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You can, you’ll just have to come pile it up

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The other day Astarion jutted his chin up and out (very smugly) and his neck stretched and the Addams apple moved correctly. Games have come so far

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Hypermasculinity’s “oppressors” include flowers, rainbows, other people choosing to wear dresses, a functioning government, and welfare.

Trans folks oppressors are the hypermasculine.

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They gotta put the new Z body on an electric base. I’d trade up

I forget where I read it but I think they’re pushing a republican rider with it to “outlaw foreign election money” or something. Which is funny since the biggest election interference I’ve seen was a “newspaper” I got last year, filled with disinfo and sent from Illinois. Probably from the Illinois republican billionaire that spent a boat load of money fighting weed/abortion in a state he doesn’t have any business being in.

Source film maker. Kind of like Garry’s mod but specifically for making videos.

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I really don’t understand this. All these search engine companies give millions of users a single button to create the most soulless art you’ve ever seen, but instead of caring about that they attack the tool that most enables the user to have control over their generation. You can argue that unlimited competition is bad for commission artists, but this attack is not “Pro Art”.

Using creative cloud isn’t a sin, but helping maintain Adobes industry stranglehold should be.

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If anybody reading this is voting against Biden because of Palestine (effectively a vote for trump under fptp) these are trumps #1 fans and bill payers

Pro trump is not pro Palestine.

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You know the kind of guy who does nothing but browse the internet and then wonders why his life sucks? One by one I’m gonna make up for all the grass I didn’t touch.

I grew up around and still live with these people. Let me tell ya how they think: They don’t. They don’t even really know what a liberal is.

To them a liberal is something other than them. And the ingroup they’ve spent their whole lives trying to fit into says that’s bad, so they are against liberals and everything they do and say and want. But so is everyone they know, so they’ll oppose liberals even louder and more extreme, in a bid to get noticed by their peers at work, church, family, and party.

And of course they’re right, liberals are shit. But they don’t know why, because again they Do. Not. Know. What. A. Liberal. Is.

And if they ever figure it out and outgrow the childish mentality of opposing without understanding, they will be outcast from their friends, family, and community. And that is the fear that keeps them lockstep in line, voting for the apocalypse.

Nobody tell Terrance Howard.

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Sorry, we can’t enforce any insurrection charges. Ohios AG Dave Yost is too busy restarting the death penalty and going after 10 year olds for getting abortions.

One party in particular benefits more from making those non issues into dog and pony shows. The bullshit asymmetry principle.

Looting API keys makes way more sense. They must have been stuck using GPT2 to write that incoherent statement.

desaturates you

Is it not enough that epic stole dead island? Now they’re gonna keep dying light forever too. And Microsoft controls COD. The zombie game craze finally died down and these big corpos bought up all the winners. Makes me wish killing floor was fun.

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I understand your point. It’s just good to highlight the things that make these groups oppressed. For the hypermasculine it’s anything that hurts their little feelings, and for trans people it is actual real persecution. And only one of these groups goes around screaming about the victim complex these days 🙄

In America at least, wealth mobility has been terrible historically. ie. If you were born poor you’re more likely to die poor. Born rich and you’re not likely to lose it. Despite all the data against it, poor people are still sold the American dream. This is a contradiction.

Leftists would see the poor as powerless against a system and society that set them up to fail, and aim to change the aspects of society that forces them to be poor, while others profited and thrived off of their labor.

Conservatives would (if you could read their minds at least, they know their thoughts are awful enough to keep to themselves) see the poor as powerless in the sense that they couldn’t help themselves and are therefore somehow not worthy of a dignified life.

And the fence sitters will allow half assed bandaids like welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps. And when the conservatives say they need to cut taxes for the rich, centerists will happily axe the bandaids, because they didn’t solve the core problems forcing people to be poor (and they were never designed to.)

If it cost but a penny, republicans wouldn’t afford dignity for their own mothers.

And they couldn’t afford it without a bailout from California.

To move away from those people meant leaving behind an entire community at a time when I didn't have many friends.

I agree we should just be mean to these people. They clearly are using logic to reach their conclusions and not just going with it because they feel the need to belong in a community . And knowing that they will 100% be mocked for life for changing definitely doesn’t make leaving harder.

If you want to make a pie from scratch…

I’m sure there’s plenty of people that make their living (or maybe barely scrape by) off digital art that are affected by this so I can understand some touchiness. I mean why pay $100 for an account avatar or other small commissions when you can generate it yourself in one second. But also, why pay a scribe to copy an entire book by hand when a printing press does it faster? The only difference in these statements is that hand scribe wasn’t a widespread profession 5 years ago.

To me an artist is someone who uses tools to realize their vision. As technology progresses so do the tools. ComfyUI is leagues better of a tool than something like DallE will ever be, but no the entirety of “AI Generated Art” is a ~sin~ and must be attacked. Oh, not the corporate zeitgeist heisters, but instead the users of the community driven software.

Trump and his base already conflate his many court cases catching up to him as the DOJ sent to stop a political rival. If Biden just pardoned the person who “stole” Trumps taxes, we’d hear about it nonstop til November.

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Payday 3 worked fine for me before the full release overloaded the always online servers for weeks. It’s a funner game than payday 2 but always online is ridiculous. I don’t want developers to just get away with that in the future.

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you won't be drowned out by the 2.7K+ tounge in cheek one liner comments because everybody is a comedian on Reddit.

But doctor, I am pagliacci.

See my other comment. I think that wall of doubt is consciously or subconsciously knowing that if they agree with you, have a realization, and their thinking changes, they will stick out and face getting that same cold shoulder from their friends, family, and community forever. Peer pressure is very real, especially in rural places where there aren’t too many peers to choose from.

There’s still notepad, but Windows 11 office suite is already subscription only. They’re only taking wordpad out so people who don’t know better are pushed to buy in to the racket.

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Acknowledgment of reality is leagues beyond what 95% of the gop is capable of.

I missed most of it. I was busy in Kvatch all day. It’s a shame, I really could have used that speedwalking class

I would urge the email protocol makers to stop the rampant corporate tracking. Basically every email sender gets your location, ip, and other info when you open it.

I’d bet facebook has a team of marketers working tirelessly to grow their fedi market share so that less informed people think of the fediverse as just a part of threads. They started their own free ISP and half the people that used it ended up thinking Facebook dot com was all there is to the internet. They’ve decided to ruin the fediverse next because by federating, they can see a ton of info about you/your account by default.

I think the FTC should do its fucking job, but until then people should stop these huge companies from getting exactly what they want as much as possible. I see no benefit, but a major threat from a company that spies and creates hordes of ill informed users. Literally they are in the news right now for man in the middling Snapchat data. You think they won’t/haven’t started that kind of thing for fedi? They can’t train their LLMs off Snapchat half as easy as they can here.

With how quickly my elite series 2 fell apart, I’m not sure they can get any cheaper.

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In Source

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Maybe if you take it as written but it will always be enforced unequally. In my rural ass troop there was a very heavy christian implication from scout leaders, and my parents. They didn’t end up forcing me to say it, but it was a very uncomfortable day of adults I was supposed to be able to trust repeatedly pressuring me to publicly announce my belief and helplessness in the face of a fairy tale. Not the only day I was religiously pressured either.

1 pic and an IPAdapter

Judging from what they said, it took a year to come to fruition and a week to poison the apple. The current kindergarteners are gonna be grown and graduated by the time the red tape lets way for another vote on the matter. Why not just make bills strictly about the thing they are proposing?

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That’s what I use but the triggers changing to type whatever you’re hovering makes using shift hard. I wish triggers were shift only and you could just tap the touchpads to type.

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I feel like Jumper or limitless could do something interesting with time loops

By Valve

Why a penny? Did you put a penny in this door? If I find a penny in this door I’m taking you down.

The guy chose to commit the crime. The republicans are looking for anything that sticks in their idiot bases brain and “Biden chooses to pardon anti trump criminal” will be on the fox or oan scroll until it’s burned into their eyes. Pardoning is Biden’s option, but if he does, that helps trump with his base in a tight race. Obviously he wouldn’t pardon.

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