0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah having 4 mods for something this large isn't realistic, though I also understand they have problems with the moderation tools. Hopefully they can find more mods and lemmy can get better tools. I think once that happens they are considering refederation.

As much as it seems like a bone headed decision I can understand why they made it and that they probably didn't have much choice given the resources theu have. I suggested to them that they should consider a whitelist/invite only system of users from certain instances instead. I haven't heard back from the mods on that but another user has already tried to shoot me down.

Edit: I have been told a whitelist isn't currently supported by Lemmy.

Already using FireFox. It's nice that it comes preinstalled on most Linux distros too.

Lookup Single Transferable Vote

No it wouldn't. Battery tech isn't the limitation on home charging speed at all. It's the power available at your house that limits charging speed.

This tech would only help cars charge faster at dedicated charging stations.

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Some of you should try ink tank printers. Low ink prices and lots of ink in each refill. They come out of the box with thousands of pages worth if ink! Only problem is they sometimes get clogged.

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I will be using both for now.

I think the reddit controversy is overblown. As a private company they need to at least break even otherwise they won't be able to keep it online forever. That being said it sounds like there API pricing is unreasonable for no reason; though I am glad they have made an exception for accessibility focused apps and some moderation tools.

I am actually brand new to lemmy and the fediverse, it's something I am very glad exists though. It's the kind of open source project I think could be very beneficial to a lot of people. From what little I have seen so far it's very promising with a few rough edges.

P.s. also hoping they can work out a deal with Reddit Sync, otherwise I could be spending a lot more time here 😉

Now that's just wrong

Shouldn't it be meowdy?

I am new to this but I think the problem here is that since anyone can quickly create an account on the trolls can just create a new account every time they are blocked. Beehaw has some kind if process or interview for taking on new users that these two other instances don't. My home instance dosen't have this process either so it might be defederated eventually.

Unless you plan on reading all that source code yourself and verifying it's bug free then it's not more secure at all.

This is a bad example. Aux cables use analog signals therefore signal integrity actually matters for sound quality. If this was a cable used for digital signals like SPDIF of HDMI or USB then it wouldn't effect quality; that being said using gold or another coating (someone mentioned chrome nickel) will help with reliability and corrosion over time.

The post has been put out by the people that made Mastodon. Why should anyone trust you over them when you provide 0 arguments against them.

Embrace Extend Extinguish was always a Microsoft strategy and one they have been forced to abandon over the years. Their attitude changed towards open source because it doesn't work! I think you might be the one who is lacking in knowledge or "education" here.

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They already answered this:

I’m in DevSecOps, and do a lot of heavy development and testing, as well as PoCs. Ideally, I’d have 128GB of RAM but laptops aren’t quite there yet. The HD is a Samsung SSD.

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You know humans have evolved to eat meat? Hunting animals is literally a core feature of us as an animal. It's much easier to have a healthy omnivorous diet than a vegan one because our bodies are adapted to consume animal and plants together. It's not a fact you can ignore and it's the reason why vegans need artificial supplements or risk severe health issues.

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Would it be easier if you could create a whitelist rather than a blacklist for a given instance? As in inviting people in like you do when creating an instance in beehaw rather than having to ban accounts once they have proven to misbehave.

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I actually just joined today and this is my second ever comment. It wasn't too hard to get setup, given I hadn't been on any fediverse until now. I have to say I like how well the instances link together too, at least from what I have seen so far.

I am using Jerboa at the moment and while it is kind of basic it seems faster compared to Reddit Sync or the official reddit app. This is a very good sign as I have had issues with both offical reddit and sync in the past including a fair amount of crashes. I might have to look for a desktop app soon and at some other fediverse types (don't know the terminology), I know there is one for videos for instance.

I am kind of interested to see an instance like this. I am a member of r/Autism_Pride and some similar subreddits so this seems like somewhere I could spend some time.

p.s. Is there any drug or harm reduction communities I should now about? How about fountain pens or baking bread? Random I know but thought it was worth an ask.

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This is good to know. I had no idea toner is so bad for the environment. It's yet another reason to use ink tank printers.

lots of ink paying for more than you need

You pay less for an ink refil on an ink tank printer than you do a toner refil for a laser printer. This is despite the fact that the ink refil lasts longer.

I agree with the idea that infrequent users should consider laser printers. The main issue I have with them though is the cost. A colour laser printer is more expensive than even a tank printer which is expensive to begin with. It also can't do photos very well which is something a lot of people use printers for. Greyscale laser printers are only good for text.

The only reason I drink so much is that everything else is so much worse.

What do you mean? Alcohol is one of the harder and more addictive drugs you can do. Standard anti-deppressants aren't nearly as bad and neither are many illicit substances like cannabis and ecstasy. There are a few that are worse (heroin, crack cocaine, maybe benzodiazepines) but I don't think people would reach for these just to treat for anxiety.

Edit: Even Ketamine is only roughly as bad and dangerous as alcohol while being much better at treating things like depression and anxiety. It's regularly used now to treat these disorders in treatment resistant patients. A course of treatment can last up to one month after the last dose. It's can also be effective within one hour of the first dose.

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I would have thought that a whitelist would be a better solution, because at least then your users can see posts and comments from the other instances when interacting with communities outside of beehaw. As it is now you can't see comments from those instances even on communities that aren't part of those instances. A whitelist would also let users on beehaw join communities on instead of needing a separate account.

I should point out that I don't know for certain if this is a feature that has been added yet, whitelists might not be supported at all for communities though I think they are.

Is it that you guys don't want to interact with those instances and their users at all? If so then this decision makes sense to me especially if they have done something very harmful.

Edit: are you like a mod or something here?

A large open source project is generally more secure than a closed source one as it has more developers working on it and more security experts reading the code or testing it. If you want an example look at how many developers are working on Linux vs Windows and there security history. Once lemmy is big enough it has the potential to be more secure than things like Facebook or Twitter even.

You apparently don't understand how password hashes work. Nobody is storing your password on any well implemented website. You can't just grab someone's password if there is a breach, provided the people who built the website aren't completely incompetent.

With these misunderstandings and the fact federation was confusing to you I am not sure I believe your claim that you are a "tech-friendly" person. You sound like someone who has above average exposure to technology rather than someone who is actually skilled in it. There is nothing wrong with this in itself but please don't claim to be proficient when you aren't.

That's actually rather interesting. It's good to see a justification of why places like Beehaw disallow downvotes. I can sort of understand how this relates to YouTube removing downvotes as well, though maybe this shouldn't be applied to videos that are a potentially more damaging medium.

We have such a thing as an 8K camera. It's kinda hard to beat an 8K camera. Especially given film has a very low frame rate, so you're trading one kind of quality for another.

8K is basically more pixels than your ever going to need unless you like staring at a tiny portion of the screen. 24 FPS (films normal FPS fyi) on the other hand is very noticeably different from 60 FPS, nevermind the 120+ FPS some cameras can do.

The reason we have these cameras is partly so we can crop and still get a usable 4K or 6K image.

As for compression we have true lossless and visually lossless formats that are used on professional video cameras. This includes Red Raw.

Did I mention that this kit is cheap enough that Linus Tech Tips - a YouTube channel - can afford to have at least one.

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Well duh the vehicle and battery doesn't exist yet, so of course their aren't any chargers! The charging standards will have to be developed concurrently with the vehicle and deployed slowly over years.

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I said you should eat an omnivorous diet, not a carnivore one. Did you even read my comment?

Most meats do not contain antibiotics, that only happens in countries with bad food safety regulations. Antibiotics are also not a bad thing by any means, though you should use them selectively. Just because an animal has had antibiotics in the past dosen't mean they still have significant levels when they are slaughtered.

Those sources are heavily biased. Human ancestor ate both meat and vegetables. Even chimpanzees eat insects, which are actually very nutritionous!

Yeah and it's natural to eat animals, we didn't hunt them for fun! How can you not understand this?

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Is reddit markup patented? If not someone could create a fork/mod of lemmy with this feature.

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Yeah you just described hunting being natural.

Eating meat is also natural, even if meat production techniques are no longer natural.

This isn't an argument about nature though, it's about diet and nutrition. Eating animals is more nutritious for us and vegans require supplements to compensate; this is because we evolved with animal & fish meat as a significant food source. Vegan diets are inherently less healthy than omnivore ones, just like carnivore diets are generally less healthy too.

This isn't to say what vegans are doing isn't a noble endeavor. It largely is noble as it helps the planet. It shouldn't however be seen as the default or that eating meat is abnormal because eating meat is what we were built for. It requires modern dietary planning and supplementation to maintain a healthy vegan lifestyle and it might not even he possible in certain stages of life.

Not really home charging times aren't really a problem. You do don't refuel a fossil fuel car at home.

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If someone takes violent action against you or people you care about, what do you suggest to do?

That's unfortunately the situation for a lot of people in this world. It's also sometimes the only way to enact change. It should be a means of last resort, but a means nonetheless.

Absolute pacifism is functionally and morally equivalent to giving up in certain circumstances.

Edit: This obviously isn't the situation to be using violence though. Nobody needs reddit to survive, at least I hope not.

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It's not my comment. You are talking to the completely wrong person. Go look at their comments.

What makes you think large social media platforms don't have these exact problems? Because they definitely do.

This software being open source will hopefully make it more secure one day than even things like twitter. This is because everyone can see and inspect the source code and try to find vulnerabilities. When they are fixed then (hopefully) all of the instances get updated. It's what helps make Linux generally more secure than Windows.

It seems to me you don't see the value in open source platforms like this. If this is true then fair enough. Just don't come crying to me when reddit does something you don't like.

The comment I replied to seems to indicate you don't support violence in any circumstances. Maybe you should reword it if this isn't your beliefs.

Thanks I have now found some of them at least. The interface for joining communities outside your home instance if kind of iffy. Having some issues using Jerboa and lemmy web in general compared to Sync and reddit website. I imagine the interface will improve over time, at least I hope so.

I know what markdown is my guy. Are you sure it's standard markdown? I was under the impression that reddit had their own dialect but I could be wrong.

That's exactly what I meant! Did I fail to write it clearly or is their reading comprehension no good?

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What's your question? Microsoft invented and then abandoned the EEE strategy because the strategy dosen't work! Open source never went away no matter what they did.

Tankie is anyone that supports Lenin or anything more authoritarian marxist than that.

I didn't vote for Corbyn, because I wasn't old enough to vote at the time. (Was there even a general election at that time? I don't remember). It's a stupid question to ask given he hasn't been the leader of the labour party for years at this point.

I have never voted conservative. I think I voted green in the last election I voted in but don't remember. Didn't get to vote in the last local one as I was busy and forgot.

I never did history GCSE and I don't think most people did. You have to choose between that and other options like Geography so not everyone will be taught it.

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u have spent too much time in american anti-communist spaces where their brains are riddled with the historical legacy of two red scares, and you've spent absolutely zero time in British leftist spaces. You have riddled your mind with american brainworms against socialism and I implore you to join a union and actually go out and organise.


Why on earth would you just assume something like that? That's completely ridiculous.

I actually became disillusioned from MLs partly by joining a Trotskyist organisation founded in England. Specifically Socialist Appeal which are part of the IMT.

Note I originally said I dislike Lenin and people who came after that (mao, stalin, trotsky, etc.). This is because I have seen what they do to other Communists they disagree with, and what China still does to real Marxists and Anarchists. Lookup Kronstadt if you want an example.

MLs only care about their specific subset of Marixst ideology and if you disagree you are imprisoned or killed. That's not communism, that's a cult!

I would hope that people like Jeremy Corbin are just mislead on the behavior of some of these people, and aren't up for a authoritarian "socialist" regime. Not that he is really relevant anymore anyway as I stated previously.

As for Marx I actually think he said some intelligent things for his time. That being said like his descendants he is too sectarian. I also think anarchists have some interesting ideas. That being said they all died long ago. I don't think it's healthy or progressive to hang on their every word as absolute truth - that's called religion. Religion should have no place in politics.

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More and more places with electric car charging are available. Eventually we will replace gas stations with them. This strikes me as being far from reality and narrow minded at the same time. Maybe it's different where you live?