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You can also find it on Mastodon,

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Fair warning: This only works if the other party, or the people watching the argument care. If the other party is just arguing in bad faith, don't expect to have a productive conversation. If the people watching the argument don't care and just want to see a spectacle, logic ain't gonna work.

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Conservative LGBTQ+ people make the mistake of thinking their richness or whiteness outweighs their LGBTQ+-ness in the eyes of their fellow conservatives.

It does not. You are being kept around as a trophy. You are who they are referring to in "Some of my best friends are gay!"

The instant it's no longer expedient to have a gay friend nearby, you'll be dumped.

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Capitalism is great, but it absolutely must be tempered by regulation.

The problem comes when the capitalist gains influence over the regulator, aka, regulatory capture.

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As an Xbox junkie, I want more stupid games on the Xbox platform.

But even I can recognize how bad this is for the industry.

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You kid, but this judge is right on the money.

The core problem though, is not that it's unconstitutional or not, but that, until recently, it's unconstitutional only in name. It's like that old saying, "If no one stops you, is it really illegal?"

Florida, and to a lesser extent Texas, have been pushing to see just how far they can go with wildly unconstitutional laws on the books before the rest of the country starts to push back.

Turns out: Really far. And even if the rest of us push back hard, they've proven that they can get away with some pretty egregious things while we aren't paying attention to their bullshit.

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I rarely agree with or endorse or agree with violence. But the rise of the far-right shitbirds has really led me to believe that perhaps General Sherman really should've gone all the way to the sea.

If I learned anything from playing Civilzation, even when you win a neighoring city over to your side with culture or trade alone, they're always going to be a problem. It's better to just raze the whole damn thing to the ground and start over in the same spot.

edit: I also won't fall victim to the paradox of tolerance. Punching Nazis is a net good. Superman does it, after all.

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I have had this in my ublock origin filters for quite some time. Seems to do the trick:


To paraphrase Clarence Darrow (not Mark Twain), I've never wished someone dead, but I've read some obituaries with great pleasure.

Really, the best part about all this shit is Reddit could've implemented a paid 3rd party API that wasn't insane. They could've updated their terms of service and required 3rd party apps to display ads. Shit, they could've leveraged the existing OAuth stuff to limit the 3rd party API access to users with Reddit Gold.

But nah, spez decided to be a greedy shitbird.

For fuck's sake, this article is nothing but outrage bait. Wired has gone to shit.

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Remember, elections have consequences. While, at least in the US, neither party is perfect, Republicans are actively engaged in climate denial.

Vote accordingly.

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No, it's not.

While the current expenditures predict, without any action, one of the funding sources for social security, the trust fund, will deplete in 2032, payroll taxes still exist.

Although the Trust Fund is projected to be depleted in 2033, Social Security will not be insolvent or bankrupt. Although it may not be able to pay 100% of the program’s cost, as it stands now, Social Security estimates it will be able to cover approximately 76% of the program’s cost due to employee and employer payroll taxes.

A simple fix -- remove the cap on the ssa taxable cap. Currently, only income under $160,200 (2023) is taxed for social security. Removing, or simply raising that cap opens up solvency for decades.

It was invite only for too long, and then, suddenly, it was required for everything Google.

Did you not get your assignment at the Agenda Meetup & Orgy last month? Contact your nearest Gay Representative -- usually a local TV news weather person or overly flamboyant dental assistant -- and get a copy.

Those straight marriages aren't going to break themselves up.

Turtle has always been a douche canoe. It's fun to see them melt down.

Yes, this is called regulatory capture.

Disco stick, as in

"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick / I wanna take a ride on your disco stick."

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If they're trump supporters... they probably wouldn't be paying you anyway.

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Unless maybe she was hiding something, maybe stealing funds and hiding them as overstock?

What's a little embezzlement between friends, right?

I can't think of a good reason beyond theft and/or embezzlement that the boss would react so strongly to missing inventory.

Everyone knows relational databases don't scale because they use joins.

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Who owns the debt for federal student loans?

I'll wait while you learn the answer is, "Department of Education."

Is the Department of Education a predatory lender?

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Don't forget old people glued to FOX News telling them "Democrats are evil" 24/7.

It's more insidious than you think. They're using the "we've got a financial interest in how the company performs" argument in the same way they did in the recent Supreme Court case allowing businesses to discriminate against gay people.

As stakeholders, if Target continues to offer LGBTQ+ merchandise for sale, these Attorneys General will argue that the financial losses Target might suffer is enough to sue them, to force them to stop selling that merchandise.

It's fucking evil. We should not stand for it.

A lot of science fiction writers try to address the problem of time when humanity becomes a space-faring race. Star Trek has the idea of a "Stardate" and instructed the script writers to just fucking make it up,

For example, 1313.5 is twelve o'clock noon of one day and 1314.5 would be noon of the next day. Each percentage point (sic) is roughly equivalent to one-tenth of one day. The progression of stardates in your script should remain constant but don't worry about whether or not there is a progression from other scripts. Stardates are a mathematical formula which varies depending on location in the galaxy, velocity of travel, and other factors, can vary widely from episode to episode."

Meanwhile, Asimov in the Robots / Foundation universe, everyone still uses the idea of a 365-day / 24-hour day "year", even if no one remembers Earth (except a R. Daneel Olivaw and a few others).

And Kim Stanley Robinson in his Mars trilogy does what OP notes -- Martian years are longer, and the societies diverge pretty rapidly, within a generation, for a whole host of reasons.

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I have a whole protocol for this.

You got a 5-count once there's no one in front of you to go. Then you get a quick tap.

Then you get a 2-count to start moving. Then you get a double tap.

Then you get another 2-count. If you haven't started moving by now, you get 1 tap every second until you fucking move for the love of fuck just fucking GO jesus tap-dancing christ in a Bethlaham drag show GO!!

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Well, good news. After the IPO, Spez will fuck off into the sunset and layoffs will be a'commin!

From the article, emphasis mine:

“Will this undermine most of what makes IAmA special? Probably,” the moderators wrote. “But Reddit leadership has all the funds they need to hire people to perform those extra tasks we formerly undertook as volunteer moderators, and we’d be happy to collaborate with them if they choose to do so.”

I think they're wrong. I don't think Reddit has the funds.

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You're thinking of unidan. Gallowboob just sort of stepped away after getting a job doing whassawhahum mumblemumble.

In finding Comer liable to Bungie for those costs—as well as over $80,000 in legal fees and $25,000 in statutory damages—the court also laid out the basis for "a new common law tort" that paves the way for other companies to do the same. As Tewson describes it in her Twitter thread, "the Court has created a path for those with the resources to identify stochastic terrorists and hold them accountable to do exactly that and recover their costs in court."

I am rarely on the corporation's side, but in this case, the outcome is the right one. While there's still a bar in that you need to be able to identify the person and have the resources to sue, this case sets a precedent that the behavior isn't okay.

Here's to hoping it stands on appeal, presuming the defendant bothers to appeal.

The product owners over at Reddit are going to be surprised to learn that Brazil exists.

It's okay to say "No" to two things at the same time without having to choose one or the other.

It's a skill those of us from the IRC days cultivated.

I'm glad I'm not good at it anymore.

just as nested comments on reddit is a revolutionary change to traditional internet forums.

Uh, Reddit hardly created the idea of nested comments. You can go back to usenet or Prodigy/Compuserve in the 90s and find nested conversations. Slashdot did it, Daily Kos did it, shit, even the old school VN Boards did it.

Unless I misunderstand your point?

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Right, the services are different enough in implementation that any sort of "seamless" thing would be a huge lift.

Better to just have a new app (Artemis, Apollo's twin?) integrate with Lemmy/Fediverse stuff with the same "feel" as the original.

It's worth noting, despite the terrible campaign, Clinton still won the popular vote.

That is a 50 state strategy. The electoral college is a problem, too.

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I did a GDPR request for all my data, and then aimed the reddit-user-to-sqlite script at it --

The metadata.json & recommendation to use datasette to interact with it makes finding old comments super easy. I've been going through all my comments sorted by date, clicking each permalink manually and editing-and-deleting them while bored during the workday (meetings, etc.). It has the added benefit of being incredibly difficult to figure out of I'm a bot or not.

I'm thinking of, instead, just pasting the content into chatgpt and editing the responses to leave it in place.

Running an entire Win11 VM with Edge would probably be faster than the current-gen Teams client. ;)

US Cellular is the only one, and they're planning a shutdown of CDMA "soon".

I'd advise OP to seriously reconsider. GSM won that war.

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