1 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit: You broke the actual law. So we will ban you for 3 days.


(Note I am not suggesting you really did break the law, just that Reddit are claiming you did something - that would be actually breaking the real law)

I'm personally happy to take a wait and see approach - because the whole point is that WE have the power. Meta HAVE to play by the rules, because if they don't they get defederated, and it's going to be very difficult for them to convince people to federate with them again after that. If lots of instances start defederating them, then their users are going to start complaining to them that they don't understand why they can talk to some people, but not other people. We have the power here folks.

EDIT: To add - the Fediverse is supposed to be an inclusive place.....

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Next step - should be a server that simply coordinates video transcoding, and users can run an application on their computer which will do the transcoding when it's idle and deliver the transcoded video back to the server. Like the rest of the Fediverse, make the community actually part of the community. I'm sure many of us would be happy to donate spare CPU time.

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Huh.... because they are all describing a particularly shitty work environment, there is a good bet that there are other employees who feel that way. It might indeed not be the protests that kill Reddit - but Reddit itself that kills Reddit.....

Agree with everyone else, this is terrifying (and will only get worse when AI gets pushed into everything) - but can someone explain the last part please:

Hannah, meanwhile, is afraid to stop paying $18.99 a month for a subscription with Covenant Eyes

Why is Hannah paying for a subscription?

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Reading the comments.... that's not going to fly - literally no response in the comments is PRO this change.

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Reddit has been going for like a billion years, and you only got 80GB - I mean even zipped, that can't even be a fraction of the data surely?

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Been the victim of fraud. Unfortunately - yes.
When I was younger and Chip 'n' PIN was becoming popular, many smaller shops had a Paypoint machine that would print the entire card number and CCV on the receipt. I was so paranoid about fraud, especially given that there was sufficient information printed on the receipt that anyone could do an Amazon order with those details. I used to get a black permanent marker and scribble the details out before putting the receipt in the bin.

Imagine my horror when a decade later, I learn that I have been the victim of fraud, and a type of fraud it was entirely impossible for me to prevent. In the UK fraudsters watch for new companies popping up on Companies House and then use the details to go on a shopping spree. The way it works is like this:

They see my name, address and date of birth on the website. They are looking for a name that matches their surname and first initial. So for me that could be Alexander Jones for example. They go to a retail park and pop into Argos. They order several thousand pounds of stuff. When they go to pay, the person at the counter helpfully asks "Do you have an Argos credit card? If you apply for one today, we'll transfer the balance of today's purchases to the card" and armed with my address, date of birth and name, and a card that already has the same surname and first initial as me - they are accepted for an Argos credit card. Post nothing for the goods they just bought and leave the store. They go next door to JJB sports, and then whole process repeats. "Do you have a JJB sports card? If you get one today...."

They visited 6 stores in an hour and repeated this process at all of them. And a week later I start receiving credit cards.....

It's a surprisingly common scam (or it was), brought on entirely by the shops bring pushed to get people to sign up for credit cards.....

I had to be on a register for several years, so if anyone tried to open an account or take out credit in my name, I would get a phone call to check if it was actually me.

The biggest reason I'm here, is Ernest. Getting in when a project is just getting off the ground, let's users have some say about the direction of things and features. And Ernest is very responsive to the community and asking for feedback. That's exciting, and makes the whole thing feel more of a community.

I think it would be awesome, but - my understanding is that AMA events tend to require quite a bit of moderation. Do we have good enough moderation on either platform yet - to be able to cope with an event like this?

I too would like some clarification on how the up and down votes work on here. I believe I read on one of the FAQ posts - that boosts actually increase your reputation but upvotes don't - because they are the equivalent of likes on Mastodon. I may however be mistaken. Though I just boosted you and took your reputation to -4

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It's quite similar to when I used to run a small cafe and people would say "you can make this yourself", "you can make that yourself" instead of buying stuff in - then they would say "if it hasn't sold by the end of the day, you can just eat it yourself - you don't have to throw it away".

Yes - that was fine when it was just egg mayonnaise. But then Tuna mayonnaise, and Chicken mayonnaise and then grated cheese, and ham....

When am I going to have time to eat all these unsold sandwich fillings? Oh and cakes, and scones....

A small amount is fine.
A few subscription services is fine.

But gradually EVERYTHING wants you to pay a "fair" monthly fee. Until you are spending more on these monthly fees, than you are on the electricity bill!

kbin isn't even classed as beta yet, it's early alpha. There is LOTS of work still to come - which is part of the excitement. The fact that it even works as well as it does right now - is a good indicator of things to come.

Right... But....
ActivityPub is not a protected encrypted protocol. Everything anyone says on any service using ActivityPub can already be intercepted and harvested by anyone, even blocked instances. The defederating is software based. But for example if someone wanted they could simply do and there were go, instant access to data from the Fediverse. You can query any Mastodon server for any hashtag you like. That's just one of many endpoints that will spit out Fediverse content.

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Ernest gave similar figures yesterday in his post on /m/kbinMeta

This is awesome game changing stuff for PeerTube. Especially since it lays the groundwork for more distributed tasks down the road.

I mean for me - as a bit of technology geek, I have to say it's pretty much everything.
But the internet, that's always going to be the thing that even today still amazes me.

It's just mind blowing that as a kid, the internet wasn't a thing. We got the internet when I started college, and it was dial-up and via something called Surf Time, which meant that between 6pm and midnight on weekdays and 6pm on Friday through to midnight on Sunday, you could dial a local rate number and use the internet, but not get charged for it on your phone bill. It was slow, would disconnect every 2 hours (making Windows service pack updates absolutely impossible, you had to wait until a PC magazine put the update on a CD). During that time, I have seen the birth of Skype, which was revolutionary on dial-up. Hamachi - zero config VPN on dial-up. Social Networks, YouTube.

And now here we are, just 25 years (roughly) later with the ability to stand in the middle of a field, in the middle of nowhere, and stream a 7 hour Oslo to Norway train journey, in 4K just for the sake of it. It really is mind blowing how far we have come, ignoring whether it is good or bad just for a moment, and appreciating what is now possible that wasn't even 15 years ago.

The guy who runs TheOatmeal might not be terribly impressed though ;)

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They might say that, but they don't really mean "the internet" - they mean social media. Which I can understand, I was bullied "offline" when I was at school, but at least when I got home - I had respite. I can't imagine how stressful it is these days for kids, being bullied online, getting home and still being bullied.

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Oh well if it goes ahead, especially against the very vocal suggestions that it should not from his own users. Then yes - I agree.

I mean sure, but he IS now sitting in jail for supposedly breaching the terms of his release.

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On the plus side, kbin now has a PWA, and it works pretty well.

Oh I'm sorry. I was under the mistaken impression that we were talking about billions of humans. But I see now that you have forgotten about them because you are only interested in Meta, and not the actual humans using meta.

Also thank you so much, apparently instead of just having a debate. You immediately resort to bullying and insults.

Guess this really is Reddit 2.0 🙄

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Doesn't make much difference with Reddit - I have seen plenty of people say that they have tried submitting GDPR requests and never received anything.

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Yeah that's what I meant - I didn't see a single comment on the announcement post - that agreed with the mod. They are all saying it's a stupid decision, many are threatening to report any clearly underage content - whether it's drawn or not.
The mod might have made the decision, but the users don't agree with it at all.

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PiHole as your DNS resolver. LocalDNS mapping whatever hostname you want to whatever IP you want.
Because I use Nginx Proxy Manager internally - then most of my hostname point to the Nginx IP address

Nah, can't scroll past this one without commenting - because so many things that have been said matter of factly are just plain wrong.

  1. Dogs just like people have their own personalities, just because SOME dogs can be trained to ignore fireworks, it does not mean ALL dogs can be - some dogs - just like people, suffer from various anxieties, it can't be helped.

  2. The main point you seem to be missing - yes you can stay in and chill with your pooch on the ACTUAL day that fireworks are expected to be going off, but what you cannot do - is stay in and chill with your pooch for weeks before and weeks after the actual day, because people randomly decide to let them off.

The fact that you brand everyone a bad dog owner if their dog cannot tolerate fireworks though, is the thing that made me need to comment, what a stupid thing to say. That's like saying that if your child suffers from anxiety then you are a bad parent.

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Proxmox and then LXCs for anything I need.

and yes - I cheat a bit, I use the excellent Proxmox scripts - because I'm lazy like that haha

You bring up an interesting point, because of how the fediverse works, every server (that has an active subscription) essentially has a mirror of the original data. So if Facebook have data from people who never consented to that, then they would surely be breaking GDPR rules? GDPR rules say that they can only PROCESS the data (or mine it - if you want to use a more realistic term) if a user has explicitly agreed to that, implicit agreement doesn't count. So this is going to interesting to see how they manage this - providing that they don't process the data and simply present it, as is - they don't break GDPR, but the second that they start processing it, they breach GDPR. Now - they can process data that belongs to their users, but they would have to write code that ensures they don't ingest posts from any user that is not a meta user - for the purposes of harvesting it.

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Yes I remember having a look at that the other day and browsing through all the POST requests that server received from other servers.... And thinking I'm not sure this is supposed to be publicly available...

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In the UK we call them daddy long legs, I don't know what they would be called in the US - though I think it might be horseflies(?). Anyway I was told at School that IF they could break human skin, they would be deadly to us - but they haven't evolved that ability - yet. So I think they would be who I would befriend first - just in case.

It's funny, people have all sorts of worries about how the world might end if AI chooses it to. But if AI was smart - it would create a new social network, and really ramp up the engagement factor. The reality is we do get physically addicted - we do need that dopamine hit. If AI created "the perfect" social network, we would all be far too busy screaming at each other online, to notice the world dying around us.

...or did AI already do that? cue X-Files music

Found it eventually, need to get a bug report submitted because unfortunately it doesn't work.

FreshRSS complains there is no feed and W3C validator shows lots of errors

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I don't see that a reversal at this point would be any different to Twitter suddenly becoming usable again. The damage has already been done, it can't be reversed. Even with a pinky swear that Reddit will never pull this shit again, the trust is gone. Just like with Twitter - Elon could f*** off to Mars tomorrow, but the next person to step in and run Twitter could be just as bad, or worse. And both companies can implement any changes they like at any time with zero worry about what happens to the users. Thus - it's the wake-up call we all needed, that someone else's platform is really someone else's platform - regardless of how long we have had a home there. It's time for own platform, a community run platform.

it's probably related to the bug that is known about and getting fixed - that kbin is currently case sensitive - which breaks things a bit when it comes to remote communities.

Yes - it is likely down to the lack of a standard. Upvotes are federated out as the same ActivityPub schema as liking something. Boosts are federated out as boosts. So if someone on Mastodon saw your comment for example, liking it - is typically a way to say to the poster "I like this", but when you boost it you want other people to see it - so the sentiment is roughly the same here. Because if your reputation could be increased by someone on a different platform simply liking your comment - that would be fine - but there is no currently available federated ability to downvote - so people would have an artificially high reputation, because only the people on kBin platforms can downvote you. (I don't actually know if downvotes from lemmy platforms affect us here)

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You probably want to go and check your settings - scroll to the bottom and check which boxes you have ticked. I think by default mine was only set to notify me if I had replies on MY OWN posts, but not if someone replied to one of my comments on someone else's post.

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No, it's just that kbin has only recently started federating, and I believe ernest said it's still not FULLY federating yet. It's very new. kbin currently also has an issue where it is case sensitive but pretty much nowhere else is - which is causing some odd quirks. The proper format is @magazine@domain so @china

This is actually an entirely possible scenario - given the EU's digital markets act that kicks in next year, this would be a quick and easy way for Meta to be compliant - they can say they are using an open standard, which fully complies with the requirements of the EU act.