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Joined 1 years ago

You think it'll be optional?

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Yeah slowly, it started years ago but it's been getting worse every version, slowly

Fast would be if windows 8 had ads and non uninstallable internet exploder etc

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I'm reminded of Google's financial support for Firefox, so as to dissuade the idea that they are a monopoly

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I'm not a Microsoft fan, in fact I think of windows the same way I would an abusive Ex, but there NEEDS To be more competition in the mobile space

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I genuinely wish they had properly in forced lockdown for around 6 months, maybe then more of my friends who had covid would be alive

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It worked, I'm gay

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This is not what I meant when I said we need more Mobile OS competition...

For the last time, PC means personal computer, not windows computer, if a mac isn't a personal computer then what is it?

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Personally i'm all for it, no one I know likes it and even the most aggressive linux hater I know has switched to saying that they'll probably try it after win 10 eol

Best advertising campain I've ever seen, just not for the product they are trying to advertise

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That'll never pan out right?

(I say with a Steamdeck in my lap with both starfield and the newest update of cyberpunk installed on it)

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I'll make fun of the horrible things billionaires do all I want thank you

Can't be worse than the experience with the ads..

Honestly not sure we should be referring to windows as a PC OS anymore, Microsoft changing settings without your permission doesn't sound like something that should happen on a Personal computer...

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More and more I'm starting to agree with this view, still glad he introduced me to my new laptop (framework 16) though

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"Buy a different phone" is not an option for everybody

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Honestly I don't get why Gnome is standard for so many distros, if that's your thing sure but I feel like KDE makes more sense as a default (unless you're going for more of an apple feel)

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third preference: dual-boot.

Does that mean they're gonna stop eating grub? Becouse I won't dual boot let alone allow windows near my hardware till it stops eating grub

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IMO it's pretty dang great, closest I've ever seen to a TTRPG in video game form

Especially annoying considering google has been getting worse every day

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NVIDIA getting its shit together maybe?

That truly would be the year of the linux desktop

That was obvious from the git go

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Until it can run my banking app it's unfortunately not a contender, no matter how much I want it

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I read 2, but just to see if it also mentionedsquirrels

I don't have one but it really annoys me that so many stadia controllers are gonna be ewaste just becouse people didn't know that they could be converted to Bluetooth mode, but only till the end of 2023

I agree, that would be useful

I never got to try it, but ever sense getting the SteamDeck I've really wanted them to come out with a steam controller 2, that has all the inputs of the Deck

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I didn't think edge could spy on their users more, shows what I know...

Except windows has become more of a pain over time, Meanwhile Linux became good enough that I don't miss windows at all

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If it becomes impossible to block ads I'm blocking the site, because at that point it's unbearable

Becouse I'm still on nvidia, when I get the framework 16" soon tm it's getting Wayland

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Windows 7 was the last good version of windows.

Disagree, 7 wasn't the worst but the last actually good version of windows was XP service pack 2

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Top bar and side bar ads are bareable, they should remove any ads that interrupts the video

I'm committed to the fediverse, in some ways I like Kbin more though, and of course I would be perfectly happy to find something better suited

Honestly though the fediverse is exciting

It's already far surpassed those

Was that happening? All I ever heard about was people selling artists art that they didn't own the rights to without permission, and getting away with it

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You underestimate the amount of data google collects from it's users, and then sells to advertisers, whether or not they view ads

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They've been bringing post back after they were deleted, so this might not be a foolproof solution

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Honestly I hope that Emily recovers from this, couldn't care less about ltt itself anymore though

Same, I don't even touch google play anymore, to high a risk of downloading spyware or a virus