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Joined 1 years ago

I much prefer the Netherlands goverment approach where they host their own Mastodon instance.

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Seriously you can't have windows without having teams now?

I have a feeling when I finish rebuilding my gaming PC I'm not going to be a fan of using windows again...

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It's a shame this doesn't go further and make the knowledge open source.

If the hosts for this project ever stop then all the info contribution goes to waste :/

I know it would be impractical but i would like to see something like this powered by an open repo where for example all the guides and plant info was stored in a format like markdown docs.

Could use something simple like Docusaurus to power the front end and then have contributors use some sort of front end that wraps that git pull part so non coders could still add to it.

The beautiful thing is that plant data can be accessed without any compute.

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I guess the difference is selling your body because you have no choice vs selling your body because it's a safe well paying alternative to being exploited in ways you have no control over.

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As someone with senior experience in cloud engineering here is my input, naming things is hard.

And God forbid you decide down the line you need a sub domain the terror of having give me the chills.

But yeah 100% naming thing is difficult so you end up naming it after the software and using the group as the parent domain

And then sometimes you use a work server to design the pattern for the home server.

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As a South African currently abroad I have my popcorn at hand waiting for more drama to come.

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It's a game where they try to make you impatient enough that you do it for them.

Legalization of for example weed certainly has not increased the amount of shady dealers.

Why on earth would I go through the effort of finding a dodgy dealer if I can just walk to the nearest regulated clean coffee shop(weed shop) and get some that have been checked, plus I can get my money back if there is a problem.

Same for sex work, the only shady dealings would be people looking for intentionally abusive sex that would touch a shady establishment.

Some form of compute with a recurring job that checks for a DNS address or domain.

Choose a domain that needs to be regularly paid for as a target.

Reason I would choose something you pay for as the trigger is because not paying a bill after your death is one thing that will be actioned on no matter what.

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Situations like this is why countries need to setup safe immigration routes.

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How many of these side effects could just be the result of starting puberty after stopping the medication?

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I am a bit confused by the status of that, I know Lemmy instances are already defedrating from meta so it must be part of it right?

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What happens to the talent at these studios?

Are all these buyouts just a way to force hire workers.

Very interesting indeed.

I guess a usecase like this easily slips past most developers due to lack of exposure :?

Is the need to respond as a separate entity so frequent that separate accounts for each entity would not be enough or is the user switching process too much friction?

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Sorry this message didn't make it.

Ah I was referring to it as a side effect of birth control in adults. But birth control for ones that have gone through puberty is definitely better than the possibly deadly side effects of child birth and pregnancy.

Also a risk when taking birth control, the question is how severe and can you recover after completing puberty.

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So here is the thing, why is it a problem or not if I was to post my naked ass online and it never got wiped off?

It would only be an issue if say governments and people like you decide to shame or prosecute me for it.

If we were to make it safe then it would not matter would it?

Oh one country worth mentioning is the Philippines, they got fucked over by the Americans instead XD

He will be missed

Your first comment made me think I would not agree with you but you have won me over.

I come from South Africa and watching the Dutch and the amount of resources that goes to just cleaning up from a single town party it's clear that so much more can be done.

Third world countries aren't under developed they are overly exploited.

I wouldn't say I did it with no problems but you can certainly do it, as long as you have everything align for you and you have what ever the people in power want 🙂

I lucked out but many of my friends have no such opertunity.

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This was my understanding as well. Basically we were accidentally performing climate engineering and then we stopped so things went back to reality

What's the story behind how you got that?

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As someone from the Westin Cape of South Africa I know the DA party would be insane enough to use the metropolitan police that they more or less control to symbolicaly arrest him for the publicity if they where given the chance.

DA is the majority party of the Western Cape where Putin would be visiting.

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Sounds about right XD

I'm a South African who has used every ounce of privilege I could to escape to the Netherlands.

100% I don't deserve it I have so many friends back in South Africa, some who have doctorates that would be way more deserving than me.

I am only here due to being privvilaged enough that I could run away while affording all the complications that come from immigrating.

Where I come from we have a ton of uncontrolled immigration, it's only dangerous is you don't look after the desperate people who need help and especially dangerous when you try isolate them.

When your neighbour is suffering it doesn't matter how big your wall if you will suffer along with them.

My steam deck has been a god send! I am definitely looking forward to using Linux or trying it when I get to rebuilding my PC.

My biggest hope is that by the time I rebuild anti cheat for games like destiny 2 will work...

Fantastic ^⁠_⁠^ Hopefully this can makeup for the lack of SMS support

I wonder if this iteration will end up being the iteration that finally becomes viable.

Sounds like a fantastic feature request.

Have you had a look if there is one already?

Yes this would be amazing!

That's if they know about it and have access to any of the accounts.

For example you can setup a account that's almost completely anonymous.

The magic of the bad server is they have an R&D budget plus ops team so some waste while testing is covered, you tend to pay for mistakes on the good (home) server :P

Plus getting feedback from a good team beats a rubber duck XD

Same question, are they adding anything to the game?

I guess what makes sense is the breeding programs could be displacing the habits of wild frogs?

Best guess.

Great read ^⁠_⁠^

Definitely sending this to some of my friends who are stuck in this exact situation.

How long on average would you say it takes to generate your prompt template for a project?

Ooh that's very cool, I must investigate :3