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Joined 4 months ago

about:blank with a dark theme is the only new tab experience I will ever use.

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No, valves fees are completely reasonable. $100 one time fee, then 30% for any game key sold by valve with something like a million guaranteed impressions. Also it’s 0% if you generate the keys for free and sell them elsewhere like on your own website. All with the benefit of the steam network and hosting. I’m tired of people believing Tim’s lies under the facade of “he’s and asshole but he has a point”. He doesn’t have a point. He’s throwing a tantrum because he doesn’t have what he wants which is hundreds of millions of paying customers and he doesn’t want to put the time and investment needed into building out the infrastructure to achieve the same feat. He’s a greedy little fuck that wants to do the bare minimum to get rich while valve has been coasting as a market leader because they built the whole freakin market!

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Wow they even managed to make the funny number not funny anymore.

Yeah this is why Apple has been slowly peeling away traditional file / folder features from front and center. The user doesn’t care where or how they get their files, they just want them at any given time. Spotlight being the most successful at obfuscating where anything is yet allowing access to everything. Microsoft has started to pick up on that and attempt to solve the same problems.

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Give me a semi-smartphone. All I want is a dumb phone that has high quality music streaming, GPS, Mail, RCS messaging, calling, Bluetooth, and a modern camera. No big screen, return to T9 typing on a keypad. Just something pocketable that can take good pictures and tackle basic communication in a reliable shell.

I even love the idea of the screen being at-best preview size for photos just for framing and general composition. Where you can’t really tell the quality until you look at them later on a computer.

Idk I’m rambling but after my last app purge I’m down to just 60 apps (which includes most of the built in ones). Still feels like too many since I’ve also cut my daily phone usage down to about 90m on average. I’m kinda tired of it all.

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ddcutil is a daily driver for me, lightweight, hyper compatible, full monitor control. I primarily use it to lower brightness at night but also constantly switching inputs with simple macros so I can share multiple monitors with multiple systems.

Yeah, like, what do people expect? Of course they’ll do good things to get re-elected. That’s literally how this works! I don’t get the people who argue “it’s just for getting votes”. Yes, that’s how it works.

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I’m just waiting to see what Kate Lowerton has to say about all this.

Good tips, but how does one practice them? Often times I see advice along the same lines but no offers on how to improve these skills.

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NUT is fantastic and so easy to setup, it’s pretty magical watching all my machines and services shutdown during a simulated power outage to verify functionality.

Discord and Steam flicker / render weird and I get massive input lag for seemingly no reason just trying to use almost any app. I stick with x11 and have little to no issue now that the Firefox offset cursor regression was fixed. I’m running a 3090 on EndeavourOS.

It’s hit or miss. Really depends on the software requirements, versions of wine, your system in general, etc.

For example; I used the Linux install script to successfully install a new wine prefix that runs the app great. This requires dotnet48 and other dotnet dependencies. But it only worked after several failed attempts because I had to downgrade wine to 9.0 from 9.1 on Debian 12. I’ve since moved to arch and no matter what version of wine I’m running, the program will not work anymore even as fresh install. I’ve yet to fully diagnose what’s wrong.

This is it, chief. The current pinnacle of the genre until something better comes around.

For me, even on X11, it’s hit or miss if the copy actually makes it to the clipboard. I’d say 50:50 I can paste the image or I have to clip again.

I could be wrong and biased but it could just be that the US is so far ahead in the commercial space.. uhhh… space. EU has been piggybacking (and paying for) US company launches because their programs have not caught up yet. They’re getting there but setbacks keep happening.

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I have been thinking about starting a blog.

Any recommendations for self-hosted blogging? The setup itself might be worthy of a post :)

Literally the only reason I decided to buy it.

Maybe I don’t understand what you mean, but I have an smb share that my phone can always access (via vpn, or when on network). IOS does a good job remembering it, staying connected, and reconnecting between interruptions. I keep my obsidian folder on the share and the iOS app has never had problems finding and connecting to it, just as my desktop and laptop, keeping everything in sync automatically.

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Totally agree! I hope my comment wasn’t taken as a negative. I am biased but there are several EU projects that are looking so promising and primed to actually compete with SpaceX which should bring healthy accelerated advancements.