
2 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

It can write really buggy Python code, so... Yeah, seems promising

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Even if the doctor couldn't hear, couldn't they see or feel the patient moving in pain?

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That must mean there will be close to 4x the stuff in it!

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I think the idea of cryptocurrency is funny, since it's just "I'm not playing your make believe money anymore, so we'll pay our own make believe money since you are obviously rigging the system". Kinda makes sense if adoption keeps up and the planet isn't on fire

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Yeah, there are multiple studies showing this. People who have mental illness are usually the victims of violence, not perpetrators


Oh also, if you have a mental illness you have a 1600% higher chance of being murdered by police for no reason


Yay, higher prices to offset the theft and increased surveillance!

Good luck!

The issue is those closer to the money printer get the biggest rewards (according to the US Fed's description of their stakeholders) so as they increase their supply of currency they can accumulate more goods, outpacing the rest of the classes which have to suffer through inflation, which debases their money, keeps wages low and goods prices increase

In an evenly distributed and fully observable currency supply which can rise and lower as needed, there is no inherent issue with fiat currencies as long as the issuing party is reputable and wages increase at the same pace (up or down) with all prices

I am okay with that, although not sure if I would have another opinion under different circumstances


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Totally! So videogames didn't exist a 100 years ago, much less 10,000 years ago, the rules aren't written yetand there is no evolutionary reason to think by 30s you can't. Do whatever you want and challenge yourself often

Is this teaching us not to dual boot and to have separate devices?

Yeah, hence why I'm looking for ideas

The issue here is we actually don't know how much inflation there is because we can't measure the quantity of fiat, which is why there are dozens of "inflation measures" which just study different baskets

But yeah, if inflation could be measured correctly and everything automatically updated (wages, costs, etc) then I'm not seeing an issue logically. But at that point it's just a fixed supply of money and prices adjust up and down, irregardless of currency type. That sound reasonable?

I think we need more restrictions on finances, so our human creativity can effect. What I see is that most advanced civilizations' largest export is literal trash due to excess and waste, so I figured why not have a discussion about it

Also, every fiat currency has failed in the two ways it can: hyperinflation or clout loss due to no trust in the issuing party (which tends to lead to hyperinflation). Innovation has stalled or at least hit the top of the S curve over the last 50 years, with mostly remixes of old ideas that tend to expedite the finite resources we have, so I don't think technology will outpace inflation

Thanks for the Lemmy original, nice touch!

Probably not encrypted, deprecated process

This project looks very cool, I hope it comes to be

Good advice, thank you for sharing

Local. It builds community and helps keep everyone fed and housed

Well, if it's not on a WiFi network, it'll be fine. CCTV is a great example of this. Just wire up some cameras, encrypt the harddrive and put it somewhere difficult to get to. Only way to disable all cameras at once would be an EMP. There are kits for a few hundred $ and all the data stays local

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The issue here is according to the Fed, the stakeholders get a 6% return, which is supposed to outpace inflation. So if the ones closest to the money printer get more every year, while the rest lose money due to inflation eating it, it doesn't matter if it could theoretically work, it leads to an accumulation to the class system at the top while the lower classes must continually work forever since their savings are worth less every year

Thanks for the input

Very good point, it might lead to more tribalism if kept too small

Nice! I'm glad it all worked out in the end!

That's a bummer, I was hoping they were built better. Are they at least fun to drive?

Good advice, thank you for sharing

Any archive link?

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This sounds cool. Why not make it 150 people per group max, since we can only have roughly 150 good human connections at any given time

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So the governments and the individuals are the innocent bystanders?

Value is vague on purpose, since it means that something retains its "essence" tomorrow as good or better than today. Otherwise humans would not even be able to feed themselves since the only reason I can have food in the winter is because I have something to exchange for food from places that have figured out to grow or store food. It also would be a terrible place if we worked very hard today and our returns depreciated rapidly, because there will be times when we can't work

Sure, stocks and bonds have historically held some value, but is near impossible to out perform base inflation and has gotten worse the last 20+ years. Physical land and tangible long term goods have held up, but difficult to use for trade, hence currency

So you're just very pro fiat?

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I can see this point, but how else do we store our spent engery? I personally don't want to be working when I'm 90 and the current only option is I have enough saved up something-that-holds-value long enough that I can pay for food and taxes (assuming I can own land)

I understand the frustration, but we are sadly dealt these cards and must play or... And there isn't much another option

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Good advice, thank you for sharing

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Very true, I'll do some research and if I remember I'll give you some papers

Well the issue here is we'd need full observability of the fiat currency, since how I've seen it, no issuing party ever states "there are XYZ units of currency in rotation". Maybe a not capitalist issuing party would be so transparent?

Haven't you seen how every time this has been done it leads to dictators and coups and massive starvation?!

Yeah, it could be a faulty system or we just keep trying it in states that have enemies that don't want it to succeed. I'll have to do more research from more modern thinkers, because yeah capitalism isn't sustainable without heavy regulation since humans are human...

I don't agree with either of my statements, I'm just asking what people think of a new system. The current ones aren't working for most living things on the planet in their current form, and it would be nice to have new thoughts

Good advice, thank you for sharing

Good advice, thank you for sharing

It doesn't matter what I believe, I was referencing an economic textbook on what an asset and currency are

What do you believe it to be?