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"...But Republican legislators continued to express doubt that someone would get in legal trouble for masking because of health concerns, saying law enforcement and prosecutors would use discretion on whether to charge someone. Newton said the bill focuses on criminalizing masks only for the purpose of concealing one's identity..."

I don't have faith that people would not get harassed or feel threatened by somebody because they are wearing a mask for health reasons. The law discourages mask use.

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😥 Horrible. Over $150 for chicken wings and macaroni, and still prompted for a large tip.

... Ranting...Then she also slowly killed a goat. There was also three horses put down in one week. I don't know how that is acceptable that three horses have to get put down in one week. Horses got old. I don't know if she's took it into her own hands to kill the horses but most people who have old sick animals call a large animal vet to the property and humanely euthanize. They don't need to suffer in agony and get their brains blown out.

If a dog's behavior is intractable to where it is killing the neighbor's livestock then fix it so the dog is not roaming around off leash. A puppy needs to be trained. A dog needs training. A 14-month-old canine is still a puppy. Many dog breeds do not mature until they are 3 years old. She needed a trainer, to research training that breed, or rehome the dog. Goats are known to be ornery and mean, she should know these things before she gets farm animals.

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I uninstalled it. I can't stand the "r/Hegetsus" promoted religious ads. It said it could not be blocked.

Products and services that have gone up because fuel costs more wont be going back down though.

Get your thyroid checked if you can, and rule out anemia too. Might also be a good idea to check for low vitamin D levels, that can also cause pain, fatigue, burnout, brain fog.

It may be depression with ADHD, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but get your thyroid checked and other things.

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Use a good steam cleaner and enzymatic cleaner that is often used for biological messes like pet urine. The enzymes will break down the odor and remove it.

Don't mix chemicals together. that can be dangerous.

It's like being bullied or grounded for some behavior crime over and over again. After a while a person stops caring about the things that got taken away and goes into suspension about liking anything because that too gets used as a weapon.

My birth certificate ☺️

Thank you! This is immensely helpful. There are a few subreddits or some other information that I need occasionally.

I think the saying is an abstract concept and began because the customer is always right if the business is doing well or not, but somehow the meaning got twisted around to an abomination of "Customer is entitled to bully, throw a tantrum and be arrogant and demanding."

I hope she doesn't drive a vehicle to work.

Well said. Back-to-back holidays are a chore, financially and mentally draining, and all the billions of decorations wind up in landfills.

Canine respiratory virus is not just affecting dogs at shelters and kennels, it is affecting pets in homes. Some dogs are coming down with it who have not had contact with other dogs.

Medication would run out so probably about a month.

You're right there are so many things that are not in control and it's not easy. It might not just be a thyroid issue that is causing it, but it doesn't help matters any. Many people have hashimoto's and are thin.

I'm 56, wear earplugs at night, and still hear an intermittent electrical noise. It's not a high-pitched whine, more like a low hum. I live in an apartment complex so it's likely the wiring. I have hyperacusis.

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A pinch of salt can lower the bitter taste of coffee, and is also good in dark cocoa. It also helps make grapefruit taste sweeter and If you are making veggie noodles (turnips make great veggie noodles) soaking the raw noodles in a little kosher salt/water can take the bitter flavor out so they taste more like pasta noodles when they are cooked.

Hopefully it's going to be okay. It could be staph infection or cellulitis going on.

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Dogs are getting this without coming in contact with other animals and some of the owners recently had covid.

Oh that's good then, a lot of people get diagnosed with depression and other issues and metabolic problems get overlooked and not tested for. I hope you feel better it really sucks to have burnout and fatigue.

They will get their paychecks garnished, or tax return checks garnished.

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Yeah, I think so. It could also be cleaning fluid that has pitted and eroded the finish. Alcohol is awful on coated things.

Everything is disjointed, confused, altered - except for the monitor.

18-year-olds are often referred to as teenagers when it comes to crimes. An 18 year old is considered an adult.

That poor, poor dog!!... it sounds like something serious like pancreatitis.

The people that voted for her pay attention to media that isn't Fox News?

The cost of groceries goes up - it never goes down. Electric rates are going up and it seems everything is going up. Medical care is horrible expensive and it's not going to come back down again. I don't know what planet she's on.

I wonder how many average 23-year-olds can afford a condo?

Same. And worrying if it's done a good enough job. The colonoscopy the time before my last one I had PEG solution and the magnesium citrate. Then I thought I was going to die. My blood pressure got really low and I couldn't function for a couple days. The doctor had me on a re-check in 5 years so the colonoscopy I had last year they only had me do PEG along with the liquid diet and that was so much better. Still not pleasant but I didn't get so weak and faint. I think there was a shortage of Mg citrate. If you can just do the PEG solution that might help and be enough. I don't go back for 9 years and hopefully the blood test will be enough.

And she killed 3 horses. Because they were old.

Well said. The name and logo reminds me of a parasitic worm.

Weigh another one with the package and see if it matches to what it says on the package. Use the produce weight scale at the store so you don't have to buy two of them. I have a suspicion that you're buying the package. But then if that's the case then those meat moisture absorbers also will add a lot of weight when it comes to buying meat.

I hate that. I wished there was a way to block terms or hide all previous posts so that you can hide a whole lot of them that you're not interested in reading.

I found out a couple years ago then I have no measles immunity. I'm not vaccinated because my mother never had had me get vaccinated when I was a child (I'm 56yo now.) She lied on my school records and made up random dates off the top of her head filling out school paperwork. Nobody cared back in the 1970's and 80's and we moved a lot.

To get the measles vaccination now will cost over $100, my insurance won't pay for it. I hope that I can come up with the money at some point and pay for it there is always something else that I need to spend that money on.

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I would like a hide previous posts option. So many things are reposted.


Litter loading is a thing. People buy a dog but it's swapped for a cheaper or non pedigree. DNA testing is done for puppies to verify that they are what they're supposed to be and AKC requires it sometimes.

Noem also shot three elderly horses and one very hated "demon goat". She has never heard of humane euthanization, or rehoming and training for the dog. I think she expected the dog to just naturally not act like a dog. At 14 months old they are still puppies and in their adolescent phase. To make matters worse people witnessed her doing the killings, and then children got off of a school bus.