arran 🇦🇺

@arran 🇦🇺
0 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Sounds reasonable. But I don't like the 0 in the name.

Anyone else here concerned about what this means for the health of the ecosystem? If reddit was never sustainable and we are well and truly past a phase of consolidation there is potentially a lot of history / info to loose here. The damage has been done already by the funding model. While the return to federation and private hosting is nice, there is a potential "dark" age.

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In contrast 2009 was a actually a very bad year for a lot of people. I think what you're feeling is pretty normal. Try create some new fun, don't do too much in terms of recreating things except to confirm / dis-confirm memories.

That's a ... really well defined threat...

Burn read only backups.

I feel like I have been doing this all my life. I think it's more to do with the depth of understanding too. But the environment has to support it, if there is an expectation that everyone is an expert from day one, and there is no room for self improvement then it can't be done.

As stated there are down falls with the approach such as lack of exposure to new ideas. You still need to look just not study. But to me it's also a work/life balance policy. But don't practice it in extreme as it can hold you back. Good work places should allow for some learning time and I'm hoping that gets normalized.

Some monitors like the Dell U4323qe have a KVM built in, the KVM does Ethernet too.

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Age old rule, invert the statement; they aren't ready, don't start now they don't think it would be fair.

jdownloader seems pretty close to "internet download manager"

Also I prefer yt-dlp over youtube-dl

Not sure 12 hours is enough time for me to grab much. Perhaps my backlog.

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The busybox one seems great as it comes with shells. php looks like it would add some issues.

Personally since I use go, I would create a go embedded app, which I would make a deb, rpm, and a dockerfile using "goreleaser"

package main

import (

//go:embed static/*
var content embed.FS

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Serve index.html as the default page
		http.ServeContent(w, r, "index.html", nil, content)

	// Serve static files
	http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.FS(content))))

	// Start the server
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Would be all the code but allows for expansion later. However the image goreleaser builds doesn't come with busybox on it so you can't docker exec into it.

Most of the other options including the PHP one seem to include a scripting language or a bunch of other system tools etc. I think that's overkill

Played 4 first, if you do that you really notice the retrocons etc. I figure in order probably works best.

Limited time to build something so you have to pick based on a couple factors, often largest % of users.

Definitely related to the fall of usenet. The fact that it's ungoverned and standard, but the immediately obvious fix is not a situation people want either.

I have never tired Daisy Chaining but I hear it exists on some of the models not sure about the specific one I linked.

Gentoo, after a 15 year break where I used Ubuntu / Arch. Might try NixOS or something similar.

KDE for desktop env.

Most of the reasons mentioned, and also they are a bit out of the way to install and setup, you don't get much feedback as per users using them. As they integrated with the OS you have to search for them as a user, and you have advertise them as a someone packaging. Every extra step creates friction which ads up. It feels like a solution based in the concept of maintaining SEP. -- Plus people aren't exactly paid to do this.

At some point they said that after beta it would be $9 a month. But that messaging seems to have disappeared.

Tried beeper?

Microsoft invests a lot of time and effort in (selective) backwards compatibility. It's one of the draws to the OS. In past leaks of code we have seen it's code base is littered with special cases. I can't find the link but here have this almost good enough reddit link:

Thanks. I didn't know, it is also on my list.

I'm contemplating trying to run the meta bridge locally to get around that issue, it has to do with their server running in I think Finland?

That part was understood. I don't think I could complete 1 game in that period of time.

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Used to use it a lot. However these days I prefer window'd terminals that popup with a keyboard shortcut. To answer op. I use konsole atm. Usually that suffices, I don't know what features I'm missing but I keep an eye on Warp. Tempted to write my own /again./

What are your needs which aren't being met with flutter? -- It's really just a UI renderer and it has a C/C++/ObjectC/Java underlayer for everything else. It should link fine with existing c libraries. I have done a bit with it recently including desktop dev: So hopefully I can answer any questions. -- Hit me up on matrix

It seems that Zig is the intended language? If go where a consideration I would point you at this to consider: too.