1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I watched a video on this, the way they managed it was by reordering variables in structs. That’s kinda insane

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The way you posted this made it seem it was an official signal survey

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I use it on a couple devices. It’s more stable than arch and certainly easier to use. It can sometimes be a bit finicky with third party repos. However Debian testing isn’t guaranteed to be stable, so things may break on your system. That being said I really haven’t had many problems.

There are a couple weeks/months before a new version is released where testing stops getting feature updates, as the packages are frozen.

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It’s bean fun.

Though, I have seen a couple get 2k+ so maybe not yet

That would be a really good way to break up the fediverse. That really sucks

The whole uproar is from them saying they will cancel accounts of users redistributing the code. Not them putting it behind a paywall.

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If you read the post, it says you can opt out by emailing your username to discord

I think you mixed up opt out and opt in in the title

If you go to the bottom of a lemmy instance it has a list of linked and blocked instances

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It might be time to start thinking about it, however it will depend on the consensus among the legal system on weather you need to provide attribution through AI.

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How do you know it’s used as an official one would be?

Chatgpt didn’t do a great job of contrasting them. Flatpak is also transparent

Bruh read before you reply. Vanilla OS is based on Debian, not Ubuntu. It used to be based on Ubuntu. Not anymore.

Also, vanilla os is absolutely light weight compared to what people are used to.

Where’d you get that idea?

Does it work with Wayland?

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I wouldn’t be so sure about xwayland, it would need the ability to insert keystrokes. I don’t know at what level it does that

Still kinda trying to figure out how forgejo is any different from gitea

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Why's it called Lemmy?

Lead singer from Motörhead. The old school video game. The Koopa from Super Mario. The furry rodents.

Cool! I donate too

It’s based on Debian

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There’s a Debian risc-v port

I’ve tried putting osm maps on my Garmin with limited success, how can I go about doing that?

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Alright yeah maybe this is where it ends

Assuming it’s gpl or something, you only need to provide the source with binary distributions of the product. Anyone in the patreon would have access to the source (I’m assuming)

Not sure of any recording software, but you can edit titles on Lemmy

As Lemmy grows, communities on certain servers will die out and some will accumulate all the users. I think the problem will die out eventually.

Though, I think there should be some way to migrate users of a community to a new server. Sounds hard to implement but maybe doable.

The fediverse already caught on with mastodon. I wonder about Lemmy, but ultimately I think it will as well.

Fractal works pretty well on mobile


Nautilus kinda has it, don’t know how it works though

On mobile? No, I don’t know any. On a pc you can just transfer all the fit files. Garmin doesn’t record in gpx, they record in their own format called fit. They have an open source tool to convert to gpx or csv.

I’ve also made !

Nice! I’ve found this useful btw

Not mandatory but I found it helpful

Damn that was two years ago already? Time flies

Not a great direct alternative, but rnote is pretty good

In iOS 16, you can have multiple lock screens that can be customized. (long press the lock screen). Then you can go into the sleep focus and set the lock screen to the one you created. I have focuses for work, school, driving, sleep, and otherwise each with different lock screens.

It should automatically switch to the next version, as the “testing” keyword gets passed down between versions. I’m not sure though

Consciousness is a side effect of the structures physics has created in our brains. We have consciousness because of the atoms in our brain that interact with each other in different ways.

Alpine is pretty awesome. The reason I use Debian over it is mostly just because I’m more familiar with it. Though I don’t run alpine on a couple servers. The docs are also awesome.

Thanks a lot!