1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You joke, but those Facebook boomers will 100% say this shit

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I came here for shit and found gold

My 2nd hand laptop seller had the decency to crack the preloaded software before selling it to me. His remote access tool wasn't too resource-intense either.

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My first thought was "I don't think it's real, but it could be"

Man is more unpredictable than a baboon on a lethal dose of flakka

There's not enough porn imo


I am willing to die for "fucken" to replace "fucking" in the dictionary

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receiver of penis in anus

A highly underrated feature of LibreOffice Draw is the ability to edit PDFs. Sure it might mess up a font here or there, but there's no way in hell I'm going to pay adobe an absurd amount of money for that one feature.

My favourite conspiracy is that "the mossad" are behind the protests, because the API changes means they can't use their bots to sway opinion. Just pure, uncut antisemitism.

Can't say I'll miss it.

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A woman ate rotting food from a dumpster

this is what happened to her fucking eyeballs

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thanks Mr balls expert

comment: lol

signature: 183 eye cancer animated emojis, API call showing your IP address and user-agent back to you, misaligned ASCII art and a grainy cat gif

How do I know if the beef is dry?
How do I dry beef?

I tried googling, but I only get results about aged steak. Is that the same thing? I hope not

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Michael Scott

The fucking character from the office?

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you don't need a label for that

one whiff of bovril soup kicks your limbic cortex into overdrive

Half of them are still awaiting access to beehaw

On that note /c/football would be very different on lemmy.freedom and lemmy.fishnchips

I don't know why it's still a thing, especially on PC, where almost all games are digital. Even when I was still getting disk based games, I never actually ran into the issue of not being able to get hold of a copy.

I don't even want to play newly released games, since they're pretty much guaranteed to be broken for the first week at least.

yeah, uh ya know uh trade and stuff

OPEC and tariffs and pareto efficiency

Those people piss me off so bad. Latest example being Meta's Threads logo having "666". There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of Zucc and his bullshit, but it's such a fucking stretch. It distracts from the real issues with that company.

Jesus christ that OP is so uncharitable. They came looking for a pissfight and you didn't give it to them. Bravo.

I'm not sure if it's enough prep, but I love checking out learnxinyminutes before learning a new language


If this man had any kind of limit placed on his twitter account he would get so physically ill that heroin withdrawal will look pleasant

Binner? I hardly know her!

Not the gallery app, but my MIUI file manager has fucking ads

I'm extremely out of the loop

what the erdogan doin

Supposedly they're also undoing mass edits

Fucking pigboy doing pigboy things

yo mario give my ip back yo

add knife

Netflix might as well start getting the graphics ready for the documentary

blood... pudding?

I thought they fully sold the license to Ubisoft? Ubisoft would violently execute an employee on the spot if they suggested open sourcing something that will net them anything more than $0.23 per year.

How was it?

funneling everyone into a default instance is a bad idea for the health of the platform

not to mention the health of the server

I could barely log in yesterday

Too bad there don't seem to be many other active kbin instances

If I wasn't in so much debt I would have hosted one and given it a silly name like or somethin

I hope the three day poop saga didn't get you called into HR

upboosts for everyone!