1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oof. A lot of "helpful advice" about jobs is helpful not for the workers, but for the owning class.

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Maybe in some situations in the past owners were better to their workers, but in many cases there is an unbroken line of exploitation going back in the past. The idea that exploitation is an extremely new phenomenon benefits the owning class by concealing the long and bloody history of proletarian struggles.

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"Don't be a quitter" is like saying "Fuck your boundaries. Stay in toxic situations no matter how bad they get."

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Ah yes, the good ol' "Just get over it" technique that is supposed to work for any mental health condition.

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14 years is a long time. Hope you're having a better time now.

I feel like the phrase "sleeping like a baby" was not created by someone who was a primary caretaker for a baby.


That's so rude. People make such wild assumptions about other people's lives.

"The status quo is extremely unfair in my favor, get used to it pleb"

Damn I'm sorry you had to put up with that. And I feel bad for the wife for being married to him.

Wow, your family is being really shitty. You deserve better.


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People treat mental health stuff like it doesn't exist. Like if someone has a broken arm, and everyone tells them "Just stop having a broken arm!"

That's fascinating. Do you have suggestions for any resources that talk about how to do this in a healthy way?

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It's wrong to ban trans women from women's sports, because trans women are women.

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I envy the people who can be themselves at work without losing their job the same day. But only a bit, because it looks incredibly boring.

You make a good point about common advice often being too simplistic and generalized to be useful. And yeah, dating is rough. Glad you got better advice in the end.

Maybe they say there will be a recession to keep people scared, to keep people clinging to jobs they don't like because if there's a recession it will be hard to get hired elsewhere

If only it was that easy

Your parents are awful. You deserve so much better.



Glad you're here with us

If you decide to have kids and choose to have a co-parent, rather being a single parent, choose a co-parent who also wants kids. Having kids with someone who doesn't want them is cursing the kids to be raised by someone who doesn't want them, which can have significant emotional consequences.