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Joined 1 years ago
  • The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.

  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

  • Stop declining when people invite you to stuff.
  • Stop being picky about activities/food/music/etc.
  • Be vigilant/safe, yet open minded, open to new experiences, spontaneous.
  • Plan trips and events, both budget friendly and splurgy, then actually commit to doing them.
  • Smile and laugh n shit.
  • Compliment people, thank people, be considerate to others even if it's not always reciprocated.
  • When it is reciprocated, gravitate more towards that person, and gravitate slowly away from people who don't seem to appreciate you.

Pro tip for less stinky farts: shit as soon as you wake in the morning so you're not carrying bowels full of shit all day pushing fart gas through it.

Additional benefits include not having spontaneous emergency "oh Lord" moments of needing to find a toilet asap so as to not shit your pants.

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"Not Safe For Life"

There's worse things on the net than dodgy porn

I have this huge fear that working for an actual good cause that I admire would make me feel constantly guilty that I'm not doing enough, or doing a good enough job. I find a lot of comfort in knowing I work for a soulsucking for profit corporation.

And yes, I also hate that I feel this way

I actually enjoyed ad personalization when it first started. I got shown ads for things that were actually interesting to me, video games hardware etc, but at this point it resembles what cable TV ads were when I stopped watching TV: car commercials, prescription drugs, baby and feminine products (am not parent, am not female). So now they just spying your behavior to learn the best way to trick you into buying crap you don't need and don't supply any sort of reach around.

I'm assuming Discuit is a private company using proprietary software? If that's the case, may as well just crawl back to Reddit and gently place the boot back on your neck.

The ex-reddit users who choose to not let sociopath scumbags golden shower them can still be found here.

Microsoft wants to move me fully to the Linux

Genres are for normies

Breakfast: Black tea with oat milk, oatmeal with peanut butter blueberries, and a touch of cinnamon and sugar.

Lunch: water, and a bunch of frozen fried garbage that I tossed in the oven and smothered in ketchup and ranch dressing.

Dinner: water, a microwave rice and lentil packet, and all the following separately sauteed, seasoned, then combined: lions mane mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli. Produce was from farmers market except tomatoes from my garden.

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Reminder that AdBlock doesn't block all ads. It blocks ads that hinder usability across the web. Without AdBlock, I simply would never visit 3/4 of the internet.

I would guess a person's life circumstances. Humans tend to reflect pain they're experiencing onto others. If you're hungry, that's a form of pain. If you're neglected, that's a form of pain. Even the sons of billionaires experience pain, probably in a way that's hard for reg folks to grasp.

Also, I think your dopamine regulation being all messed up might also contribute. Those people who seem to flail and rage because nothing can seem to satisfy them.

Also, everyone does terrible things and hurts others. You can be charitable and kind from one perspective and an oppressor in ways you won't allow yourself to see. We all do it.

I've always wondered, in the colder regions of the world in winter, what do motorcycle gangs do?

I guess the answer is sell drugs and punch people?

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I think, instead of on/off filtering mechanisms like block, ban, de-federation, NSFW, etc, we should be able to share filtering preferences. Like, an instance curates their own and you can choose to adopt it or not, customize it, etc. Every new user would start out in G-rated land, and could "whitelist" their way to enlightenment.

The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic

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Was there ever a point? lol

Make your own point fren

Respirating and procreating

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Seize people's grass lawns and tear out 2/3 of roadways and convert the land into community gardens and ponds, grow food where the people are. Probably some form of population control.

Pie in the sky though. We'll probably just start eating bugs by the container ship load and then go extinct instead

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Pleasure from Dopamine release happens after a painful stimulus ends, so it's not exactly pleasure, but I do find running and cycling enjoyable. Nice time to be in my thoughts, see some natural beauty, feel the sun and wind on my skin, earn a feeling of accomplishment, etc

The human body is supposed to naturally initiate a bowel movement first thing after waking, but sometimes we find it inconvenient and disrupt that timing. Coffee can help re-train it when it gets messed up.. or when you're time constrained in the morning.

I have a job where I can flex poop in the morning, so without caffeine it may happen immediately, and sometimes it may take 30 minutes. Food also stimulates it in the morning.

Just think of how many people through time, generation after generation, will have suddenly stopped, looked around and cried out "why the ever loving fuck are we doing this?!" just to be trampled into infinitely fine dust, into complete irrelevance, by the hooves of billions of stampeding wildebeest they were running aimlessly with

Is it causing performance issues? I believe Firefox tends to cache a lot of stuff in memory if there's unused memory lying around to give itself a speed boost. You can configure it in about:memory


Thanks for the tips! I never knew about the carrot lentils thing. How finely do you chop the carrots?

You must not have experienced a Chicago/New York winter before

Still babying my 8 y/o oneplus w/aux port. still not settling

People still voluntarily using Chrome

People ever leaving Firefox for Chrome

They get the abuse they deserve

Unless it's meat synthesized in a lab, it requires the forced breeding, enslavement, abuse, and eventually murder of sentient animals which don't jive too well with the golden rule.

I personally could give a hoot about it's negative impacts on environment. Gd bacon memes, humanity can go extinct good riddance

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No you're right, but it would be one of the more difficult things to convince people to do, so in this pie in the sky scenario where people actually give a crap about anything they'd also be doing a lot of other stuff that together would make a larger whole.

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Nah def not. Imo, from the evidence I've gathered so far about how the universe works, silver bullets don't exist. Every solution has warts somewhere. Things we call "good" tend to require good old fashioned struggle and discomfort, so people need to stop pleasure seeking and chasing imaginary silver bullets. But they probably won't, bc they're conditioned to pleasure seek by capitalism and advertising and pop culture. Blah blah negative blah blah /rant

The universe appears to be zero sum and I try to balance a non-dualistic perspective with a healthy dose of practicality.. for now

I hate nobody more than anybody else, I blame nobody more than anybody else. We seem to all be equally victims and perpetrators swimming in this trauma soup.

For many things, I've become like a national geographic cameraman observing from the bush, though for now, I will step in and stop human brutality if I see it.. I don't know if I always will.

I'll continue pondering, and make changes as needed.

It makes me angry when I see the sort of stuff that trends on popular services. It's like the vast majority of humans have zero standards. We're all just human centipadding, groveling to our Hollywood and RIAA overlords, worshipping celebrity idols. It's really sad and pathetic.