1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Project Diablo 2 season 9 started April 12th. There hasn't been an update this month...

Boo from Super Mario only moves when your back is turned

It originated in Super Mario Bros 3 in 1988.

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Civil forfeiture is such a scam. Just corrupt cops stealing stuff.

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15 hours per month... just use Libby and a library card and get unlimited audiobooks for free.

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It's absolutely insane to me that he is still in any sort of power after that happened.

I just had to pay $17 to buy 2 tickets to a show at a random small venue for my kid.

These service fees are out of control.

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What are the chances that the ones marking as malicious are owned by media conglomerates that are losing money because of the service 12ft supplies?

Every time anything negative towards reddit has gone up on place, mass unattributed changes have happened. I expect the same will happen here.

Yeah, people seem to expect a large sudden catastrophic shift... but, day to day we're all dying out here as corporate greed sucks us all dry.

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This comment made me laugh so hard and I don't know why... I love it!

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Drastic DS Emulator on play store has been the best DS emulator in android for years.

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You got some great answers already here. I'll just say that according to Wizards of the Coast he is a God.

Not really... cops get fired all the time and then hired again at different places with no issues.

Do I need to play the first 2023 Call of Duties or can I just jump right in? 🤔

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I HATE android auto... it is constantly crashing. I wish they would just QA the software or something.

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And this is how I learned the NBA logo contained an actual person...

To instead of too

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Double steakburger with cheese from steak n' shake.

Smash burgers are the best burgers and steak n' shake makes a decent one at a decent price.

Perhaps they were saying they started on unity and decided to migrate to Godot instead

I went to best buy to buy a phone for my kid recently. They didn't carry a phone case for the phone they sold me. They had phone cases for every iPhone you could imagine, ones they didn't even sell. Cases for lots of phones they didn't sell.

Crazy to me that they don't at least stock a couple cases for the phones they sell in store.

Monte Cristo

Turkey, ham, cheese on bread and then you dip the entire sandwich in a batter or just seasoned eggs (like French toast) and then deep fried.

Served with raspberry jam usually.

Very hard to find a good one.

It's due to the milling to square it.

You can get rough cut 2x4 or 2x2 or anything that are actually that size but by the time you trim and square it you will end up at the measurements sold in big box stores

Edit: I mean the size they used to be in store, not OPs version :(

I was just in Mexico city this past week

When I was waiting for my flight to come home I tried to find cold water. None of the coolers at any of the stores in terminal B were keeping the water cool at all

All of the chocolate in the 7-11 was melted. It was surreal.

No AC in the airport and it was so hot. This was at 8-11pm when you think it sound stay cooling down.

The rest of the trip was fine, it felt pretty hot but not any hotter then summer usually feels further north. Then again, it's not summer yet...

There is no age limit. I will give candy to anyone in a costume that is trick or treating.

You only found enough screws to fit them in a baggie?

Usenet is the best place for TV shows. IRC is good for smaller file sharing like ebooks, comics, roms, etc

Kagi if your willing to pay

DDG if not

I just use Google and block everything.

PayPal acts as a bank without having to follow any banking laws. You have 10k in your PayPal account and PayPal decides its theirs? No recourse for you.

Just search paypal took my money and you can read all the horror stories.

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As someone that lost a developer account due to not uploading anything for a year I can confirm the app I uploaded a couple years ago is no longer in my history.

Google closes your account for not updating or uploading apps.

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Oh how I envy that you get to enjoy halt and catch fire for the first time :)

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Except for the ticks... they were bad last year and I expect them to be worse this year... ugh

Strawberries that taste like they did 10+ years ago?

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The absolute best is if the OP was you and you found the solution and now can't remember and are looking again but never documented it.

Well I got less than 50%, maybe I'm an AI. What is even real anymore!?

Something simple like if we just ignored Gravity we could move faster than light.

Or time maybe?

Who ever told you it would be inexpensive?? LOL

I use dove bar soap, anything else I've tried makes my skin feel weird.

For deodorant, I use degree.

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Well, if the swamp you're referring to is poor people... that's exactly what's happening.

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I've tried a couple times to create an account there and been denied.