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Yeah, I’m just going to assume this is Boeing buying evidence of crimes and the silence of Spirit’s executives and board.

Wait ‘til they learn what the sun is putting out.

Frank Luntz is a Republican “best known for developing talking points and other messaging for Republican causes.”

This is heavily biased. There are other articles out saying groups of independents lean more Biden after the debate.

Stop with the doomer takes on this one early debate.

They could have some “quiet quit”. Robots with mundane jobs that don’t get enough stimulation or rewards end up spending most of their time parked in a corner or closet. When they do move, they move at ~50% their design speed.

Some robots could steal food from the refrigerator; some could spray strong perfumes; some could chat up the management then go fuck up a staff person’s work to make them look bad.

The possibilities are endless.

He won’t even need a towel he’ll be shaking so bad from withdrawal.

I assumed their HQ was moved there long ago.

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Citizens only for Federal and State elections. Some local elections allow non-citizens. Very few. Not something that needs Federal legislation.

As others pointed out, it’s political theater because that’s all they have.

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Why? So the USA can get a better look at their lack of naval capability? To intimidate… I don’t know… summer yachting enthusiasts?

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Almost funny that Putin is so desperate that Jong Un makes Putin come to him to kiss the ring in exchange for ammo.

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Democrats need to start attempts at banning more things for them to defend. For example:

  • huffing glue,
  • trepanning,
  • russian roulette,
  • Flavor Aid with Valium, chloral hydrate, cyanide, and Phenergan.

That quote sounds like a toddler talking about their bowel movements.

Cynic in me assumes the victims’ family is richer.

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Anthony Kiedis statutorily raped a 14 yo.

I like their music and had friends who played them a lot through a great period in my life. But, when I hear them now and can’t not think “that fucker’s a pedophile”.

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Well-fed children get a better education. Educated adults are less likely to vote Republican

Don’t bet against conservative stupidity.

Florida agriculture is already suffering from recent laws against undocumented workers.

Honestly, if it’s consensual I don’t care just let women have control of their own bodies and keep their damn religion out of government. They can have cousin-fucking just leave minorities and LGBTQ+ alone.

Do we really need a crappy YouTube video for this? WITH ALL CAPS IN THE TITLE?

Where are the mods?

Steve Kunzweiler

From Wikipedia:

“Kunzweiler and his wife, Dr. Christine Kunzweiler, have three daughters. In September 2022, a daughter with mental illness stabbed Kunzweiler multiple times but he managed to survive.[57] He is mentioned in the podcast Panic Button: The April Wilkens Case as having confronted a Tulsa social worker about how domestic violence advocates need to get survivors to testify, otherwise they are not really being abused.”

The guy is leagues smarter than any of the GOP committee members. They’re, obviously, doing this to spew conspiracy misinformation at his face but there’s a real risk of him making them look really stupid.

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Seems like going along with this would be a win for Hamas. It legitimizes them because they’re negotiating directly with a superpower. And, it makes Israel look more like the unreasonable one who isn’t acting in good faith.

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I’ve read that there were tons of short sales at the beginning. The company started getting word to investors to not lend shares to short sellers. This has forced short sellers to buy shares which drives up the price.

There’s a good chance it’ll tank again. The only thing that could keep it high is if there’s enough meme buyers or, you know, foreign investors that want to give them money for some reason…

First off: fuck the Daily Mail as a source. Don’t allow tabloids the platform, especially for real issues.

Second: Where can I buy these bonds?

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Yes, I believe it was hanging chads. Coincidentally, if this all plays out like the crazies want, hanging Chads might also end it all.

What? Private companies can and do sell shares of the company and people who own them are shareholders. The difference is that the shares aren’t traded on public markets.

People who own shares in publicly traded companies are also called investors.

Because…freedom of speech?

I guess freedom of speech means forced religious speech is ok. Eh, republicans?

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“The bill also decrees that Trump is immortal and his age in years is meaningless.” I wouldn’t put it past them to add something like that.

Proton has a bajillion servers. It shouldn’t take long to find one that isn’t blocked. Save it as a profile.

According to Wikipedia MGM owns the show. Even they might not own the n-word tapes.

I’d bet that Mark Burnett owns them. And, I don’t think that he’d release them.

Probably, someone standing somewhere behind the cops with a telephoto lens on their camera.

Dog whistle, maybe.

I’ve met people who think similarly. For them, “I didn’t mean to” is exculpatory. Now, the ones I’ve known were under 12 years old but I can imagine if people let them get away with that enough that thinking might carry over into adulthood.

Just stop. Meanings of words change. Besides, we’re not speaking Latin.

See, Biden is targeting Trump’s sons, too.

This is how it should be. “President” is a job title not a royal title. No one should called “President” that isn’t serving in that role.

Unfortunately, people have been using it beyond their terms and the press goes along with it.

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They’d get shot trying to cross.

He’s of the far-left school that thinks the USA can do no right, that uncritically oppose whatever the USA government does. Which makes him correct sometimes but really, really wrong on things like Russia. Russia loves people like him and supports them either directly or indirectly.

"NATO is an expanding instrument of U.S. global power that provoked Russia into a criminal invasion and occupation of Ukraine," wrote West.

“When it comes to Ukraine, we must grasp the implications of NATO expansion and its potential to escalate into a catastrophic conflict,” West stated. He called for an end to the war in Ukraine and urged diplomatic negotiations to ensure both Russian security and Ukrainian freedom.

And, he’s not asking Russia to withdraw. He’s asking Ukraine to give up.

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It’s a vicious circle, really.

  1. Do the bad thing.

  2. Pessimistically project it onto the ‘others.’

  3. Justify doing the bad thing because ‘they’ do it.

  4. GOTO 1

I hope they didn’t cut off his Johnson.

Russian influence.

Putin hates Clinton. Gabbard was useful as a “progressive” to try to weaken Hilary. Once Hilary was out of the picture, she became more useful as a general “there’s something wrong with the Democrats” Democrat. Now, she’s just whatever shit she can stir to weaken the left of American politics. “Enlightened centrist”, Democrat critic, Trump sycophant—whatever.

Maybe Clinton didn’t say it but I will, she’s been groomed by the Russians.

With every picture I see of him I’m more convinced he’s had a stroke and it affected the right side of his body.

The right eye is slightly less open. The right side of his mouth is slightly slack. He always covers his right hand with his left. My father had a stroke and the hand thing was really obvious.