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Joined 1 years ago

The Palestinian Authority signed up to a peace agreement, recognised Israel, renounced violence but the Israelis continued expanding settlements and their ethnic cleansing.

the other option is to comply with the Houthi demands that the starvation of the people of Gaza be ended and supplies be allowed in accordance with the International Laws

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This is unexpected.

ongoing ethnic cleansing, possible genocide

One does not declare war on a military occupation. You are already at war. Israel has been the occupying power for the past 50 years.

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5 municipal workers who were fixing water wells were killed by Israel today

The UN denied any knowledge of this.

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This is a proposal for ethnic cleansing by Israel of the population of Gaza.

Israel has about 7000 hostages (inlcuding kids, poets, grandmothers etc) and also re-imprisoned some of those released under the last deal. Most of those still held by Hamas are actually military so prisoners of war.

He just used ChatGPT, no biggie

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Gaza Health Ministry statistics are credible and used by everyone including the Israeli government and military. Athough the Israelis will publicly dispute the statistics, they use them internally as the numbers are good.

‘apparent’. What they need confirmation from the IDF that it was an Israeli airstike? Is the IDF still admitting to war crimes now that there are going to be ICJ hearings on Monday?

“The court said the man had stored the body in the freezer which he also used to store food.”


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I know several women who wear the niqab by choice, and in the face (pun not intended) of social pressure.

It means that we don’t really know what happened or why but we need to publish an article. Also we need to mention Iran so that we can keep building pressure to attack a new country.

Gaza is under Israeli control even though Israel does not have any soldiers there. Under the Geneva Conventions, Israel is the occupying power. This is recognised by most governments in the world, the UN and all human rights organisations.

The evidence was a chair and a rope on the floor in a bombed portion of the hospital.

Sweden is cool. It integrates the immigrants and does not exclude them for generations like France.

Stirling Castle is the most castley castle anywhere.

Kilsyth town is a terrible place but the area around it is really nice. Loch Banton and Colzium estate, especially in the autumn rain. Auchinstarry Quarry. There are the remains of the Antonine wall around there (this is as far north as the Roman empire got).

Israel as the occupying power had already been breaking international law so a bit more won’t make much difference.

Stopping aid was the objective.

How come American media is reporting this stuff now, when it has been happening for 50 years?

Who is doing all this killing? All these people just die and we just don’t know. So mysterious.

No it was not a small attack. It was light infantry against a full miltary but not small. It was planned and they stockpiled weapons and material to last months. What they were not expecting was to walk over the IDF military on the border (none of the videos released by the IDF show Hamas doing this). They were not expecting to get throught the defences so easily to get to the settlements. Remember most of the population of Gaza was ethnically cleansed from the land that these settlements are built on.

They are still fighting. The IDF is using tanks in urban warfare (this is a big tactical no no), so Hamas have the IDF where they want them. Even 2 months into the fighting we still see daily videos of IDF tanks (USD 3 million) being destroyed by rocket launchers (USD 200).

Strategically the Palestinians were being thrown under a bus by the rest of the Arabs so this attack put Hamas in control. It also destroyed the image of Israeli comptence which is a huge propaganda win.

If you look at the prisoner exchanges and the interviews afterwards you see the Israeli prisoners were treated well in captivity and the release was well managed and competent. This especially does not align with the story in the NY Times here. The release of the Palestinian prisoners was chaotic (tear gas was used in some places) and the prsioners were tortured and released with broken bones in some cases.


Time for the Sverige Democrats to say something stupid, bigoted and offensive to Türkiye

Well the stories did read like really bad fan-fic.

I used to use news sites (BBC, Guardian mainly), but the coverage is seriously limited and quite biased.