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Joined 1 years ago

Embrace, they join the fediverse seemingly in good faith. Bringing their larger userbase to massively increase the size of the fediverse.

Extend, they add some features that are convenient when interacting with their base across the fediverse. But these conveniences require proprietary software integration.

Extinguish, once enough users and platforms are tied into the conveniences of extend, they use that to force compliance. Stricter and stricter rules on their proprietary software. Comply or die.

The fediverse won't be gone afterwards, but if it EEE works then we will end up very stifled.

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Most of us on the fediverse can sympathize with the idea that "its really frustrating not being able to use Reddit as a reliable spurce for obscure knowledge."

The difference is that we feel "its really frustrating that I can't rely on Reddit, because even if the answer is there I can't in good conscience support spez." Instead of "all the answers are gone because of these stipid protests."

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We get it.

You want to be edgy because you can't imagine how the resources spent and trained in a submarine rescue operation are completely different than the ones that would be useful in a surface ship rescue operation. Nor how resources stationed for North Atlantic operations wouldn't be able to reach the Mediterranean anywhere soon enough.

Or how "pushing boats back out" would be coastal work and that has virtually zero relation to open sea.

But you enjoyed watching these humans die because they're billionaires instead of refugees. You don't care about human life, you just care about political point scoring.

In this context it feels less like an ad, and more like "hey look how desperate they're getting".

Popular feels like the wrong word. If you're the only game in town for a specific service, that doesn't inherently mean you're popular.

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Shit, I remember these in school. And I'm 22, pretty sure early 20s isn't ood enough to count for an "are you this old" meme.

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Which, the "nuclear is evil and any power that isn't solar, wind, or hydro deserves literal death" circlejerk?

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I will not ask my fellow lemmy community members to blindly trust me on this.

This is the primary thing you are asking people to do. Literally everything else you said hinges on people blindly trusting you.

I understand wanting to protect your sources. But you're taking it to the other extreme by providing literally nothing except unprovable claims. Give us something, anything, even an easily faked email or pm. Just anything that requires even the slightest bit of effort beyond just typing up straight lies.

See the problem here is that you forgot that opinions are only allowed to include concerns or nuances that are on the approved list.

Anything you might be concerned about that isn't on the approved list puts you straight into wrongthink, double plus ungood.

Depends on how exactly you define popular.

If you use a definition that includes anything like "liked and admired" then she doesn't fit. Her service is busy but as this thread shows, most people openly state they only go to her because they have no other choice for these cracks.

Using popular hides how many people actively want to jump ship if only there was competition. It's like saying that Comcast is popular because they have so many customers who don't have a viable alternative to using them.

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Facebook in specific? Sure.

But the idea of platform meant for keeping in loose direct contact with your extended family and social group? That has merit.

I have opinions on when and how children should be allowed to access cigarettes, alcohol, and motorcycles. Are those opinions also boring, unnecessary, and entitled?

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Yes, but you're preaching to the choir here. The number of people who are willing to take that initiative but haven't yet is only getting smaller. So now people are thinking about how to help along the group who isn't unwilling to move, just maybe not move alone.

Part of that is building the fediverse up, more communities, more activity, more of the stuff that made us want to go on Reddit beforehand. But the other part is seeing if there's a good way to motivate the next group migration.

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Hi good, I'm dad

Aslo we shouldn't forget that it has been a particularly hectic week for anything reddit related.

Between connection issues related to the large influx of new users, lots of learning curve, ambiguity of whether reddit was going to back down or not, and just the general trying to rebuild our online worlds to account for what reddit was beforehand. It's not at all surprising that people haven't necessarily found time to build out the content of their new magazines.

That's not what they said at all.

What they said is that just because you don't agree with the opposite opinion doesn't make the person saying that opinion a troll. They may be a hateful motherfucker, but a hateful motherfucker who is trying to talk in good faith.

They aren't arguing some enlightened centrist "everyones opinions are equal" bullshit. They're just arguing that opposite opinion does not equal automatic troll.

It only helps regular people as long as nothing breaks.

You're still beholden to the huge company that's making the panels, or the company that's installing and maintaining them. On property panels are only as decentralized as your personal ability to install maintain and repair them. Off property panels are only as decentralized as the conglomerations that own every solar farm and wind farm.

You aren't "getting away from huge companies." You're just increasing the minimum footprint and ecological disruption needed to generate the power needed for modern life. Let alone the amount of increase needed if EVs are ever going to have a chance at challenging ICE for majority market share.

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Because those big businesses are only motivated by the profit possibilities.

If you take away that protection then they'll just stop trying. They don't give a shit about any of the motivations you listed. They'll wait for you to come up with something new, then use the advantage of their size to force you out of the market. You'll end up either giving up or trying again at which point they'll just repeat the cycle.

And there's nothing you can do to stop them because now they can be as open and blatant as they want with directly using your exact plans.

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Even with the donations I doubt there's that much of a profit to being made. Servers are expensive, and there's no way that servers are the only overhead that ernest is dealing with.

I was fully ready to believe that a vantablack pool would boil in direct sunlight. Not flash boil, but I excused that as the author being a bit enthusiastic.

Wasn't till the nuke that I was acting ready to call bullshit. The chlorine gas thing felt wrong, but I don't know enough about chemistry to be confident that flash boiling chlorinated water wouldn't produce chlorine gas at possibly lethal levels.

Nobody here is trying to force you to stop using it though.

They explained why they don't use sponsorblock, and why they believe you shouldn't either. But the choice is still yours.

Theres is a wide gap between offering a perspective on why watching the sponsorships is worthwhile, and trying to legally force you.

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Not necessarily.

Something like Facebook is still useful for keeping in touch with extended family and social circles. I may not particularly care about great uncle John, but it's nice to be aware that he's in the hospital after a bad fall without that information going through 5 rounds of the telephone game.

Somewhere like Reddit or the fediverse? I would never want my real identity associated with these accounts. It's nice to have some anonymity.

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But just like the river analogy, just because it's prone to change doesn't mean a every change is inevitable.

With enough effort you can divert a river, or stop it flowing at all with a dam. Likewise if enough people look at a chaneg to language and decide "no that's dumb and I'm not doing it", then the change doesn't happen.

Otherwise I could tell you that gnark is now the word for you as an individual, and you'd have no way to tell me that I'm wrong.

If enough people are willing to actively resist the change then the change won't stick. There's nothing magic about the new thing that makes it inevitable.

Yeah it was just a "from r/whateversub" along the bottom. Easily cropped out as well.

Even assuming they're mostly spam, you still need to listen to them in order to sort out which messages are legitimate.

I understand being annoyed by the task, but this is a job that's justifiable. It's not some petty make work bullshit (unless these messages have been collecting for months, then they can probably be safely ignored). Either way, it doesn't seem worthwhile to try and get all petty revenge about the situation.

So real world money that I can't actually take into the real world. This just feels like calling they're premium currency dollars and pretending it's not locked into their system.

Except there are inevitably power mods who would happily nump at the opportunity to claim a few more subs for their fiefdoms

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Yep, I made my account just before the blackout started because I knew there would be chaos when the big wave hit.

That whole week really.

I know people who made accounts one or two days beforehand because they correctly predicted that the wave of signups would cause issues. And I know people who waited till after Reddit made it clear that they weren't going to be changing their plan.

The biggest issues happened in the "BSASW" connection. Nothing Logitech could do about what goes on between seat and steering wheel.

The medical opinion backed up by doctors and the majority of the medical community used to be that alcohol for minors was fine and that cigarettes were good for you.

The medical community is perfectly capable of being wrong and prescribing societal dogma over anything else.

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None of those motivations you listed actually need IP to be abolished though.

If you're trying to differentiate yourself from the competitors, having IP protection is jn your favor. The large corporation you're competing with can't just swoop in and destroy you by making an identical product at a such a loss of profit until you run out of money.

If you're fueled by creating open source knowledge, well you can already do that. You can choose to release your IP into the world for anyone to use unrestricted.

And for a sense of community, well that's just the second point again. Abolishing IP was never going to make you feel community with Amazon. But having IP isn't preventing you from having community with individuals. You can still work on a project together without abandoning the idea of IP ownership.

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Sure, I can go harass people on gymnastics forums if that's what you want. But in that case it's only fair that I start harassing people on trans forums as well. I wasn't doing either of those things before, but you said I have to so I guess it's time to go bully some trans people.

I have no problem with condemning the people who push children into intensive training for competition gymnastics. And no, I don't believe them either when they argue that "the child wanted this." The parents wanted a child who fits a certain mold and the child is just trying to make their parents happy, or atleast not angry depending on how externally abusive that parent is being.

Also I absolutely support the idea of banning under 18s from getting nose jobs, boob jobs, lip fillers, taking PEDs, etc. Heck throw in piercings and tattoos as well for all I care. No procedure and no parental permission exceptions.

And a Hitchhiker's reference in the last sentence.

Heck, it feels like we only just left the time when "don't poop for 3 days" wa sthe dead horse of lemmy memes.

It doesn't matter what you can do with it. You couldn't really do anything with karma either.

Hear me out, giant text groups.

Just make an open text group for every post, name it the headline, and you can have the full reddit experience in one non-reddit app.

The place where you live is less relevant than the place where kbin lives. The servers are bound by the law of the country where they exist. If something on kbin violates Iranian law, no big deal. If something on kbin violates Polish law, big deal. If it violates US law but not Polish law, that's only a big deal if you as a user are US based.

And you're going to compete with them on price then? Even when they can and will sell every unit at a loss until you're driven out of the market. Unless you're wealthy enough to be part of the good ol boys club, you can't afford to play that kind of game. They can.

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Do you actually care that much about the creative story behind the latest widget that was added to your new appliance? Are you going to be choosing the 30% more expensive option every time because of that concern.

We aren't talking about art here, very few people give a shit about getting a "personal connection" with their new toaster. We're talking about buy use forget consumer goods. And if someone else is selling the same quality and the same features at a lower price, that's the one that your average Joe will buy. And will keep buying until you can't afford to keep making and selling yours because you can't compete on the metrics that people care about most.

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