unrepairable for no reason right now. This is at a time when we need to produce less stuff to help the environment.

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Well said. I have no idea why people seem to think the the whole sonarr, radarr, prowlarr setup saves time. The whole renaming, metadata and thumbnail gathering, etc isn't saving time for most people as most pirates don't do any of that manually because they don't do it at all. This software is useful for people who want collections of pirated content - especially if they serve it to other people. A family or someone who does piracy for a business, or collectors of media are who these suites work best for.

I have often had to manually intervene when using this supposedly "automatic" software. That and the time, trial, and error it takes to set all of it up make it not worth it for me. It gets especially annoying when it renames episodes to the wrong name, making them confusing to identify and taking time to fix manually. That wouldn't happen if you just didn't rename anything and saves valuable watching time.

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All words are made up

Erm yeah it's more than 50% faster in bandwidth for M2 Max, because it has more memory channels than two SODIMMs would allow for. It's specifically at least twice as fast. People upvoting this are showing their ignorance here about Apple hardware.

The storage isn't particularly fast so that part I believe.

It’s almost like no one remembers that redneck meant socialist union organizer before it was corrupted to truck loving suburban hillbilly wannabe. The working class is ripe for radicalization, but you have to treat them like full people first, not caricatures.

That's not what redneck originally meant at all. That usage came later in the 20th century. Have a quick look at the Wikipedia article.

Are the power optimisations as good on Linux/ARM as on x86?

ARM chips use less power, that's kind of the whole point.

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You mean Nowhere else bans it to my knowledge. Pretty sure Lemmy itself doesn't and can't ban anything.

You realize this still exposes the fact you are visiting piracy sites?

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Aw, who's a good keyboard doggo? Ow yes, yes you are!

The RAM is built onto the substrate. Every contact you add increases signal degredation. Plus actually trying to fit eight sockets on a SoC package would be a complete nightmare.

Dividing RAM like that into two pools would violate the permise of the whole unified memory system. You're really asking for the wrong thing here. Why not convinve them to do something like a modular SSD that's far more achievable? Also memory that doesn't come at sky high prices with an actual sensible mimimum (8GB on MacBooks in 2023, really?).

For other laptops there is actually a solution to this problem called a CAMM. It would even work for the M2 Macbooks possibly (not the M2 Pro or Max) if apple are willing to sacrifice size or battery life of the laptop. The reason this wouldn't work for the M2 Pro and Max is you would need two or four of these things. It would be diffcult enough to fit just one in a Macbook that have tiny, tiny logic boards to begin with.

Yeah nah. Signing components isn't gonna stop people stealing phones just like iCloud dosen't now. Nobody apart from you actually wants this feature.

Yeah I don't live in America. You can technically be jailed for piracy where I live I believe.

I mean if you can work out how to synthesize it. I believe it requires a fair bit of equipment and chemistry knowledge.

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Have you ever actually tried a haptic touchpad? I have and honestly they are so much better everything else feels like a joke in comparison.

Also no it won't have a physical click, that defeats the purpose. It's also not the same as tap to click, it uses a force sensor.

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What's a z+redditor? I also don't fully know what counts as niche. I think I am in a couple of these and there are still assholes, some of which are the most active users or even mods. Some groups are okay but these are the exceptions and not the rules.

No repair mention anywhere so idk what youre on about, also by your logic you dont own your 1950 fridge anymore because theres no one left to repair it, your argument is so stupid

He's talking about the right to repair you're own stuff or have someone look at it. Not the right to a competent repairman. Those are two different things. I am not sure if you're arguing in bad faith or if this is just a mistake to be honest.

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They literally cut a quarter of the disk. You can literally see the center spindle where the cuts end.

Also that's a size used for modern hard drives.

You ain't good at this are you?

Have you tried updating the kernel? If it's been rated to work with a certain Linux distribution and it doesn't work on yours then chances are that the distribution they tested with is using a newer kernel.

That being said new hardware can be quite problematic on Linux. I personally haven't had issues with Huawei Matebooks provided I installed the newer kernels, but Apple Silicon was a nightmare.

You live and you learn. I would have thought them better than right wing tiktok but I guess not.

Amen to this. I have to deal with it on my Zephyrus M16 which has shit battery life to begin with.

Nah I edited it because I did more research. The original source I had was from a leftist tiktoker who left out the original meaning of the term. It turns out if you search for videos like this you can find more than one talking about the redneck revolt.

That being said I find it bizarre you can't deal with the concept that a word has multiple meanings.

Edit: Also why are you trying to say stuff like "Take the L". The whole point of discussing these things is to learn or to inform, turning it into a competition is wrong and leads to bad faith behavior and antagonism for no reason.

I found a misleading source of information that I should have verified ahead of time. I find it hard to believe you wouldn't make the same mistake.

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Yeah they have tried that before and never got it passed or implemented afaik. Honestly the people of my country need to burn half the government down and start again. It's just sad. Still doing better than the US somehow.

You're passionate about something you don't understand and have never tried.

Tap to click you remove your finger and press it back down to click. That's why it's called tap to click and not press to click.

With haptic touchpads you keep your finger where it is and apply more force. It's a completely different gesture and is very similar to mechanical clicking touchpads.

Why it's better is because it is consistent across the whole touchpad surface versus mechanical typically don't work towards the top of the touchpad. Mechanical touchpads normally feel loose to me and you can't change the actuation force. With a haptic touchpad you can change the actuation force since it's a force sensor with a software defined threshold.

It also doesn't feel anything like phone haptics. It feels more like a press than a vibration like a phone does.

These are also higher quality touchpads in general that have more resolution. Theoretical even better than the Apple force touch devices I have used.

Walk into an Apple store and try one of their devices before you complain again.

Windows privacy is shocking. Windows security used to be shocking so it improving is just returning to average. I don't see any reason to think Apple devices security is getting worse. If anything it's actually getting better.

The whole reason you get a VPN for piracy is to stop you're ISP from seeing what you are doing. It also allows you to easily unblock indexer websites. What you are suggesting isn't a replacement for a VPN in anyway and is likeley to lead to you getting caught and potentially banned by you're ISP.

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I'm not saying the old logic of "ARM is efficient, x86 is fast" isn't still true

Okay then I will say it. Apple Silicon is almost as fast per core than Intel and AMD. I am not talking just about x86 vs ARM in general because that's a fools errand. I am talking about Intel. That's also not an Atom chip, they don't make Atom anymore. Sure it is made of E cores but those are several generations removed from the Atom chips. It would actually make more sense imo if they used the 8 core version of that chip.

Not everyone left of centre is a ML.

I never said that they were. It primarily seems to be MLs attacking liberals and everyone attacking MLs.

Liberals are not left wing.

Depends when and in which country you're talking about. In America at current they are an odd party that don't seem to stand for much, in the past they have been more left wing. In other countries I am not really sure as liberal isn't a well defined term like neoliberal or libertarian is. You could take it to mean socially liberal in which case it could be a left or right wing position much like a libertarian could be.

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I don't live in and have never been to the US.

You can't use renewables for all power generation though. We don't have the energy storage for that. Also over the long term nuclear can be profitable - it just requires a lot of investment and planning

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I wasn't suggesting to actually do this. I was trying to point out that it's quite difficult to make in the first place....

No, I tried to point out that it has multiple meanings, you tried to say it has only one meaning in your attempt at a correction. This is indeed incorrect and I was right to point this out. This is presumably because you didn't know anything about the coal miners or the redneck revolt and didn't want to be caught out as ignorant.

I also haven't read the whole article, because I don't live in America and it's not that important to me right now. I have read enough to know the information I was given was incomplete, and I have updated my statement and my views based upon the information I now have.

You're accusing me of manipulation based on zero evidence. The only person being manipulative here is you.

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